Friday, November 27, 2009


Well the Christmas season is upon us, it officially kicks off with Black Friday. Black Friday now starts on Thanksgiving when semi-normal people leave their family and dinner and set up tents, chairs, blankets, stoves, whatever and camp-out outside of (Insert store here) to get an extra $10 off that Christmas present which is usually for them and not for anyone else.

Oh, by the way, it is MERRY CHRISTMAS. It is the celebration of the birth of Christ. Christ + mas = Christmas. It is not the "Winter Festival", the "Winter Solstice", or the "Farkleberry Season." It is a RELIGIOUS holiday celebrating the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It is NOT a secular holiday, you get the day off because of Jesus Christ. While it is not the most important holiday in the Christian Calendar, it's pretty high up there. If it were not for the celebration of the birth of Christ, there would be no holiday, no presents, no Santa Claus and nothing for retailers to count on to make or break their year.

Now, one of the Christmas stories that has become popular is "How the Grinch stole Christmas." Meet Barbara (Don't call me mam', call me senator) Boxer. The house of representatives passed a version of "health care reform" that did NOT include abortion. Babs declared that abortion WILL be covered and that you WILL pay for it, because the senate WILL include it. Barbara WILL be defeated in 2010 as she finally has someone creditable running against her and she is already trailing in the polls. Carly Fiorina former CEO of HP will be the next senator from California. Boxer is a freak that has no purpose being in the senate.

Speaking of Freaks, the next one is Chris Matthews. His "interview" with the Bishop of Rhode Island Thomas Tobin was disgraceful. For 12 minutes he berated and lectured the Bishop on what the Church should and should not believe. For someone who "professes" to believe the teachings of the Catholic Church, Matthews is a not only a poor example of a Catholic, but he is a text book example of what an interviewer should not be. Matthews should have lost his job for conducting the interview the way he did, but he works for MSNBC which is dead last in the ratings and will be out of business soon anyway.
Freak number two is our old friend Barney Frank. Responsible for the collapse of the sub-prime mortgage system, it was reveled a couple of weeks ago that his "partner" was arrested two years ago at his home for growing marijuana. Barney was sitting on the front porch at the time and told police he didn't know anything about the pot in the backyard. Several weeks ago he was ask by a local Boston news channel about the not knowing the wackey-tobackey was growing in the backyard. His reply? "I am not a great outdoorsman" and "would not recognize most plants." This has been the story of Barney's life. His "lover" was head of Fanny Mae, but didn't know about the poor financial state they were in. His previous "lover" was running a male prostitution ring from Barney's Georgetown Condo in the 80's and Barney knew nothing about it! Looks like Barney keeps admitting that he knows nothing.
Well after THREE MONTHS, BHO is CLOSE to making his decision on his OWN General's request for 40,000 more troops in Afghanistan. This is not just another miscue, this is Jimmy Carter II. If you voted for this guy......
Like him or hate him, George Bush was decisive, made decisions and moved on. This guy can't even make a decision based on the advice of the General that he hand picked for the position!
Running off that Thanksgiving dinner eh Dave?

Thursday, November 26, 2009


"I shall never fight in the armed forces with a Negro by my side... Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds"
— Robert C. Byrd, in a letter to Sen. Theodore Bilbo (D-MS), 1944

A semi secret ritual in journalism is to write obituaries for famous people and have them "in the can" for when the time comes to use them. Several months ago I started to write Robert Byrd's obit and after four days gave up on it. I found myself writing a profanity laced column and not being like most liberals, I would never publish it. I don't roll that way. After my thoughts on Sarah Palin, a faithful reader wrote and said that I should comment on Robert Byrd and the fact that at 92 years old he's still in the senate instead of being a greeter at Wal-Mart. After much self editing, I took up the challenge.
There are times when I am forced to drive through West Virginia. I will admit that some of it is beautiful, most of it is not. It is as corrupt as Louisiana and as backward as the deepest part of Appalachia. I have been in the deepest parts of the south, where rebel flags still wave high over the schools and government offices and those parts are more forward thinking than most of WV.

John Denver must have been on one of those "Rocky Mountains High" when he wrote and sang "Country Roads."

It is fitting that I write about the Robert Byrd State on the weekend where my beloved Pitt Panthers travel down there to do battle with WVU.

