Tuesday, June 30, 2009

What happened to "Every Vote counts?"

Al Franken was given the senate seat today by the Minn. Supreme Court. Funny, when it's a Republican "every vote must be counted," but when it's a democrat, well it's the same old story....Do as I say, not as I do.

The liberals now have 60 votes in the senate which makes it "Filibuster" proof. Whatever they want to ram down our throats, you're going to take it and you're going to like it.

It's almost laughable that a second rate comic has risen to the level of senator. It's almost laughable that people actually voted for this ignoramus. Almost laughable. The joke is now on us.

This is another dealer in hate. This is a man who has written two books, both filled with hate and of course, proven to be filled with untruths. This is a man who while on the airways in a failed attempt to compete with Conservative Talk Radio spewed his hate on a daily basis. It would be different if the guy was even somewhat funny, but he wasn't.

So the liberals control the senate where the next challenge will be the Cap & Tax bill. That's another bill that hasn't been read. The one where you can't sell your house unless it is "certified" energy efficient. The one that's going to be one of the largest tax increases for the middle class in the history of this country. Speaking of which, there is ANOTHER wave of tax increases for the middle class coming.....you know they people "who make under $250,000 who will see their taxes go down." Wait until that campaign promise is broken, it will be another "read my lips" moment.

The problem with Franken is that we now have to wait five years for him to go away. Norm Coleman was no day at the beach, but he was better than the alternative.

You thought he was funny as a comic, wait until you see Franken as a senator!

On a sadder note, true Pittsburgher Billy Mays is coming home to be buried. There will be a public viewing for Billy at the Anthony M. Musmanno Funeral Home, 700 Seventh St., Stowe Twp. Thursday from 1pm until 8pm with a Mass of Christian Burial at St. Mary's in McKees Rocks Friday morning at 9:30am. I will be paying my respects on Thursday and have cleared my calendar for Friday morning so that I can attend the Mass to pray for and to celebrate the life of this giant of a man.

You know it it a shame. Here's a guy like Billy Mays who never forgot where he came from or who his friends were. He was a "regular guy" from the Rocks who made it big, made it to the top of his profession, but still treated everyone he met with kindness and dignity. It is a shame that our "representatives" don't act like Billy Mays. It is a shame that all our kids aren't raised like Billy Mays and it is a crying shame that Billy Mays was taken from us at such a young age.

God's speed Billy Mays.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Billy Mays 1958-2009

Talk about being hit in the gut. I received a simple text message from my friend today. "Billy Mays is dead."

I couldn't believe it. Although I was on my way out the door, I had to run up to the computer and sure enough, Billy Mays, probably the world's greatest pitchman was dead.

You may be laughing at this point. Who cares you might say. Normally, I would be right there with you, but this was Billy Mays.

For those of you who don't know, Billy Mays is a product of the "Rocks." McKees Rocks that is. Billy got his start pitching products in Atlantic City. His big break came when he lent a fellow pitchman a microphone at the Pittsburgh David L Lawrence Convention Center. That pitchman was the President of Orange Glow and he remembered the kindness and several months later gave Billy his first real "national" pitch. Billy took off and the rest as we say is history.

I LOVED watching Billy's commercials. He never endorsed a product until he tried it out and it worked. He was a hired gun for sure, but the product had better work because it was HIS reputation on the line.

He made blue oxford shirts fashionable.

But wait, there's more!

Billy and Anthony Sullivan were in their first year of a show on The Learning Channel (TLC) called PITCHMEN. The show featured everyday people who have "invented" products that solve everyday problems. The best ones would then be pitched by either Billy, "Sully" or both. They also showed behind the scenes at "Sullivan Productions" and commercial shoots featuring the two pitchmen. From what I have read and from what I have been told, the show was doing really well and TLC was delighted they had a hit on their hand.

But I'm still not done.

Hundreds maybe even thousands are making makeshift memorials to Wacko Jacko. There is almost wall to wall coverage of his death, his autopsy, his second autopsy, where he will be buried, how many tributes they will hold, etc, etc, etc. I have not seen any such tributes for Billy Mays. But, consider this:

Consider what Billy Mays' death does to the economy. On an average day, commercials featuring Billy Mays runs on hundred of television stations and cable networks each and everyday. Some estimates conservatively put the amount spent on Billy Mays commercials for one day in the neighborhood of 20-40 million dollars! The minute it was confirmed that Billy Mays had died, all those commercials were pulled and those outlets lost all that money. If the commercials were placed for two weeks or more, you do the math, a lot of money is being lost by television stations and cable networks. It may be weeks, maybe even months before a new pitchman (or commercials with no actual pitchman) is found and new commercials are made. That's a big hit on the economy. Billy Mays was the next best thing to having a money printing machine.

