Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Yes we do!
Well, Comrade Obama signed the health care reform bill today and just before he took the podium,Comrade Bobo Joe had to tell him what a "Big f'ing deal" this was. Talk about your comic relief. Leave it to Bobo Joe to lighten up the room. When Joe goes to buy shoes (as Britt Hume said) he buys three, two for the feet and one for the mouth!

So what next?

37 states are filing law suites against the government and the health care bill signed today.

The biggest thing YOU and I can do is to use our right (while we still have it) to vote and get ride of these jokers.

Remember as Al Sharpton said, the American people voted for socialism when they voted for Obama, so it's what the American people want.

Is it?

The Republicans are mounting a campaign where they are going to repeal the bill. To do that, they need to have a veto proof congress. What that means is they need 290 seats in the house and 66 seats in the senate.

Easier said than done.

The Republicans would need to pick up 112 seats in the house. Not an easy job, but possible. In the senate, they need 25. Problem is there are only 18 democrat seats up for grabs, so even if they picked up each one, they would still be 7 seats short. What they would have to work for is picking up as many seats as they could and running a candidate in '12 that could expose and blow BHO out of the water. More on that later.

This is '10 and every one of these trick or treaters who voted for the health care bill needs to be shown the door. They ignored their constituents wishes and voted for this monstrosity and now they must pay.
Starting with Mike Doyle of the 14th District. He voted for the health care bill so he has to pay the price. If Satan himself ran against Doyle, I would be inclined to vote for Satan. Whatever Doyle has done in the past does not give him a pass on his latest vote. In the Navy we had a saying. If you collect 10,000 at-a-boys you earned a day off. One Ah shit and all those at-a-boys were lost. Mike you earned your Ah shit.
It goes without saying that Arlen is gone.
The verdict is still out on young Jason. He did vote against the bill and the liberals (all 100 of them) in his district are jumping ugly. For the moment, I am willing to give him the benefit of the doubt and see what he does between now and the election.

This is not about Republican vs democrat.

It is about the leadership and direction of this country. IF the Republicans want to re-gain power they have to do two things. 1st, they need to return to CONSERVATIVE values and principles. 2nd, once elected, they need to stay true to their CONSERVATIVE values and principles.

Time after time when the election comes down to Conservatism vs liberalism, Conservatism ALWAYS wins. The American people want and will vote for Conservatives, but, they will kick them out (see 08) when they don't adhere to their Conservative values and principles.

The health care debate is not over. The democrats are struggling to "explain" this bill. Why? They have been explaining this bill for over a year, so why do they have to go and sell it again when it's passed? Because they know that the American people didn't want THIS bill. They are going to point out only the good parts of the bill which could be written on ONE piece of paper, they won't try to explain the other 2000+ pages. They can't.

Don't give up.

On MONDAY MAY 3, 2010, we need a MILLION or more cars to flood the Nation's Capital creating the biggest traffic jam in history. Decorate your cars, show your displeasure for the actions of this congress and starting at 5AM drive into the city. Drive around until you are stuck in the biggest traffic jam in history. Blow you horns, bring compressed air horns, open your sun roofs, put down the tops, have one big tailgate party! MAYBE then, Congress will get the message. Spend the day just wreaking havoc. The more cars, the bigger the traffic jam and the more streets are closed down. Fill your car with friends and make it a day long party celebrating shutting down the Washington DC.

If you agree, cut and paste the message above and e-mail it to everyone you know.

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