As you drive through WV you will see signs everywhere; ROBERT BYRD STATE HIGHWAY/

Talk about your earmarks. John Murtha looks like Rush Limbaugh compared to Robert Byrd.

Byrd is called the senate historian, why not, it seams like he was standing next to John Hancock when he signed the Declaration of Independence.

He has been in the senate longer than Strom Thurmond and Thurmond was 100 years old!

Born (now don't laugh) Cornelius Calvin Sale Jr, he was raised by his aunt and uncle who named him Robert C Byrd. At the age of 24 he became an "Exhalted Cyclops" (I have no idea what that is) and later a "Kleagle" (a recruiter) In Byrd's own words he said that a Klan official told him, "You have a talent for leadership, Bob... The country needs young men like you in the leadership of the nation." Byrd later recalled, "suddenly lights flashed in my mind! Someone important had recognized my abilities! I was only 23 or 24 years old, and the thought of a political career had never really hit me. But strike me that night, it did."

But Byrd sang from a different hymnal when he became a candidate for the United States House of Representatives in 1952, Byrd gave this soft shoe; "After about a year, I became disinterested, quit paying my dues, and dropped my membership in the organization. During the nine years that have followed, I have never been interested in the Klan." He said he had joined the Klan because he felt it offered excitement and was anti-communist.

That came back to bite him in the preverbial but because someone found letters he wrote just a couple of years before, in 1946 or 1947 he wrote a letter to a Grand Wizard stating, "The Klan is needed today as never before and I am anxious to see its rebirth here in West Virginia and in every state in the nation."

In the late 90's he told students if they were considering a career in politics, "Be sure you avoid the Ku Klux Klan. Don't get that albatross around your neck. Once you've made that mistake, you inhibit your operations in the political arena."

This is a man who took his turn and filibustered for 14 hours against the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

Later in another interview the topic turned to race relations, Bryd then gave us this little gem; "They're much, much better than they've ever been in my lifetime... I think we talk about race too much. I think those problems are largely behind us... I just think we talk so much about it that we help to create somewhat of an illusion. I think we try to have good will. My old mom told me, 'Robert, you can't go to heaven if you hate anybody.' We practice that. There are white niggers. I've seen a lot of white niggers in my time, if you want to use that word. We just need to work together to make our country a better country, and I'd just as soon quit talking about it so much."

I have a friend who is a state trooper in Florida. Before that he worked in West Virginia. He told me the story of his partner stopping Byrd after a hit and run accident. The Officer was following a new Cadillac when it swerved and hit another car traveling down the road and the driver just kept going. The Officer seeing this first hand put on his lights and siren and pulled the Caddy over. Well guess who was driving? Robert C Byrd the SENIOR Senator of West Virginia. He goes up to the car and Byrd is getting out yelling profanities at the trooper. The trooper asked him for his license and owners card. An inebriated Byrd reaches into his suit coat and pulls out this leather bound pamphlet. He points to a section that states something like "senator in performance of his duties cannot be impeded by anyone including law enforcement in conjunction with their duties." So this trooper tells Byrd to sit tight. Now this was in the late seventies or the early eighties and Byrd has a telephone in his car. While the trooper is trying to sort things out, he gets a call from his commander telling him to let the senator go and come back to the barracks. Hesitantly he does and when he reports back to his commander gets his butt chewed out and gets assigned to patrolling some section where one car a day drives by.

The trooper gets screwed, the people who Byrd hits gets screwed and we all get screwed by Robert Byrd.

Robert Byrd is a piece of excrement that keeps being elected just based on the pork he brings back to WV.

The FBI didn't want a new finger printing center in West Virginia, but they got one forced down their throat by Robert Byrd. The Navy didn't want or need a new atomic clock, but they got one shoved down their throat by Robert Byrd. The list of pork barrel projects goes on and on.

Whenever there is a story on David Duke, EVERY newscaster starts out; "Former Grand Dragon of the KKK David Duke...." Do you hear that when they talk about Robert Byrd? Why is that? It is not because he's a democrat is it?

I love old people, I really do. I hope to be 92 years old someday. (I hope you are reading this God) But a 92 year old bigot and big money spender does not belong in a wheel chair, drooling all over themselves in the senate chamber. When he fills his diaper in the middle of a filibuster, (bringing new meaning to the word "filibuster") are the going to have to stop proceedings while they air out the chamber? I have a three year old and a mother in a nursing home and trust me, when they load their diaper, it smells the same, really freaking bad!

