Friday, January 29, 2010




*It's funny, this guy takes his teleprompter with him everywhere he goes, even to school!

*The State of the Union speech was; too long, boring, full of misrepresentations, lacked vision, was just a campaign speech and that's what the democrats were saying! Hey, when they are right, they're right.

*How Bush League to call out the Supreme Court during a speech before Congress. Even Bill Clinton had more decorum than Obama. That was not the time nor the place to "dress down" the court for a decision. Obama has plenty of opportunities to make his feelings known, the middle of the State of the Union speech is not one of them.

*It would have been great for Justice Alito to jump up and yell "You Lie," as Joe Wilson did, but then again, Judge Alito has too much class to do that.

*Everyone is talking about Alito mouthing "Simply not true" to Obama during the remarks. Did anyone notice the other justices? Ruth Bader Ginsburg looked like she was going to finally over come that constipation she has been having and Justice Sotomayor looked like she was so shocked, she was going to cry!

*ABC News had a news story where they spoke with several historians of the Supreme Court and the feeling is NO members of the high court will attend Mr. Obama's next State of the Union address next year.

*Look, the speech was long, boring, but delivered like a pro, after all, he had his teleprompter there. It was chocked full of lies, misrepresentations and it was really a campaign speech. Viewership was down and instant polling showed that very few Americans believed him. The newspapers in Europe (who the liberals so much want the admiration of and want to be like) say he is politically dead. They give him low grades on "Foreign Policy" and even lower grades on his domestic agenda. Even the press in the US who are still doing everything they can to prop this guy up are having a hard time getting behind this guy. He makes Jimmy Carter look like a freakin' genius!

*The Presidential election is two years away and all indications are that we will have a new resident at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Don't count on it. While I do believe Obama is a "One Termer," two years is a millennium in politics. Anything can and probably will happen in the next two years and might I remind you that the Republicans still need to get their house in order.

*How bad is it for the democrats? One of the SAFEST seats for democrats is in jeopardy. Russ Feingold from Wisconsin is in the political fight of his life against Tommy Thompson the much loved former governor of the state. Even I didn't see this one coming!
*BHO is now finally listening to the people of New York City who do not want the trial of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed in their city. While they still insist on trying him in a US court, giving him the same rights as an American Citizen, Justice Department officials are now looking for a new venue to hold the trial. There's talk about New Jersey being a possible site with five courthouses on the list. What the hell, we really don't need New Jersey do we?

*My biggest fear is that Obama is going to stick Pittsburgh with the trial since they loved the way the city and county handled the G-20.
*BHO said in his speech that his administration has been the most honest, transparent and open administration in history. Please insert your own joke here.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


blah, blah, blah, it's Bush's fault, blah, blah, blah.....

So BHO wasted an hour of our time. The good news is, he provided a day's worth of programing to the news channels.

So we saw the old BHO, the one who people were snookered into electing. Hell, we're back in the campaigning mode. Nothing has changed, it's just the way the news is delivered. The man is not going to change, he's not going to be like Clinton, lick his wounds and take a more "populous" approach. No, what he is going to do is re-package the same crap he has been pushing into a NEW AND IMPROVED package.
The audacity of Mr. Obama is shown in a comment to a democrat member of congress. When asked how he is going to avoid a 1994, he replied with something like "The difference between 1994 and now is me."

Confidence is good, I applaud it. Arrogance is boorish.

Obama recently said that he didn't connect with people, get his message out there. You have got to be kidding me! CBS News has kept track and the guy has given 200 speeches since he became President. 200 speeches and you can't get your message out there?

The polls are showing the guy is done. Gallup shows he is the "Most Polarizing President in History." Rasmussen shows that his approval rating is UNDER 47%! Even CBS News is showing him under 50%.
You can repackage it anyway you want, but the American people have tasted it and they don't like it and never will like it. It's just like the "New" Coke. You either liked it or you didn't and most people didn't like it, so it was taken off the market. If it was crap the first time, just because you repackage it, make the box look nicer doesn't change the fact that it's still crap.

