Friday, May 29, 2009


* I have driven GM cars exclusively for the last 25 years. I bought American while the union employees who made my cars bought Toyota. I am done paying a higher price to keep Americans working when they could care less. They are now going to suck on the government''s nipple instead of GM's. I am now driving my LAST GM car. With the Government and the Unions now owning 90% of GM, you know any car produced is going to be an over-priced piece of crap. Soon Cuba will have nicer GM products than we will!

I'll have to import my SUV.

* Of the Chrysler Dealers that have been given closing notices, all but TWO were donaters to the Republican Party. One gave to Hillary and one gave $200 to Obama. Makes you think he should have given at least $500!

* Dick Cheney's approval ratings have gone up since he took on O'bama. Just saying.

* Johnny ranted about Pittsburgh Jay-walkers. Cleveland is nice this time of year, maybe he would like it there. Personally that's still too damn close, how about Seattle?

* Unions HATE Wal-Mart, but they shop there! During this economic slowdown Wal-Mart's profits are still the strongest in the business.

*Speaking of the economic slowdown, if things are so freaking bad, why would people wait in line for hours to buy the new I-Phone that cost $400?

* In 1920 the economy was worst than 1929 the start of the great depression. The government did nothing and the economy recovered within a year.

* My best friend works for a major company and travels four days a week. He tells me the economy is so freaking bad that the wait at most restaurants is now only about an hour compared to an hour and a half.

* Why do they call it abortion? They should just call it what it is Murder.


Well Little Johnny has hit knickers in another knot. He's ranting about Priest not being allowed to get married. He says the church is denying Priest the right to be human.

Johnny, I know you don't believe in a God, I know you are a "fallen Catholic" IF YOU DON'T WANT TO BE A CATHOLIC YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE ONE!

The fact is what's wrong with society and what's wrong with people who call themselves Catholic but don't practice their religion is they expect the church and God to "change with the times." God doesn't change for anyone. What he believed ten thousand years ago is what he believes in now. What was right and what was wrong in the past is still the same.

NO ONE is holding a gun to any one's head and saying "YOU HAVE TO BE CATHOLIC." If you don't agree with the church, if you don't agree with the dogma, then please find a church that you like, one that "changes with the times."

I for one cannot wait for the day when Nancy, John, Teddy, Diane and the rest of the Cafeteria Catholics present themselves for Communion and are politely declined. YOU MUST CHANGE FOR GOD, GOD DOES NOT CHANGE FOR YOU.

If you want to snuggle up to a nice girlie, then you KNOW that you can't be a Priest. No one is forcing you to be a Priest, you can become a Padre in another church, not the Catholic church.

You can't blame the recent revelations of Priest violating their vowels on the fact that they are human and need to act like humans. You blame it on the fact they were not faithful to the church.

Johnny, you don't believe in God, you don't believe in the Catholic church, MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS. The Catholic Church is not your concern.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Weeeeellllll.........Little Bobby Gibbs says we had better watch what we say about O'Bama's pick for the Supreme Court, Sonia Sotomayor.

OK, I am watching and I have thought this out carefully. She's not qualified to judge a traffic ticket on a '75 Pacer that was left in a loading zone. How's that Bobby?

Any judge who states or even thinks that appeals courts makes "policy" has disqualified themselves from holding a position on the nation's highest court.

No where and I repeat NO WHERE in the United States Constitution does it state that judges are to make policy. No where does it say they are suppose to have "empathy" for anyone. It does say that they must be "impartial" and blind to those who appear before the court. The court is not where policy is made. The court is where the Consitution is upheld and interperted.

But, she will be confirmed because the Republican's do not have any balls to try and stop her. O'Bama nominated a woman and a minority who they know are "untouchable." The first Latino nominated to the Supreme Court. The Republican's would never nominate a Latino.....well not really. Remember Miguel Estrada? He was nominated for the US Court of Appeals. The dems had no problem mounting a filabuster against his nomination. It was alright if the dems are against a Latino, but not the Republicans.

The dems are the party of hate. They are the party of mud slinging. They are the party of raceist, but it's overlooked and they get a pass. Well not here they don't.