Since you read this before midnight tonight, I'm throwing in this.

On Saturday June 27th, Billy was on a flight from Philadelphia to Tampa. When the plane landed in Tampa, the front tires blew out and the plane was "jostled" around. Luggage came out from the overhead bins and fell all over the aircraft. Billy was hit in the head by one of these objects. True to form when asked about it, Billy shrugged it off and said "Hey I have a hard head."

Billy Mays will be missed, he was one of a kind. Billy was genuine and like able. A local guy from the "Rocks" who made it big. He was simply the best pitchman ever.

UPDATE MONDAY JUNE 29th..........

The Medical Examiner in Tampa has given a preliminary autopsy report on the death of Billy Mays. They are reporting that it may have been a "natural" death. Harding of the arteries and high cholesterol may have been the cause. We won't know for sure for 4-6 weeks after all the toxicology test are completed, but for now it looks like Billy went out suddenly and peacefully in his sleep.

Friday, June 26, 2009


Well Queen Nancy and BHO should be awfully proud of themselves. They just passed the largest tax increase in this nation's history and the majority of the idiots who voted for it......DIDN'T READ IT!

The Cap & Trade, save the climate vote passed 219-212 with some 44 brave democrats voting NO. What does this mean to you? An estimate from the CBO puts the final tally at around $3,000.00 per household in news taxes, either directly or indirectly. For what?

ANYONE with commonsense will tell you that the earth's climate is cyclical. There is NO WAY that man could ruin the earth in 150 years of mechanical innovation, when the earth has with stood millions of years of natural disasters. The earth has been flooded, hot, went through an ice age and volcanos and still stands. Now because I drive my SUV I am ruining the planet? Give me a frickin' break!

Al Gore is the biggest snake oil salesman in history. He won't debate real scientist who disagree with his notion that the "earth has a fever." Why? Because he would get his clock cleaned! Compare him to the most hated man in America, George W Bush. Bush's house is 100 times more "environmentally friendly" than his. Al Gore lectures people that we have to give up our comforts because we are killing the planet. Al Gore's monthly electric bill is over $22,000.00! Another "Do as I say, not as I do democrat." Al Gore is an A-hole.

'Splain this to me Lucy........If my carbon foot print is suppose to be let's say 22 and it is 32, under Nobel Prize winner Al Gore's plan, I can buy the extra 10 credits I need (from his company of course) and everything is fine. How is that saving the fricking earth? I am still using 32 carbon foot prints! ANYTHING for a buck!

If there ever was the time for this, it is now. IT IS TIME TO START THE REVOLUTION. Take back your country. It's time to say "I am mad as hell and you keep screwing me, so I'm voting you to the unemployment line! (Technically, any elected official is ineligible for any unemployment benefits) Vote the lying sacks of dog crap out of office. If they can't at least read the fricking bill they are voting on, then they should forfeit their office. Let them know that can't play you for a chump anymore.

They did this because they knew they could get away with it. Why? Because more CHUMPS are worried about Michael Jackson dying than their own future. This was the perfect distraction, the CHUMPS are more interested in a whacked out child molester, who bleached himself from black to white and whose nose had more plastic in it than a box of Leggos! They knew the CHUMPS would be too busy watching the wall to wall coverage of this freak, than the votes in congress.

If you let them get away with this, than you deserve to fork over the extra 3 grand just for being a CHUMP.

You must vote these people out. It is your right and moral obligation to vote and to vote for those who are looking out for you. These bunch of elitist must go. Start the revolution today. Health care is next.

Your Congressman and Senator will be coming home for the July 4th holiday. If you see them, demand that they hear you and if they won't listen or explain themselves, next November, you vote their asses to the street.

Take back your country! They work for you!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Mark we hardly knew ye!

Well Johnny is just beside himself. "Another" Family values Republican was caught in an affair. Johnny does like to wallow in someone else's personal problems.

I could go through the litany of democrats who have "strayed" from their vowels, that's not what Conservatives do, Conservatives do the right thing.

Governor Sanford should resign. Governor Sanford has to resign. NOT just because of his affair, which I believe is personal between him and his wife, but for two reasons.

1. He left the country without anyone on his staff or anyone in power at the state capital knowing where he was. What had there been an emergency that needed the attention of the governor? How could his staff have reached him? How could he execute the office of the governor?

Its one thing when the governor goes on vacation and his staff knows where he is. As governor, you can't just "walk away" from the job, no matter how temping without telling where you are going.