There is no reason why guys like Byrd and Thurmond should serve so long. Most of the time they are comatose during debate and can't add anything to the issues at hand. It's just a status symbol, getting their names in the history book while we all pay the price.

I'm willing to bet that Byrd doesn't know here he is half the time, let alone what they are voting on.

Take some of the graft that you have accumulated over the years, buy a nice condo along the Elk River in Charleston and enjoy whatever time you have left on this earth.

You'd be doing us all a favor, not because you are useless, but it cost us all each time they name a building or a road after you. If you really want to serve your country in the twilight of your life, retire. The cost of your retirement pension is got to be a savings compared to the next pork barrel project you are going to have named after you.

This correspondent would like to wish you and yours a safe and healthy Thanksgiving. During your prayer before the meal, please take a moment to thank your God for the men and women who serve this country unconditionally each and every day of the year. May God Bless each and every one of them and may he bestow his blessing on you and yours.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Today was suppose to be a semi-light hearted column about the "turkeys" in the administration and their bumbling of everything from health care reform to troop deployment. It was until the news came out that requires, no, demands that I comment on.

From that news agency that some looney tunes think is not a real news agency:

Navy SEALs have secretly captured one of the most wanted terrorists in Iraq — the alleged mastermind of the murder and mutilation of four Blackwater USA security guards in Fallujah in 2004. And three of the SEALs who captured him are now facing criminal charges, sources told

The three, all members of the Navy's elite commando unit, have refused non-judicial punishment — called an admiral's mast — and have requested a trial by court-martial.

Ahmed Hashim Abed, whom the military code-named "Objective Amber," told investigators he was punched by his captors — and he had the bloody lip to prove it.

Now, instead of being lauded for bringing to justice a high-value target, three of the SEAL commandos, all enlisted, face assault charges and have retained lawyers.

Matthew McCabe, a Special Operations Petty Officer Second Class (SO-2), is facing three charges: dereliction of performance of duty for willfully failing to safeguard a detainee, making a false official statement, and assault.

Petty Officer Jonathan Keefe, SO-2, is facing charges of dereliction of performance of duty and making a false official statement.

Petty Officer Julio Huertas, SO-1, faces those same charges and an additional charge of impediment of an investigation.

The three SEALs will be arraigned separately on Dec. 7. Another three SEALs — two officers and an enlisted sailor — have been identified by investigators as witnesses but have not been charged. obtained the official handwritten statement from one of the three witnesses given on Sept. 3, hours after Abed was captured and still being held at the SEAL base at Camp Baharia. He was later taken to a cell in the U.S.-operated Green Zone in Baghdad.

The SEAL told investigators he had showered after the mission, gone to the kitchen and then decided to look in on the detainee.

"I gave the detainee a glance over and then left," the SEAL wrote. "I did not notice anything wrong with the detainee and he appeared in good health."

Lt. Col. Holly Silkman, spokeswoman for the special operations component of U.S. Central Command, confirmed Tuesday to that three SEALs have been charged in connection with the capture of a detainee. She said their court martial is scheduled for January.

United States Central Command declined to discuss the detainee, but a legal source told that the detainee was turned over to Iraqi authorities, to whom he made the abuse complaints. He was then returned to American custody. The SEAL leader reported the charge up the chain of command, and an investigation ensued.

The source said intelligence briefings provided to the SEALs stated that "Objective Amber" planned the 2004 Fallujah ambush, and "they had been tracking this guy for some time."

The Fallujah atrocity came to symbolize the brutality of the enemy in Iraq and the degree to which a homegrown insurgency was extending its grip over Iraq.

The four Blackwater agents were transporting supplies for a catering company when they were ambushed and killed by gunfire and grenades. Insurgents burned the bodies and dragged them through the city. They hanged two of the bodies on a bridge over the Euphrates River for the world press to photograph.

Intelligence sources identified Abed as the ringleader, but he had evaded capture until September.

The military is sensitive to charges of detainee abuse highlighted in the Abu Ghraib prison scandal. The Navy charged four SEALs with abuse in 2004 in connection with detainee treatment.

Awwwwe. Did the big bad terrorist get himself a fat lip? Let's get together and throw him a big pitty party!

You talk about "Chicken Hawks" in the congress, well here's another "Chicken Terrorist." Plan the operation, have someone else do the dirty work and disable the victim and when it is safe, come in and kill the infidel, then being a BMOC (Big Man On Campus) kick the corpse, burn it and hang it from the bridge for the world to see.