Yes this is the party of hate and the party of Liars.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Let's Go PENS!
Hey boys and girls! We'll look at the new nominee for the Supreme Court later, right now it's the Penguins going to the Stanley Cup Finals!
Let's Go Pens!
Unlike Johnny, I have been going to Penguin games since 1967. No bandwagon jumping here. Bring on the cup!
Bill Cowher is a typical liberal..........a Benedict Arnold!

Monday, May 25, 2009

IN MEMORY OF.........

At 0800 this morning when I raised the colors to half mast in front of my home, I paused to remember my shipmates from Vietnam who didn't make it back. I thought about what their lives COULD have been like and how Lucky I am. We all gave and lost something, some more than the rest of us.

Today we put our differences aside and remember those who gave their all, so that we could have the right to live as free as we do.

Goodbye heroes. I will forever miss you.


Well, Johnny sure got his shorts in a knot over former Vice President Dick Cheney's comments the last couple of weeks. Now he wants to put Cheney on trial because of what he did to help keep this country safe. Well go ahead and do it! Do it and the democrats will end up handing the keys to the Congress and the White House over to the republicans.

I would LOVE to see that trial! It would be better than anything we have ever seen including OJ! I can see it now, the old geezer up on the stand rattling off what attacks were stopped, how many lives were saved and how many terrorist were captured. Old Joe Six pack will sit back and say, "You know, these guys were right" and that would be the end of any democrat majority for at least 40 years. Then, all we would hear is how the dems are plotting their come back.

Let's put everything out on the table, let everyone see what was done, who did it and why it was done, then let the American people make up their own minds. Here's another twist. IF it really is illegal, then let's have a trial for Nancy, Harry and West Virginia Jay because THEY knew about it, THEY signed off on it and they let it happen.

While we're at it, let's talk about Iraq. Under William Jefferson Clinton the OFFICIAL United States position on Iraq was REGIME CHANGE. Ted Kennedy, Howard Dean, Christopher Dodd, Dick Durbin, John Kerry all wrote Clinton a letter begging him to take action against Sadam before he used his WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION! Clinton didn't have it in him, so he blew up an aspirin factory in the middle of the night. He had Bin Ladin THREE times and let him get away. It's because of these trick or treaters that we are in the mess we are now in.

Am I going to let W off the hook? Hell no! There were mistakes made, plenty of them. Having an exit plan before you went to war would have been nice. I am sick of hearing he "Lied to the congress and the American people." PROVE IT! Clinton and the rest of the gang all thought there were WMD there too, so did half of the world!

So let's put Cheney on trial and see how that works out for you Johnny!

Welcome to the ANTI-MACYAPPER

Well hi there kiddies!

Welcome to a breath of fresh air! For several years, well OK, maybe a year I have been reading what old "Johnny Boy" has to say in his little slice of the web and thought, "Someone should take this Bozo on." Well it turns out that the "someone" is me.

As an influential member of the media, a rock star and rain maker for so many, I have a unique perspective on things, giving you, the reader insight into decisions and passing on info from sources all over the globe.

See Johnny is a failure who spews his hate all over Pittsburgh and the web with his immature comments and half baked truths. There was a point when Johnny was funny and his perspective was fresh, but now he's just a broken down old man who is filled with so much hate which he has to spew. Instead of picking himself up by the boot straps, he takes the easy way out, panhandling for gigs that keep him some what in the public eye, all be it a small dot in the public eye. Instead of reviving a sorry career and going after the real thing, he does a mental masturbation that makes him feel important and relevant. He is neither. This post will counter Johnny and post the truth, look at both sides and give a rational, mature and sometime funny perspective on the way things are going and speak to you the truth, or at least MY version of the truth. Johnny has failed as a Television talk show host, a radio talk show host and most recently as a "funnyman," and now with the addition of this blog, he's failed as a blogger.

When possible, (not daily because I HAVE a job) I will counter Johnny as he rambles on in a lame attempt to convince you that he is right and the rest of the country is wrong if they don't believe in what he does.

Oh, there is ONE thing Johnny and I agree on, we both support and respect Cyril Wecht.

So tell your friends, tell your mom, tell anyone you know. If you like it, tell everyone, if you don't, don't tell anyone. Chances are, you'll love it, just as you do me.