2. Conservatives have said for years, if you break your marriage vowels, what's going to make you keep the "vowels" you take (oath of office for those of you in McKeesport) when you take office?

It is a shame. First it is a shame for Sanford's wife and children. Second it is a shame for Sanford. He was becoming a Republican rock star. He had gained national fame and was being mentioned as someone who might be a force in 2012. That will not happen now. Don't cry for Governor Sanford, he brought this on himself. Pray for Governor Sanford, his wife and children..........and then leave them alone to heal.

Monday, June 22, 2009

It's not the "right wing nut jobs," it the democrats stupid!

So old Johnny was creaming himself that Dr. Cyril Wecht joined him a a victory lap the other night. Why the good doctor would associate himself with such a lefty is beyond me, but to his credit, old Johnny got one thing right, Dr Wecht is a good man.

I am no fan of the US Attorney Mary Beth Buchanan. I think she is an opportunist, who is only interested in promoting herself and her career. To say that she prosecuted Tommy Chong to satisfy the "Right Wing Nut Jobs" is inaccurate and untrue. Tommy Chong was a big name and with a big name comes press coverage. Plain and simple. Tommy Chong should never have been brought to stand trial in Pittsburgh. Oh sure, legally she could do it, but as mentioned above, it was for her personal gain. The "Right Wingers" could care less about Tommy Chong and his selling of bongs over the internet.

I am somewhat surprised that Dr. Wecht didn't come out and really say who and why was behind his unjust prosecution. I'm sure that being the smartest man in the room deep down he knows. Dr. Wecht is just too much of a gentleman to say it. It is the same people who have been after him for two decades. The democratic party of Allegheny County. Let's rewind and look at what happened more than 20 years ago.

Dr. Wecht while he and other doctors were performing autopsies in the Allegheny County Morgue, they were removing Pituitary Glands from patients. They were selling these glands to a medical research company for some sort of research, much like today with "stem cell research." Well, the doctor was given something like $2 or $4 for each set he removed. What did he do with the money? HE SPENT IT ON THE MORGUE! He purchased equipment, books and training for morgue employees so they could do a better job for the citizens of Allegheny County. Why did he have to do this? Because the democrats who control the county (and the city for that matter) didn't fund the morgue as they should have. How did they reward the good doctor? They put him on trial!

For whatever the reason, the democrat party has been after Dr. Wecht for years. Why? Who know? Maybe they are afraid of his intellect? Maybe they dislike his celebrity status? Maybe they disliked him for his use of words that they couldn't understand? For whatever reason, they had a major dislike for Dr. Wecht and they had no problems in showing it.

They put him on trial several times and it didn't tarnish his reputation. So what was they next step? Get the US Attorney who is trying to make a name for herself to do their dirty work and she readily jumped at the opportunity. If the trial blew up in the US Attorney's face (which it was destine to do) they could all point fingers at Mary Beth and remain clean. Somewhere down the line Mary Beth will be thrown a bone by the parties that be as a reward for trying, or perhaps since they are democrats, they may just throw her under the bus and refuse to come through with their part of the bargain.

No, Dr. Wecht was done in, or attempted to be done in by his own party. For whatever reason, be it their jealousy, or their contempt, Dr. Wecht had to be brought down.

Dr. Wecht has brought so much to this city and county from a top notch Medical Examiners Office, to good and favorable publicity. This city and county owes Dr. Wecht their respect and immense gratitude for all he has done. Instead, all he got was a worthless trial.

The problem with Pittsburgh and Allegheny County is that they have been run for decades by the democrats. They run this town and they do what they want. If someone comes along to upset their own little world, then that person has has to be dealt with. Look at the Three Rivers that we are so proud of. They were never properly developed and the city lost out. Now all of sudden, they are starting to be developed, slowly, very slowly. The downtown area has fallen into disrepair and the city that once were home to many of the Fortune 500 companies, now host just a handful. The city neighborhoods are in worst shape, but the party machine is working just fine, well oiled and continuing to whip those residents in line.

I use to live in the city and I have never missed an election since I was eligible to vote, including primaries. I use to go to my polling place with a can of WD-40 because the Republican levers were never used. I use to tell the Minority Judge that she could "Go home now because your sole Republican is here." It would have been so much easier to go into a voting machine as a democrat. You're in an out in seven seconds. Pull that big "D" lever, push the button and the curtains open and you're on your way. But someone like me who actually takes the time to research and read about all of the candidates, both democrat and Republican was in there for five or ten minutes making my choices.

