Friday, May 29, 2009


Well Little Johnny has hit knickers in another knot. He's ranting about Priest not being allowed to get married. He says the church is denying Priest the right to be human.

Johnny, I know you don't believe in a God, I know you are a "fallen Catholic" IF YOU DON'T WANT TO BE A CATHOLIC YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE ONE!

The fact is what's wrong with society and what's wrong with people who call themselves Catholic but don't practice their religion is they expect the church and God to "change with the times." God doesn't change for anyone. What he believed ten thousand years ago is what he believes in now. What was right and what was wrong in the past is still the same.

NO ONE is holding a gun to any one's head and saying "YOU HAVE TO BE CATHOLIC." If you don't agree with the church, if you don't agree with the dogma, then please find a church that you like, one that "changes with the times."

I for one cannot wait for the day when Nancy, John, Teddy, Diane and the rest of the Cafeteria Catholics present themselves for Communion and are politely declined. YOU MUST CHANGE FOR GOD, GOD DOES NOT CHANGE FOR YOU.

If you want to snuggle up to a nice girlie, then you KNOW that you can't be a Priest. No one is forcing you to be a Priest, you can become a Padre in another church, not the Catholic church.

You can't blame the recent revelations of Priest violating their vowels on the fact that they are human and need to act like humans. You blame it on the fact they were not faithful to the church.

Johnny, you don't believe in God, you don't believe in the Catholic church, MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS. The Catholic Church is not your concern.

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