These are the same ones who will talk someone else into strapping on a belt full of dynamite to get their 72 virgins, but would never dream of actually doing it themselves.

This correspondent knows more about the Navy SEALs than the average bear (How and why is not your concern.) and I can tell you from experience that if this had happened in the 70's,


If this had happened in the 70's, this raghead would have wished that a bloody lip was the only thing he would have received and would have been praying to Allah thanking him for that bloody lip.

Don't get me wrong, the SEALs are the most professional and dedicated TEAM in the history of the world. They do their job (when allowed) and they do it right. They are in and out, mission complete before anyone knows it. They are simply the best.

G. Gordon Liddy once said that Muammar Gaddaffy Duck's biggest fear was waking up with four Navy SEALs surrounding his bed.

They are that good.

To even think of charging these men on the word of this camel jockey is a travesty in and of itself.

War is hell and political correctness will kill you quicker than any bomb or bullet.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009



There are some things you can count on, take to the bank, bet the house on, whatever term you want to use; death, taxes and if you want to know who the democrats are more afraid of, look to see who they are attacking.

Sarah Palin was the Vice Presidential candidate in 2008 and the democrats have been trying to marginalize her ever since. If you're looking to see who they fear the most, it's the one they constantly attack.

They attacked her after McCain made the announcement, during the campaign and after the election. When she went back to Alaska, they continued to attack her. When she resigned as Governor, they attacked her. When she wrote a book, they continue to attack her. Why? Because they know she can energize the base and she does have a head on her shoulders. She's not as dumb as they are making her out to be and she's not the idiot they keep trying to tell you she is.

When she ran for Vice President, she had more experience than BHO, having run a town and a state as well as having experience as a business woman.

If she wasn't a real threat to them, they would have left her alone and not keep shouting her name to the mountain tops. They would have left her to die in obscurity, a footnote in history, a Trivial Pursuit question.

But they don't.
Maybe they think that Mitt Romney isn't a threat. Have you heard anything from the dems about him?
How about Mike Huckabee? He's on the television all the time and he recently wrote a book and is going on tour. Haven't heard them trying to marginalize him or Romney have you?

No, they think that Palin is the bigger threat.

Will she run for President in 2012? Who knows, but the democrats must think she's the real deal, otherwise they would have let her fade away.

How's that work-out regiment working out for you Dave?

Friday, November 13, 2009





In a move that can only be categorized as a slap in the face to New York and all of America, the Obama administration on Friday announced that the mastermind behind the September 11Th attacks will be brought to New York City to be tried in Criminal Court for the attack that left over three thousand people dead.

Ron Jeremy look a like, (he only wishes) Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and five others will be transferred from the Guantanamo Bay Detention Center to New York where they will be put on trial, given the same rights as you and I and make a mockery of our judicial system, all while placing the city and people of New York in the cross hair of the Islamic Terrorist who want to destroy this country.

Yes, I said Islamic Terrorist. While the Obama administration no longer allows it to be called "The War on Terror," I call a spade a spade (so to speak) and call it as I see it.

The last time one of these towel heads stood trial in an American Court, was that blind cleric, Sheikh I want-a-milkshake. When that happened was that the World Trade Center was attacked the first time, the USS Cole was attacked and other attacks upon American interest around the world took place.
Eric Holder is a nut job if he thinks that he's doing the right thing by putting these camel jockeys on trial in Federal Court. The military tribunals were set up to handle these cases of enemy combatants.
What is going to happen is that you are going to place the lives of twelve innocent Americans who were un-lucky enough to have drawn the short straw and selected to serve on the jury in jeopardy.

You also place the life of the judge and his family in jeopardy. Just ask former Attorney General Michael Mukasey who was the judge during the blind sheikh's trial. A fatwa was placed on him and his family calling for the death of the infidel because he had the nerve to dishonor such a righteous and religious man by presiding over his trial.

You leave the city of New York Vulnerable to another attack by groups or single individuals such as the whack job doctor at Ft. Hood.

You open up classified documents, techniques as well as evidence gained through interrogation for the world to see in open court.

The CIA and other agencies will be put on trial.

Where are you going to "confine" these fine upstanding citizens during the trial? How will you transport them to and from the courthouse and keep innocent people safe?

