Monday, June 22, 2009

It's not the "right wing nut jobs," it the democrats stupid!

So old Johnny was creaming himself that Dr. Cyril Wecht joined him a a victory lap the other night. Why the good doctor would associate himself with such a lefty is beyond me, but to his credit, old Johnny got one thing right, Dr Wecht is a good man.

I am no fan of the US Attorney Mary Beth Buchanan. I think she is an opportunist, who is only interested in promoting herself and her career. To say that she prosecuted Tommy Chong to satisfy the "Right Wing Nut Jobs" is inaccurate and untrue. Tommy Chong was a big name and with a big name comes press coverage. Plain and simple. Tommy Chong should never have been brought to stand trial in Pittsburgh. Oh sure, legally she could do it, but as mentioned above, it was for her personal gain. The "Right Wingers" could care less about Tommy Chong and his selling of bongs over the internet.

I am somewhat surprised that Dr. Wecht didn't come out and really say who and why was behind his unjust prosecution. I'm sure that being the smartest man in the room deep down he knows. Dr. Wecht is just too much of a gentleman to say it. It is the same people who have been after him for two decades. The democratic party of Allegheny County. Let's rewind and look at what happened more than 20 years ago.

Dr. Wecht while he and other doctors were performing autopsies in the Allegheny County Morgue, they were removing Pituitary Glands from patients. They were selling these glands to a medical research company for some sort of research, much like today with "stem cell research." Well, the doctor was given something like $2 or $4 for each set he removed. What did he do with the money? HE SPENT IT ON THE MORGUE! He purchased equipment, books and training for morgue employees so they could do a better job for the citizens of Allegheny County. Why did he have to do this? Because the democrats who control the county (and the city for that matter) didn't fund the morgue as they should have. How did they reward the good doctor? They put him on trial!

For whatever the reason, the democrat party has been after Dr. Wecht for years. Why? Who know? Maybe they are afraid of his intellect? Maybe they dislike his celebrity status? Maybe they disliked him for his use of words that they couldn't understand? For whatever reason, they had a major dislike for Dr. Wecht and they had no problems in showing it.

They put him on trial several times and it didn't tarnish his reputation. So what was they next step? Get the US Attorney who is trying to make a name for herself to do their dirty work and she readily jumped at the opportunity. If the trial blew up in the US Attorney's face (which it was destine to do) they could all point fingers at Mary Beth and remain clean. Somewhere down the line Mary Beth will be thrown a bone by the parties that be as a reward for trying, or perhaps since they are democrats, they may just throw her under the bus and refuse to come through with their part of the bargain.

No, Dr. Wecht was done in, or attempted to be done in by his own party. For whatever reason, be it their jealousy, or their contempt, Dr. Wecht had to be brought down.

Dr. Wecht has brought so much to this city and county from a top notch Medical Examiners Office, to good and favorable publicity. This city and county owes Dr. Wecht their respect and immense gratitude for all he has done. Instead, all he got was a worthless trial.

The problem with Pittsburgh and Allegheny County is that they have been run for decades by the democrats. They run this town and they do what they want. If someone comes along to upset their own little world, then that person has has to be dealt with. Look at the Three Rivers that we are so proud of. They were never properly developed and the city lost out. Now all of sudden, they are starting to be developed, slowly, very slowly. The downtown area has fallen into disrepair and the city that once were home to many of the Fortune 500 companies, now host just a handful. The city neighborhoods are in worst shape, but the party machine is working just fine, well oiled and continuing to whip those residents in line.

I use to live in the city and I have never missed an election since I was eligible to vote, including primaries. I use to go to my polling place with a can of WD-40 because the Republican levers were never used. I use to tell the Minority Judge that she could "Go home now because your sole Republican is here." It would have been so much easier to go into a voting machine as a democrat. You're in an out in seven seconds. Pull that big "D" lever, push the button and the curtains open and you're on your way. But someone like me who actually takes the time to research and read about all of the candidates, both democrat and Republican was in there for five or ten minutes making my choices.

The city taxes the hell out of it's residents and is driving them out of the city into suburbia. I was paying more in taxes for a 60 year old bungalow than someone in Shadyside or Squirrel Hill. So, like most of the ones who were educated and not controlled by the party machine, I left and now reside in suburbia.

If you're looking to do the autopsy on the Dr. Wecht trial, look for the usual suspects. The DNA points to the killer. The gloves fit and you can't acquit. It's an open and shut case. The butler did it, the democratic butler.

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