The city taxes the hell out of it's residents and is driving them out of the city into suburbia. I was paying more in taxes for a 60 year old bungalow than someone in Shadyside or Squirrel Hill. So, like most of the ones who were educated and not controlled by the party machine, I left and now reside in suburbia.

If you're looking to do the autopsy on the Dr. Wecht trial, look for the usual suspects. The DNA points to the killer. The gloves fit and you can't acquit. It's an open and shut case. The butler did it, the democratic butler.

Thursday, June 18, 2009


What an arrogant piece of crap Barbara Boxer (D) from California is. A General is testifying before a committee and starts to answer her question, politely calling her "Mam." Her response?

"Please don't call me that. Call me senator, I don't know it's just a thing, I worked so hard for that title."

You worked so hard for that?

What about the General? Didn't he work hard for his title? Shouldn't you have shown him the same respect you demanded?

I guess lying and being an elitist is hard work. This is a woman who wanted to take your rights to carry a gun away, but carried her own piece. Another one of the "Do as I say, not do as I do" crowd. What hard work have you ever done? Is it hard to sleep at night with the crap you've voted on? This is another piece of dog excretion that should just be scrapped off the ground with a shovel and thrown in the garbage can. What has this woman done in the years she has been in the Senate beside work so hard for abortionist to kill more unborn babies? Madam Boxer constantly blocks American's from their own oil, has voted against the confirmation of Secretary Rice, Justices Thomas, Roberts and Alito. As a Congressman from California she was part of the House banking scandal, writing 87 bad checks herself! Boxer was only one of two Senators to vote for censure of George Bush and has constantly pushed her elitist ideas and views on Americans.

What has she done for the people of California beside help run it into it into the ground?

It's not about her title. It pisses he off that someone would use a "sexist" word like "Mam" when addressing her. It makes her mad when a "Gentleman" is polite , respectful and especially in the military, calls her "Mam," well, it just sets her off. Her hatred for the military shows through in her tone and demeanor.

Yeah she's worked real hard for that title.

Cradle to Grave? Start DIGGIN' NOW!

Well kiddos, the government has started their push for Universal Health Care. Well, they aren't calling it that this time, but it is what it is.

How can someone actually believe that the government can run the health care system for this country? How can anyone feel that the government is better at determining what you need better than your doctor? How can anyone feel that the government can control health care cost when they can't control their own budget?

The fact is they have done this in the United Kingdom (That's the England for those of you in McKeesport) and they have tried it in Canada. IT DOESN'T WORK. We know how the Dental Plans work in the UK and thousands, yes thousands come across the border from Canada every year for treatment. There are literally hundreds of thousands who have come here over the year for treatment. Not just for their hemorrhoids, but for heart conditions, orthopedic surgery, cancer treatment and everything in between. They come here to be treated for head trauma and for burn treatment, for transplants and life saving CAT and MRI scans.

See, it's nice to think that raising your taxes to well over 60% will result in "Free" government health care, but it doesn't happen. There is nothing "Free" in this country, especially health care.

Do you want some bureaucrat in Washington deciding if your life is worth saving? Do you want some bureaucrat making the decision whether you live or die?

Maybe we should have rooms in the hospital like they had in "Escape from New York." where they would terminate your life for you instead of you enduring the prison that was New York City. Snake Bliskin are you there?

What we do need is to fix the problems in our health care system, not throw it all away and start again. We need to keep the greatest health care in the world here, for if we don't do it, no one else will be able to do it. What medical breakthroughs have the French, Canadian, UK, Sweden, Netherlands or German health care produced in the past 60 years? When a head of state needs a transplant or life saving procedure done, where do they come to get it? Hint, it's not France. It's the United States.

Do we have problems with our system? Yes. Can they be fixed? Yes.

First of all,let's take a city the size of Pittsburgh. Within a 30 mile radius, there are probably 30 hospitals at the minimum. Do we need all these hospitals? Does each hospital need to have a new CAT scan machine? Does each hospital need an MRI machine? There are probably somewhere in the neighborhood of 5000 beds in these hospitals. Do we need all of them?

Why not consolidate these hospitals? Have two trauma centers with all the fancy equipment, a hospital or two for problems with the heart and lungs, one or two for orthopedics and the rest for treatment of everything else. There would be emergency rooms with ER doctors and helicopters to transport those who need specialty treatment. Not every hospital would have a CAT scan or MRI machine, but they wouldn't need one. Some hospitals would be closed or turned into nursing homes or rehabilitation centers.