What if you have a bleeding heart liberal judge who has "empathy" for their cause?

Where are you going to find twelve jurors who don't have an opinion about this case?

What are you going to do if you loose this case and he walks free?

Rudy Giuliani spoke today and made several of these points. He is incensed and beside himself at the idea of bringing these rag-heads to New York for trial and pointed out many of the issues raised and a few more. Their attorneys are going to be their advocates and the trial will be nothing but a soap box for Mohammed to conduct his Jihad against the United States.

Of course the ACLU says that this is a great victory to have the trails moved from a military tribunal to US Court.

The prosecution rest.

Cries of "Allahu Akbar" (Allah is the greatest) will be a daily occurrence during the trail. The last time we heard that was last week when an American camel jockey shot up Ft. Hood.

The same Justice Department that is bringing you the "Trial of the Century" to New York City is saying they don't think the incident at Ft Hood was a terrorist attack. Oh really? Let's look at what we know:

Nidal Malik Hassan was an Islamic who attended the same Mosques as the 9-11 hijackers, was in contact with the same Imam that ran the Mosque, had contacted Alkida operatives at least 20 times and yelled YABA DABA DO (Allah is the greatest) while his was blowing away United States military personnel. No, I don't see any connect with terrorist do you?

Now his lawyer is trying to drum up sympathy for Hassan saying he's in a great deal of pain, he is paralyzed from the waist down and he is in critical condition.

How soon before he files a law suit saying that he was shot unjustly? He forgot to mention that the "Good American" (as his cousin keeps calling him) is dead from the neck up!
With sincere apologies to Fred Flintstone and company, these Yaba Daba Doers want us all to die. We are infidels because we don't believe in the same God they do. We are infidels because we don't want to live in the stone age as they do. We are infidels because we embrace freedom and they don't.

We should have blown them back to the stone age they love so much when we had the chance.
Poor Ron Jeremy. He won't be able to visit New York during the trial for fear that some idiot will think he's Mohammed and try and take him out.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


The eleventh month, the eleventh day, the eleventh hour, the eleventh minute, of the eleventh year.

For those of your with a public education after 1965, that was the end of the "War to end all wars," WWI. The armistice (that is what they called the signing of the peace treaty to end the war) was signed on November 11, 1911 at 11:11AM.

It was called Armistice Day in the United States until 1954 when it became Veterans Day to honor the veterans of the United States.

This is a day in which we honor ALL veterans of the United States Military. It is a day that we veterans remember our fallen brothers.

We remember our Shipmates, Air Mates and Brother Grunts, realizing that their sacrifice has given us our freedom.

WWI 116, 516 WWII 405,399 Korea 36,574 Vietnam 58,220 Persian Gulf 382
Afghanistan 916 Iraq 4,362

In addition, 92,600 have never been found for a proper burial.

Because of the sacrifice of 714,969 Soldiers, Sailors, Marines, Airmen and Coast Guardsmen, much of the world is free. Some of the same countries that run us down exist because of these brave men and women.

These are the sons of farmers, mill workers, lawyers, doctors, teachers, policemen, firemen, civil servants. They come from all walks of life, from all levels of society, from every state in the union.

They have done what few of us as a society are willing to do, they have given the ultimate sacrifice for their country.

Those of us who came back, came back changed. Most came back as boys turned into men. Some came back broken and a shell of the person they once were. Some came back to a hero's welcome. Some didn't even get a thank you.

Right now there are approximately 2 million veterans in our country. Perhaps you know one of them.

Please thank a veteran and let them know you care.

Friday, November 6, 2009

A Conservative Encyclical

Over the years the reigning Pope will from time to time release an encyclical which expresses the Church's position on a subject. That is the short layman's term. While I don't compare myself to the Pope, (Hell I still have enough problems being compared to Don Cannon) I do from time to time release my own encyclical designed to state my position and hopefully enlighten you the reader into my thought process.

This is done over a period of several days to several weeks. These encyclicals are not written in one sitting and much thought goes into them. For the last couple of weeks, I have thought about what is a real conservative, what are the beliefs and what misconceptions and misinformation is out there.

I am a Reagan conservative. In short, I believe in what Reagan believed in, what he stood for and what was important to him. Now times have changed, there is a war against terrorism and not a cold war. Our enemies have changed to a degree, but our core beliefs remain the same.