The European Press have already written Obama's political obituary. He's dead and irrelevant. He is a divider not the unite-er he presented himself as. Even with the Apology Tour he went on when he became President did help him. The Europeans saw right through him.

The State of The Union speech was not directed at Republicans or democrats, it was pointed at the independents and they weren't buying the new and improved crap BHO is selling.

We are not safer from terrorist.

Our borders are not secure.

Our national budget is not balanced.

You can't spend your way out of a recession.

Unemployment is over 10%.

Hell, it wasn't even this bad under George Bush!

Monday, January 25, 2010





So, Osama finally got that Tandy/Radio Shack T-129 reel to reel working again. Hey, it's hard to get the parts when you live deep inside a cave.

So let's review what took OLB 30 minutes to say, "I HATE YOU AND I WANT TO KILL YOU."

Now, let me say this. This is strictly my opinion. I have no inside information, nor do I purport to know or have any inside knowledge.

Bin Laden is dead. He's been dead for about seven years. He is not alive, take it to the bank.

But, but, how can you be sure? The CIA and all the other agencies around the world say it's him. They say it sounds like him and has the same voice patterns as him, but they don't know for sure.

Come on, we've come along way since Radio Shack first came out with their taping systems. They have upgraded to digital along time ago. Some camel jockey is making the tape, giving it to the Camel Express and three or four days later it shows up at the broadcast studio.

If Bin Laden was alive, Barbara Walters or Matt Lauer surely have interviewed him by now. Hell, even Bob Woodward hasn't made up any quotes from him! I mean, this is the guy who snuck threw CIA security to interview the dying Director Casey on his death bed isn't it? You would have thought that Dan Rather with his pearl handled pistols at his side would have held that mic in front of him by now!

Are you trying to tell me that Mike Wallace hasn't been able to get an interview? What about Koppel and Charlie Gibson? Surely Katie Curtic could have gotten an exclusive by now!

Are you trying to tell me we have the greatest journalist in the world, Brian Williams, Wolf Blitzer, Christine Amanpour and they couldn't get a sit down? Say it ain't so that ANDERSON COOPER couldn't even get a call back? What's he waiting for, Edward R Murrow or Walter Cronkite to come back to life to interview him?
The head of the Camel Jockeys International is dead. The worlds's press would give him anything he wanted, all the air time he ever wanted to get this propaganda out and he's not jumping at the chance? He could threaten the world to "repent" and gain so many converts, but he doesn't?

No, the rag heads have been dismantled and those that are left are trying to carry on the cause. What they now have is fear. They get some goat herder to explode his pants on a plane and they wreak havoc on our security system. They get on their Tracfones and increase the "chatter" getting the UK and the rest of Europe to increase their threat levels. They have everyone running scared, afraid of the boogie man. They are inflicting all the damage that they can. It's all they have and all they can do.

I can wait for the next broadcast. I hear that Abdul Bin Carlin really kills them.

Thursday, January 21, 2010



January 21, 2010

Just two days ago we witnessed the most incredible election this young country has ever had. Never before in the history of the Republic has there been such an election the magnitude of the one in Massachusetts. What really happened and what does it mean? Today we look at the big picture.

The democrats will tell you the electorate was angry and they took it out on the party that is in charge, which just happens to be the democrats. That is the furthest thing from the truth. Oh the electorate is angry, but their anger was directed at the right party.

Barack Obama was not elected because people thought he had better ideas. Hell, no one knew what his ideas were. He didn't tell you and he wasn't properly vetted by the press. No Barack Obama was elected because the electorate was mad at the Republican party for abandoning it's core beliefs of being fiscally responsible and for growing government.