Far from the brick and mortar would be the legal system. Our legal system needs to be overhauled. Lawyers like John Edwards need to be reined in. There are thousands of unnecessary "C" sections done each year because of the recklessness of John Edwards and his love of money. "Channeling" a dead girl during closing arguments has to be the lowest of the low. If he were that Psychic, he would have known reporters and cameras were in the hotel where he was meeting his girlfriend and their love child. There are towns and even parts of states that do not have an OB-GYN because of the cost of insurance for these doctors. Some women have to drive three or four hours for care. In this country that is unacceptable.

We need to reform the legal system so that good doctors are allowed to practice their craft and the bad doctors are weeded out. That's not to say that all law suites don't have merit, some do. The ones that don't have to be weeded out of the system and the ambulance chasers need to be put out of business or go legit. I have no problem with a "loser pays" system. If you have a case, if it's legit and if you have been the victim, you should have no problem. I am sure that with our great legal minds we should be able to come up with a fair and CONSTITUTIONAL way to deal with this problem.

Let me talk to the "union" members out there.

What did your fathers and grandfathers fight for in the union? They fought hard for their wages and their benefits. What is the most important benefit you have? It's your health care. Are you going to give up your health care, which you negotiated for a plan from the government? If you are willing to do that, you might as well get rid of your union and just be called a sucker, because that's what you are a sucker. Do you think for one minute that Hoffa or Lewis would approve of this? I'm willing to bet not. Give away everything your worked for.

Government run health care should be resisted and fought until it is DEAD. No matter what you say or what you call it, it is on that road to socialism. Unless you rise up and take action, they will strip you of your health care and replace it with something you don't want. Just like Government Motors.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Hey kiddos, hope you are all enjoying today's global warming....tomorrow it's cold and raining again.

Mark June 24th on your calender kiddies: Its the Day the News died (with all due respect to Don McLean).

ABC News is GIVING it's news telecast to BHO for a whole day! Good Morning American will be produced by the White House as will the Evening News with Charlie Gibson. During prime time, BHO will pitch his health care program to the American people.

Now this makes my Journalism and Communications Degree shiver. A major network is turning over it's news programing to the White House. Can you say "burn the 1st amendment" children?

Whatever integrity ABC had (and it was just above MSNBC) went right out the window. Edward R Murrow is spinning in his grave right now.

Speaking of MSNBC, Rachel Madow is saying the Republicans are wrong in pushing nuclear power. Typical liberal. They don't want you to drill in your own country for oil, they don't want to use nuclear power, Teddy doesn't want a wind farm off the coast of Mass because it would interfere with his view and sailing. (There's a joke, but I'm not going there). Unless it's the EverReady Bunny banging the drum, they don't want to hear about it. They are the party of NO when it comes to energy.

Former President Jimmy Carter is in the middle east bashing the Israelis and was almost another gun notch of an assassin. They found some IEDS along the route the anti-Semitic former President was taking and Israel alerted Jimmy's Secret Service detail. When will the Jewish people stop voting for these democrats who want to give their land away and who want to see them off the face of the earth?

I use to have respect for the former President from Georgia. I didn't agree with much of his policy and was part of a Naval uprising when her tried to take hazardous duty play away from us Submariners, but I always respected the man. I always thought that whatever his decision, he thought about it carefully and as a man of God prayed about his decision. His ant-Semitic rants these last couple of years have left me puzzled and ashamed.

The State of Israel has a right to exist. They have a right to live in peace and harmony. They have a right to the land they occupy. They are threatened every day. They live in such a state that they cannot even go shopping without having to go through a security check that is more intensive than we go through to get to on an air plane. They have lived through "Scud Missile" attacks from Sadam, they have been attacked by Egypt and Syria and Hamaas. They now face the threat of nuclear destruction from Iran. Through it all, the United States, make that the Conservative members of the United States government have stood by them and backed them. BHO is cutting our own missile defense program, do you really think he's going to help Israel when they are attack my Iran?

Speaking of which, President I'm a nut job was re-elected by the people of Iran, or so we are lead to believe. Journalist have been thrown out of the country and hundreds of thousands Iranians take to the streets for free and fair elections. The ONE common thread we all have in this world is FREEDOM. People want to be free. It is a God given right for man to be free. Let us hope that our brethren in Iran get their freedom before President I'm a nut job sets off that big mushroom cloud in the sky. Maybe ABC can become the Official News Agency of Iran as well.

Father's Day is coming, get that old man of yours something he would love. Some peace and quite!

Monday, June 15, 2009


The head spook talked this weekend. I am talking about the CIA Director and no one else. Leon Panetta answered the criticism from the former Vice President Dick Cheney by saying it is almost like Cheney is cheering for an attack so he could say I told you so.

