blah, blah, blah, it's Bush's fault, blah, blah, blah.....
So we saw the old BHO, the one who people were snookered into electing. Hell, we're back in the campaigning mode. Nothing has changed, it's just the way the news is delivered. The man is not going to change, he's not going to be like Clinton, lick his wounds and take a more "populous" approach. No, what he is going to do is re-package the same crap he has been pushing into a NEW AND IMPROVED package.
The audacity of Mr. Obama is shown in a comment to a democrat member of congress. When asked how he is going to avoid a 1994, he replied with something like "The difference between 1994 and now is me."
The audacity of Mr. Obama is shown in a comment to a democrat member of congress. When asked how he is going to avoid a 1994, he replied with something like "The difference between 1994 and now is me."
Confidence is good, I applaud it. Arrogance is boorish.
Obama recently said that he didn't connect with people, get his message out there. You have got to be kidding me! CBS News has kept track and the guy has given 200 speeches since he became President. 200 speeches and you can't get your message out there?
The polls are showing the guy is done. Gallup shows he is the "Most Polarizing President in History." Rasmussen shows that his approval rating is UNDER 47%! Even CBS News is showing him under 50%.
You can repackage it anyway you want, but the American people have tasted it and they don't like it and never will like it. It's just like the "New" Coke. You either liked it or you didn't and most people didn't like it, so it was taken off the market. If it was crap the first time, just because you repackage it, make the box look nicer doesn't change the fact that it's still crap.
You can repackage it anyway you want, but the American people have tasted it and they don't like it and never will like it. It's just like the "New" Coke. You either liked it or you didn't and most people didn't like it, so it was taken off the market. If it was crap the first time, just because you repackage it, make the box look nicer doesn't change the fact that it's still crap.
The European Press have already written Obama's political obituary. He's dead and irrelevant. He is a divider not the unite-er he presented himself as. Even with the Apology Tour he went on when he became President did help him. The Europeans saw right through him.
The State of The Union speech was not directed at Republicans or democrats, it was pointed at the independents and they weren't buying the new and improved crap BHO is selling.
We are not safer from terrorist.
Our borders are not secure.
Our national budget is not balanced.
You can't spend your way out of a recession.
Unemployment is over 10%.
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