Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Weeeeellllll.........Little Bobby Gibbs says we had better watch what we say about O'Bama's pick for the Supreme Court, Sonia Sotomayor.

OK, I am watching and I have thought this out carefully. She's not qualified to judge a traffic ticket on a '75 Pacer that was left in a loading zone. How's that Bobby?

Any judge who states or even thinks that appeals courts makes "policy" has disqualified themselves from holding a position on the nation's highest court.

No where and I repeat NO WHERE in the United States Constitution does it state that judges are to make policy. No where does it say they are suppose to have "empathy" for anyone. It does say that they must be "impartial" and blind to those who appear before the court. The court is not where policy is made. The court is where the Consitution is upheld and interperted.

But, she will be confirmed because the Republican's do not have any balls to try and stop her. O'Bama nominated a woman and a minority who they know are "untouchable." The first Latino nominated to the Supreme Court. The Republican's would never nominate a Latino.....well not really. Remember Miguel Estrada? He was nominated for the US Court of Appeals. The dems had no problem mounting a filabuster against his nomination. It was alright if the dems are against a Latino, but not the Republicans.

The dems are the party of hate. They are the party of mud slinging. They are the party of raceist, but it's overlooked and they get a pass. Well not here they don't.

Yes this is the party of hate and the party of Liars.

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