Johnny has again made the point that 9-11 happened on Bush's watch because the Bush administration did not take the Clinton administration's warnings seriously. Excuse me a moment, it is really hard to type when you are laughing this hard..........please talk amongst yourselves for a minute.

The Clinton administration gave the Bush administration a warning about a terrorist attack? The same administration that had Osama Bin Laden THREE times and let him go? The same Bill Clinton who when called on a golf course and told they could arrest Bin Laden right then said he didn't want to be bothered and to quit bothering him? The same Bill Clinton who bombed an aspirin factory in the middle of the night? The same administration who had Sandy Berger load up his pants with classified documents from the National Archives? GIVE ME A BREAK. Nice joke, but give me a break.

Who is still trying to re-write history? The fact of the matter is the Clinton administration never wanted to fight the war on terror. They never wanted to deal with Bin Laden. They passed it off to the next guy.

So the head spook is now speaking. First of all, what's Leon's credentials to be the head spook? He was a Congressman and then Chief of Staff for Billy, but other than that, what qualifies him for the position other than he's seen every James Bond movie ever made? Why don't you just release the files and show everyone what was prevented in the eight years since 9-11? National Security you say? You didn't have a problem releasing the interrogation techniques from the Army's manual, so go ahead and release what Cheney's talking about.

Better yet, do what I proposed several weeks ago. Put Cheney on trial. Put him on trial for waterboarding /Ron Jeremy's twin brother (sorry Ron). Put him on trial for that. Go ahead, get "Special Prosecutor" Fitzgerald on the case. Let's try him. Watch him eat their lunch during the trial.

The fact of the matter is we were safer after 9-11. We are not now as safe as we were six months ago.

NO ONE wants another attack and I pray to my God every night that it doesn't happen. But when we keep this September 10th mentality, it is inevitable that it is going to happen. It is not fear mongering to say this. It is not giving away any secrets to disclose this, hell all of the secrets have already been given away. Just come out,put everything on the table and let's get it on.

Show some stones. Charge Cheney tomorrow. Let's have a trail. Let's make it a fair one and release everything that he ask for. When he's done mopping the floor with the liberal democrats, they will be the one's who will shown to be the real terrorist to this country now.


Was that a great parade today or not? 375,000 people cheering their Stanley Cup Champions and have you ever seen a classier group of young athletes? No yelling and screaming and trash talking, just "thanks for the fans supporting us." It's great to be in the City of Champions!

Sunday, June 14, 2009


Joe Biden was unleashed on Meet the Press today and if his comments were cleared by BHO we won't know until later, but Joe says the administration got the stimulus package wrong! Well, it's not their fault, the economy was worse than they originally thought.

Eh, excuse me, did you really think this was going to work?

Did you learn nothing from history?

In 1920, a full nine years before the "great depression," the US suffered it's greatest monetary collapse in history. Bigger than the crash of '29, this crash was the worse ever seen by this country or any other. What? You never heard of it? This is the first you were told of this? Well children, do some research and look it up. It was bigger than the collapse of '29 but what happened? What did the government do to save this great country?

The government did nothing. Not one dime of Federal money was spent to help Wall Street. Not one dime was pumped into private business. Not one dime was given to anyone to help them through this crisis. What happened? Within a year the economy improved, the weaker businesses were gone and the strong survived. Within a year, the economy was back on track, all WITHOUT A GOVERNMENT BAILOUT!

Contrast that to '29 when the government and FDR pumped money into the economy, created work programs and started entitlement programs out the ying yang. What a difference. Most scholars (most recently the liberal USC school of business) say that the programs instituted by FDR prolonged the "great depression" for 13 years. It wasn't until 1941 when the US entered into WWII that the economy came back.

So is it any real surprise that this stimulus isn't working? The government now owns banks and savings and loans, it owns insurance companies and it owns GM. What's next? MORE stimulus? "We didn't know the economy was as bad as it is." Why didn't you? After all, it was clowns like Barney Frank and Chris Dodd who helped cause this mess in the first place.

It's time to get back to the basics. Time to do what Reagan showed us. Lower taxes, letting people keep what they earn yields record and long lasting economic recovery and long term prosperity. GOVERNMENT IS NOT THE SOLUTION TO THE PROBLEM, GOVERNMENT IS THE PROBLEM. What is so hard to learn about that?

The cracks in the armor are starting to show.

Saturday, June 13, 2009




Friday, June 12, 2009

The Libs don't get it........Oh yes they do!

Johnny you are an ass.

