Monday, October 12, 2009


If the earth has a "fever" why is it snowing in October and I have to put the damn furnace on already?

In the next couple of weeks, all the liberals would bought the lies and the garbage peddled by Al Gore will be meeting to screw you and me to "save" the planet. The planet does not need saving!

There is no such thing as global warming. 30 years ago, there was no such thing as global cooling, but it didn't stop the libs from telling us we were going to enter into the second ice age. When that didn't happen, they changed it to global warming. Now the pendulum is ready to start to swing back to global cooling. I'm getting such a headache!

One of the by-products of this is our dependence on oil. I am all for getting off our dependence of oil. Myself, I believe that hydrogen is the way to go, but there are other alternatives out there and one of them will be the power source of the future.

The future.

The future is not now and it's not going to be 10 or 20 years from now. It's going to be 25 years plus and until that time, we need oil. Now we have a lot of it in Alaska and the Mid-West.

But what about the poor Caribou?
The Caribou are doing quite well thank you. In fact, since the pipeline was put up in Alaska, the Caribou population has doubled! They like the warmth of the oil going through the pipeline and the gather around the pipeline, doing what Caribou do!
The short term answer to our dependence on oil is in our own backyard. We need to tap our resources, which the US Geological Survey says contains more oil than Saudi Arabia. We tap into our own resources while we perfect hydrogen, batteries, cooking oil, whatever works. We perfect it this time before we unleash it on the American public.

Plain and simple, Al Gore isn't out to save the planet. He's out to line his pockets. If Al Gore gave a damn about the planet his electric bill wouldn't be over $20,000.00 per month!

Quit listening to the frauds like Al Gore.


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