With the passage of Obama-care, there is a growing dissatisfaction within the electorate towards their representatives. The actions of their representatives have cultivated hatred and anger and the momentum is now there to throw the bums out.
Several members of congress have received threatening messages, had bricks thrown through their windows and one Republican even had his windows shot out. The democrats are crying foul and once again using the media to smear a movement, instead of focusing on the individual or individuals involved, they blame the whole movement.
Some have even gone further. Representative Clyburn accused the Republicans of "aiding and abetting terrorism."
Others say that members of the Tea Party movement are "Timothy McVeigh want-a-be's."
Articles are appearing "Is the Tea Party hurting the Republican party?"
Give me a break.
As I have said many times, it all comes down to whose ox is getting gored.
I remember Hillary Clinton screaming "I am sick and tired of being told that if we protest against this government, we are un-American."
It was alright when members of congress called George Bush a liar, a looser, compared him to Hilter, called him a war criminal, etc, etc, etc. It was alright then, those who complained were called closed minded. There was even a film that was raved about by the left telling the story of the assassination of George Bush.
In the words of Richard Nixon, "Let me be perfectly clear," we are not a banana republic where our leaders are routinely assaulted because of their votes. Any physical assault on a representative is a crime and should be handled as such. Common decency says that you leave the family of a representative alone. Threats of violence against a representative is also included.
Now constituents have every right to call their representative and tell them their displeasure with their actions as long as the only threat is,"I ain't going to vote for you."
The democrats and the media are once again trying to smear and discredit a grass roots movement. Why? Because they are afraid of them and afraid that they will be voted out of power. Want to know who the democrats have fear for? Look at who they try to smear and discredit. They did it with Quayle, Ginrich, Bush and Palin.
They know that the American people are unhappy with them. They are mad that they ignored their wishes with the health care vote, they are unhappy with the violations of ethics, the earmarks, the deals for votes and the arrogance of their representatives. They know that November is coming and that they are in great danger of being voted out of power.
Obama was out today "selling" the health care bill. Why? Have you ever heard of that before? The fricking thing is law. It's been voted on and passed. He signed the damn thing two days ago. Hell Bobo Joe told him "This is a big f'ing deal," so why does he have to go out and sell it? Because he KNOWS the American people don't want this and he's trying to stop the bleeding of the democrat party!
They know its over.
You want a threat? You really want a threat? The American people WILL NOT forget this and they will turn out in mass in November to show these arrogant schmucks the door.
Save the fuel on Air Force One, no one's buying what your selling.