Yeah I am all for the 1st amendment, I believe in freedom of speech. I believe that you have a right to be tasteless. I also believe that if you are tasteless and crude that others have a right to call you out for it.

Sarah Palin was the brunt of Letterman's tasteless and unfunny jokes. Had that been Michelle Obama, oh the "biological excretions would have hit the mechanical apparatus." Remember, BHO said his family is"off limits." Apparently if you are a member of the opposition, it's "open season."

Johnny keeps saying Sarah Palin wasn't qualified to even be a candidate for Vice President. The fact is she was. In fact, she was more qualified than BHO. She had been a mayor as well as a governor. Her and her husband have run a business. Sarah Palin was responsible for a budget of a successful state. BHO was a community activist. He was a senator for two years, well at least in name, he spent most of his time in the senate running for President.

That fact is Johnny and the Libs (Could be the start of a rock n roll band) are jealous of Palin. Johnny fears her because she's bright, knows what she is talking about and is liked by a majority of the American people. The fact is Johnny knows she's qualified, so he has to trash her and run her into the ground, they have to neutralize the threat and they have to do it in any way they can. So they spread lies and innuendos about her and her husband's business partner, Johnny makes fun of her pregnancy and he makes fun of her children. Yeah, you're a class act Johnny. You can't get a job and when you do, you can't keep it, so you just spew your vile hate. You know she's smarter than you are and she's more successful than you are. Is that why you hate her? Is it because she has been more successful than you? Is that it? A woman is more successful than you? How do you like being attacked personally because of your beliefs? It's not very nice is it?

See it is one thing to dislike someone because of their beliefs and what they stand for. I personally like BHO. I would love to have a beer with him and shoot some hoops with him. The man is a likable guy. I despise his ideological views and express that often. I would never make fun of his family. That's the difference between a liberal and a conservative. Most liberals go after the person personally and their views. Most conservatives just go after the views. I cannot understand why you have to attack people personally. You want to attack my views, knock yourself out, make your argument. When you attack me or especially my family for what we believe in, then you are just scum.

Will Sarah Palin be a factor in 2012? Who knows? Two weeks in politics is a lifetime. There are already cracks in BHO's armor, people are starting to see through his "transparencies" and are realizing what he is really doing to this country. Who knows what shape this country will be in by 2012? Who knows what Americans will think of BHO by 2012? Who knows who will emerge as the "voice of the GOP?" It could be Sarah, or it could be Newt, Mitt or Huck. It just might be someone you have never heard of. At this point, who cares? Today's media darling, (oh excuse me I forgot, there are no GOP media darlings) is tomorrow's yesterday's news.

You want to knock Palin because of her views on health care, finance, foreign policy or even abortion, then make a sensible argument and attack the VIEWS and not the person. That's something I know would be hard for some, but it would be nice if we could get back to that.

Stanley Cup Champions!

A pleasant break from Johnny's wicked world.....................




Even better, as a fan since 1967, the PENS now have one more cup than the dreaded "Broad Street Bullies" The Philadelphia Flyers.


Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Czars, Czars EVERYWHERE A Czar

Hi kiddos!

With apologizes to the Five Man Electrical Band..........

If you've read my last couple of post you might have seen that I wasn't putting my heart in to it. I just got a new Mac and I'm playing around with it, the kids have activities and I have a honey do list a mile long.  Today I'm going to make up for it.

Have you noticed all the Czars we now have?  Are we in the United States or the Soviet Union?  What's up with the czars?

Something is wrong in this country when a GM car dealer who has sold GM products for 90 years and has a profitability rating of 103 is given notice they are to close.  you can't get answers from the "Car Czar" who was appointed 107 days ago, who won't talk to the press, won't answer dealer questions and won't talk to bond and stock holders.

I have been talking to people in Detroit who are in the know and they tell me it's only the start.  The Fiat deal is a favorite of BHO and they are going to do everything they can to put you and me into one of those piece of crap death traps in the next decade.  Tax incentives beyond your wildest dreams are coming your way if you buy these clown cars.  From what I am told, these incentives are going to be so great, you "can't" pass them up and if you do, $5 a gallon gas is coming to a Sunoco near you.

Say goodbye to the Tahoe, Suburban, Traverse, Blazer, Impala, Venture and Corvette and say hello to POC.  (Piece of crap)  Would you like that crap in red or silver? 

Ford is on the hit list next.  The powers that be don't like the F-150 and the Expedition, let alone that fuel saving Mustang GT.  But all is not lost for the Ford lovers.  POCII is in your future.