I believe that the constitution is not a living, breathing document. As with the Bible, the changes in society and in our lifestyles do not change the meaning of the constitution. Simply put, the founders of this country felt that the words and meaning were written to stand the test of time. If you read Madison, Jefferson, Franklin or any of the founders, the Constitution as written was meant to serve us throughout time. Amendments could be added, but those crafted by the founders were the core that would let this country soar above all others.

The government is there for two reasons. It is there to protect our constitutional rights and to protect us from enemies both foreign and domestic. It is not there to limit our rights or to be a "nanny." The constitution is there to protect us from a government that would want to control us.


We have the freedom to speak and associate with whoever we want. We have the freedom to worship as we wish and we have the freedom not to worship if we don't believe.

That does not mean that a small minority has the right to tell a speaker at a high school graduation that they cannot thank their God for their blessings if they want to.

There is no such thing as a "separation of Church and state." There is no such reference in the constitution. What the constitution states is that there will be no government run or endorsed religion, such as the "Church of England." It does not say that a Manager or Menorah cannot be placed on public property as a sign of respect to those members of the community who identify with those sects.

The constitution protects use from unwarranted searches and does not allow the government to take our property at a whim. The constitution also gives us the right to bare and keep arms.


Our laws and society are based on Judea-Christian laws. Almost all of our core laws, murder, theft, perjury are based on religious law given to Moses on the mountain top. Our society is based around these laws and based on the religious values of the community. We swear and take an oath on a Bible that we will tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Our congress starts each session with a prayer and every inauguration of a President starts and ends with an invocation and benediction.

Every President, Vice President, member of congress, cabinet member and military personnel take an oath to "Preserve, protect and defend, the constitution of the United States, So help me God."

Our laws are there to protect our people and our society. Our Judea-Christian values demand that justice be blind and that each and every person receive a fair and balanced day in court.


The military is there to protect us. This is done in two ways. The first is the most desirable way and that is "To show they flag." An example of this is the way we use our Navy. First ports of calls are not just for sailors to drink and get laid. When we pull into ports, the citizens and the people in charge see the power and might of the United States and they think twice about starting trouble with us.

Imagine an aircraft carrier like the USS Reagan pulling into Singapore. The show of the massive weaponry shows not only the people of Singapore the power we have, but it also shows the Chinese the superior power that we have. Granted, the Chinese now have modern equipment and more of it, but they are no where near the technical level we are on. Of course, with more and more of the technical information being passed on to China, they may be at our level soon.

The second is to make war. War is a last resort and should be used sparingly, but it is an option that we should never take off the table. We have the most modern, well trained and deadliest military in the history of the world. In many respects, we don't know our own strength. When Bush 41 went to war against Iraq during the Gulf War, many felt he should march straight to Baghdad. Generals Powell and Schwarzkopf argued against going to Baghdad because of the "massive casualties" we would suffer.

Turns out when Bush 43 went to Baghdad, we were there in less than five days and the only casualties we suffered were basically self inflicted.

When we go to war it should be with a purpose, with strength and resolve and it should be swift and deadly. We cannot fight a "politically correct" war, we need to strike where the enemy is and not worry about the innocents. This sounds cold, but it is not. When the innocent realize our resolve, they will drive the insurgents out into the open rather than risk their own lives. When we do go to war we should go to win and we should have a clear exit strategy.


I believe that taxes should remain low for everyone. Studies and past experiences show that there is more economic growth and more revenue poured into the government when taxes are low. The argument that the rich do not pay their fair share of taxes is a pure and utter lie. The rich pay a majority of the taxes and create the wealth and jobs in this country.

When was the last time you saw someone on welfare sign a payroll check? Who do you think owns the companies that provide jobs? When someone who has wealth makes money, what do they do with it? They invest it to make more money. When the invest their money, it goes to companies to expand their operations, which in turn creates more jobs. When more jobs are created, more tax revenue is generated.

John F Kennedy believed in supply side economics as did Ronald Reagan. When Reagan fought for lower tax rates this country enjoyed the longest and most prosperous growth period in American history. Unemployment which was at 10.5% when Reagan took office and it was at 4% (which most economist describe as full employment) when he left office. Inflation was at 21.5% when Reagan took office and when he left it was under 2%. Interest rates were at 21.5% when Reagan took office and were down to 6% when he left office.

Over taxing the rich or anyone for that matter, does not lead to prosperity.