As for me, I am seriously thinking about buying (ugh, dare I say) a BIG ASS FORD with a BIG ASS Rhino crash bar on the front.  I would buy a Suburban but I have been told that part of the plan is to make the parts for these Gladiators of the highway disappear just like Jimmy Hoffa.

Private companies are under attack by this administration and this congress.  In our next lesson, we'll look at the STIMULATION of the economy and how YOU may be next in the soup line.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Hard Times with BIG words Johnny?

Well little Johnny is at it again.  Another profanity laced posting about Palin and the GOP.  Look, I left the GOP last year when they abandoned all of their core values, so I am not a defender of the GOP, but Johnny, get over it.  Sarah has more between her head than you do.  We ARE on our way to Socialism, you know it and so does the democrats who are pushing us there.

They wanted to Nationalize the banks and they did.  When the banks wanted to give back the TARP money BHO wouldn't let them.  Why?  Because he has control.

They want to Socialize our medicine.

They have Nationalized the largest automaker in the world and they're not done.

Tell the truth Johnny.  Instead of just spewing your profanity and hate, tell the damn truth! 

Ronald Reagan was a genius and he stuck to his core beliefs.  He knew that America was the greatest country in the world and letting people keep their own money would and did pull us out of the "worst economy since the great depression."

BHO has it easy compared to Reagan.  Reagan inherited 16.5% inflation, 21% interest rates, 10.5% unemployment and 54 hostages in Iran. 

Hey Johnny, this weekend, why don't your join your gal Cindy Sheehan down in Dallas as she beats that dead horse and protest at George Bush's house? 

Saturday, June 6, 2009

What? No apology?

BHO is in France commemorating "D DAY" and a funny thing happened. BHO did not give an apology for the US involvement in WWII!  Well Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition!  How about that!  The US did something right huh?

This country has had it's share of mistakes, but for over 200 years this country has done more good than anything for the world.

Little Johnny is just so proud that we have a President who puts on a good impression to the world.  Says his speeches are "Grand Slams."  Well,talk is cheap and without his teleprompter,  BHO can't give a good speech, unless of course he memorizes it first!

BHO has been going all over the world apologizing for all the wrongs this country has done.  He doesn't see all the good things we do.  We're the bad guys.  The other day I heard how we use more of the world's oil than any other country and we use more than "our fair share."  This country produces more of the world's wealth and productivity than any other country.  Are we arrogant?  Maybe.  But we have the right to be.  Without the United States there would be NO France, NO United Kingdom, NO Netherlands, Sweden, Italy or Spain.  Without the United States the Soviet Union would still control Poland, The Chech Republic and Yugoslavia. 

Without the United States the world would still be battling polio and diphtheria.  Without the United States evil dictators like Hitler and Sadam would be ruling the world.  Without the United States tyranny would rule. 

So quite apologizing for the wrongs we have done and focus on the good of the country which is far more than the bad.

C O U P L E    O F   R A N D OM    T H O U G H T S

*Dick Cheney's approval ratings are now higher than Queen Nancy's. 

*Reports have circulated that members of the Canadian Socialist Party have been in the US talking with the staff of BHO about Socialized Medicine.  If the Canadian system is so great, why do Canadians by the thousands come to the United States for medical treatment?

*How's that STIMULATION Package working out for you?

*Pens now down 3-2.  Looking to turn it around Tuesday in the 'Burg!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Right Wing Nut Bags?

Well old Johnny is at it again. Anyone who doesn't agree with him is a Right Wing Nut Bag!
* Congrats to the good Doctor! Cyril deserved better. The ONE thing that I agree with old Johnny is that Dr. Wecht should never have been put on trial. It was a political hack job and this time by a republican doing a democrat's job. Most of the heat to the good doctor has been from his own party, this time they used the US Attorney in Pittsburgh. Thankfully it didn't work.
* BHO (The new model from GM named after it's new CEO) gave a speech in Egypt today. Another apology tour for BHO. Going back to his Muslim roots.
* Yeah! You can be gay and get hitched in New Hampshire! Look, I believe that marriage should be between a man and a woman. You can't change that. If you want to have civil unions or some sort of acknowledgement that two have become one, knock yourself out. Don't say it's a marriage, don't make the church participate in it, go on your merry way. I don't care who you want to snuggle up with at night, it's not my business, BUT, don't be shoving it in my face and tell me that I have to agree with you. You're here, you're queer, now sit down, shut up and eat your cookie.
* I was in the Strip District today and EVERYONE has Penguin Fever!
* Yeah a topless coffee shop was torched........Johnny says it HAS to be a Right Winger who did it. Go figure.
* LET'S GO PENS! It's back to MOTOWN for game 5!