More jobs and wealth were created when taxes were lowered and the government enjoyed a windfall of revenue which they promptly wasted by expanding government and entitlement programs.

The government must take windfalls and "reinvest" the money into the programs they have "borrowed: from for years, like the Social Security Trust fund, the Medicare Trust Fund and the Highway Trust Fund. The government must learn to live within it's means and not mortgage the future to our children and grandchildren.

The progressive tax system is unfair and unreasonable. There is even a question of whether or not it was legally ratified. That said, with payroll taxes, state taxes, property taxes and sales taxes, Americans pay anywhere from 35-70% of their income in taxes depending on their income. A flat tax or a consumption tax would be the most fair approach. With the consumption tax you tap into a large segment of society known as the "underground economy." These are people who pay no tax, those who mostly deal in cash with no record of payments being made. With a consumption tax, everyone is forced to pay. If you buy something, you pay the tax.

Conservative estimates place the revenue from the underground economy to be somewhere around 50 billion dollars. That is the low ball estimate.

We need to balance our laws and regulations to allow the "free market" to work and do its job, but also allowing for those who prey upon others and who are unscrupulous in their deals to be brought to justice. We cannot just regulation and stifle free enterprise because someone "might" take advantage of the system. Those that work outside the law need to be held accountable for their actions.

The government has no right bailing out companies or industries. The free market will correct itself on its own and the government does not need to step in at every crisis and "take over" to correct a downturn.

Government stimulating of the economy does not help the situation, it only prolongs the hardship and does not correct the problem. It exacerbates the problem and only treats the symptoms, not the disease.

Government intervention has never worked as it was intended and has led to inflation, devaluation of the dollar and higher unemployment. A major study from USC Berkley found that FDR's actions during the great depression extended the depression 13 years, that they markets would have recovered sooner without any intervention by the government.


Our borders need to be protected and not from Pedro. While it is true that illegal immigration is putting a burden on our health care system, welfare system and economic system, the real reason for tighter border security is terrorism. God only knows what has crossed our borders since 2001. Anyone could have smuggled in nuclear or biological weapons a hundred times over. We have a right and a duty to know who has entered our country, why they are entering our country and what they are bringing to our country.

This is not an attack on Pedro, this is common sense.


We cannot really say that we are a country that promotes human rights when we ourselves do not protect the most vulnerable. If we continue to allow abortion on demand, then we as a society are lost and are not as free as we think we are. We have a moral and righteous duty to protect life, especially the life that cannot speak for or defend themselves.

We also need to protect the other most vulnerable members of society, that being our senior citizens. These are people who have worked their whole life, who helped to make this country what it is today and some of them have become the most dependent on our support. We should be celebrating their lives, not looking at them like they are a burden on society.

We need to help those less fortunate, those who cannot work or function because of legitimate medical conditions.

We need to help those who want to help themselves. For the urban gang-banger, we need to show them there is another way. We need to educate not just incarcerate. We as a society need to expand the education opportunities to those who are willing to work and who are willing to learn.

We need as a society need to make welfare limited and unattractive. If someone takes a lessor paying job, I have no problem with supplementing them with medicaid and food stamps as long as they continue to work. Starting jobs such as McDonald's and Burger King can and do provide valuable work experience and contrary to what some will tell you, can and do lead to better paying jobs.

We should not allow someone to make a career out of welfare. It should be a safety net and not a means of support. Allowing someone to remain on welfare is en-slaving them and making them dependent on you. Those on the liberal side know that they have made those on welfare dependent on them and cry at every election that they need to be re-elected, otherwise you will loose your benefits.

Providing someone with education means that those who become the educators should be qualified to teach. Just because a teacher has twenty years of service does not mean they are qualified. Teachers should be held to higher standards and should be judged and retained on the basis of merit. They should be tested and judged on the performance of their students. Higher wages for those who past the muster so to speak are reasonable and deserving. Those who do not qualify can be retrained for another line of work.

Our judges should be blind and follow the constitution. Everyone deserves their day in court before a fair and impartial judge. Their case should be judged on the merits of the case within the law, not because you have "empathy" for their cause.

The government cannot be allowed to take over the nation's health care system and run it like they have the Social Security System, Medicare or even the "Cash for Clunkers Program." As stated many times, we have the greatest healthcare system in the world that needs "adjusting" not ripped apart and rebuilt. We need tort reform. Doctors can't do their job if they can't afford malpractice insurance. Frivolous law suits need to be eliminated. Those without merit need to be thrown out. On the flip side, those doctors who are incompetent and who inflict damage on a patient need to pay and be held accountable.

Sleazy trial lawyers who prey on doctors, nurses and hospitals need to be run out of business. Those that "channel" dead children at trials and receive unwarranted judgements should be disbarred and not allowed to practice.

We need to have real choice in selecting health insurance. Right now the states limit the companies who can sell in their state, so if you find a better and cheaper plan for you in Ohio and you live in Pennsylvania, you can't buy it. We need to have an open market which will drive cost down. The insurance companies are not always the bad guys. Some have done some disgusting things, but others have served their customers well.

We need to look to ourselves for the solutions to our problems. We need to get back to the America where people looked out for each other and were there to support and help each other when it was needed. We need to take responsibility for ourselves and not look to the government to take care of us. As Reagan so eloquently said; "Government is not the solution to the problem, government is the problem."

We look to the government to protect us from the evils of fast food, tobacco, hot coffee etc., when we should be taking responsibility ourselves.

We are our brother's keepers and we have a responsibility and moral obligation to help the sick and unfortunate, the homeless and the prisoners. We do this through charity and volunteerism, not because we are forced to, but because we know that it morally right and to be quite honest, beneficial to us as a society. The old proverb that if you give a man a fish he eats for one day, but if you teach him how to fish, he eats for a lifetime is so true even today. We as a society need to help those who need a hand not a hand out and give those the opportunity to better their life.

Finally, we need to remember that this is the greatest country on the face of the earth. No one gets on a rubber raft to leave for Cuba. No one goes to France, Germany or Italy for medical treatment. No one goes to Moscow to live the Russian dream. People come to this country for the freedom, the opportunity and standard of living that we have.

Conservatives are not evil. They are not morons or rednecks, our cause is not to limit people's rights or freedoms or to keep this country from moving forward. Our beliefs and philosophy mean greater freedom for all and less government intrusion into everyone's lives.

Conservatives value and understand the free market system, but are not in bed with big business. Conservatives believe that everyone deserves to have the chance to succeed, prosper and reap the rewards of hard work.

Conservatives believe that public service is just that, service to the public, not a chance for someone to make a career on the backs of their constituents. A public servant works for you, you don't work for the public servant.

Conservatives believe that everyone is subject to the same laws and that special treatment just for some is not only illegal, but immoral as well.

Conservatives believe in equal rights for all and that new laws are not needed for special interest groups if the laws already on the books are enforced.

Conservatives believe that less government is good and that everyone should be responsible for their own actions.

We should be thankful for this country and work everyday to keep the freedom, opportunity and optimism alive.

Thursday, November 5, 2009


Military personnel at Ft. Hood now confirm that the shooter who killed at least 12 people is alive and was not killed as earlier reported.
Our thoughts and prayers go out to the families, friends and co-workers of the people who were killed and injured today at Ft. Hood today. In the coming days and months there will be plenty of time to dissect the events of today. I had no plans of blogging today as I have been working on a major piece that I plan to release in the coming days, but felt compelled to write. We need to be focused on this tragedy, what happened and why? We need to pray for those killed and injured and we need to pray for all who serve our country.

This is a horse's ass
This is JohnMcIntire
They are interchangeable.

In his blog, Johnny couldn't wait to blame this tragedy on a "Right Wing Nut." Even when it was found out that the shooter was a Muslim, he still continued on the right wing nut line.

Johnny is a hate monger, a moron and a horse's ass.

Sunday, November 1, 2009




The house is introducing it's own version of "Health Care Reform" and if passed, everything BHO has said is a lie! Crafted by Reid, Pelosi, Axelrod and Rahm, the bill contains language that contradicts everything BHO has been saying.
Just a BRIEF sample of the lies contained in the 1990 pages of mumbo-jumbo set forth the the democrats:

*You will not be allowed to keep your own insurance or insurance provided by your employer after 2013.

*Abortion is funded.

*There are death panels.

*There is a payroll tax.

*You will be taxed on items such as knee and hip replacements, hearing aids and glasses.

*Your representative and senator do not have to "opt in" to the plan.

*All plans offered are the same except for the premiums and co-pays. If you pay a higher premium, you co-pay is lower.

These are just the highlights.


If you think I need a tin foil hat, download the report that is online and read it.