Most of the country is to the right of center. Most people will tell you that they are "moderates" or "middle of the road," but when you ask probing questions of them, you will find they are actually conservatives. What is a conservative? There are many definitions, I addressed that in a previous post labeled my encyclical.

Most people are not liberal. Most people are not what the press likes to call "Right Wingers." Most people are conservatives. They believe in the conservative values and beliefs, less government, lower taxes, the government staying out of their business and affairs, etc. Most of these people now call themselves "Independents." They don't want to be associated with the Republican or democrat party. "I vote for the person, not for the party."

In some areas, like Pittsburgh the electorate is very parochial. "My grandfather and father was a democrat and so am I." Some, though thankfully not all, are directed by their union. But most of the time they want to vote for someone who thinks like them.

If you really break things down you come up with something like this:

Left wing liberals 20%
Right wing conservatives 20%
Democrats 20%
Republicans 20%
Independents 20%

Of the democrats, Republicans and Independents, 80% of them when really questioned are conservatives.

The liberals and those that call themselves democrat will vote for the democrat.
The conservatives and those that call themselves Republican will vote for the republican.

The most desired are the independents. Depending on the electoral winds, they are always the deciding factor.

When they elect these people and they let them down, they become angry and take it out on the one's they placed their trust in.

This was the case in 2008. The Republicans abandoned their core beliefs. Budget after budget was increased. Government was grown, we were funding two wars at the same time we were increasing the budget for "non-essential" expenditures. But most importantly, the government and the elected officials were not listening to the voters. They became comfortable in their positions and when the financial crisis hit, the controlling party, no matter who was to blame was kicked out.

In comes Obama and following the mantra of Rahm Emanuel to "Never let a crisis go to waste," started spending more than the last bunch of losers they just kicked out. The bailed out banks, insurance companies and the auto industry. They started work on the largest tax increase in the history of the world (Cap and Trade) and they attempted to impose nationalized health care. Suddenly, enemy combatants were given rights and lawyers and were to be tried in American court rooms. Special interest groups no longer just had access, they had a seat at the table. Everything from transparency in government, to having time to read the bills online which were promised were out the door. People started to understand what "Spread the wealth around" really meant.

People started to look around and said, "This is not what I voted for."

So they formed groups, The Tea party, The 9-12 Project, etc. Some dove right into the waters, while others remained on the sideline, agreeing with the premise of the groups, just not wanting to get involved. Then the leaders of the democrat party started calling these people "dangerous, Nazis, Astro-Turfers, Teabaggers." The people in the groups and now their friends on the fringes saw and heard this and became angry. When the democrats didn't see that this anger was real and didn't recognized that it was grassroots, they paid a price. The final straw came on Christmas Eve when they tried to ram the health care bill down people's throats.

The democrat leadership says that this is need so badly because thousands of people are dying each and every year because they don't have health insurance. This must be passed now, right now, this day or more will die needlessly. They can't explain why if this is so needed now, why does it not take effect for four years.

They think and hope that people are that stupid.

It was also the smug and arrogance of the leadership that contributed to this groundswell. The Republicans realized after the 2008 election what they did wrong and started to go back to their core beliefs. While the RNC had to be dragged kicking and screaming to the table, there is a sense now that the Republicans are finally getting their act together and going back to their core beliefs.

The Republicans had better get their house in order or in two years, THEY will again be on the receiving end of the voter's wrath.

There were warnings. The elections in Virginia and New Jersey should have sent red flags and warning bells off at the DNC but it did not.

Then came Massachusetts. A senate seat that had been held since the 1950's by Jack Kennedy and then Ted Kennedy. There was NO WAY a republican was going to win that seat. The democrats could have run Bonzo the Chimp for that seat and won.

In a state that already has universal health care, where the wait for an office visit was reduced from 20 days to 58 days, where the emergency rooms are filled to capacity. Where everyone is happy with the government mandated health care, along came this guy in a pick-up truck named Scott Brown.

Scott Brown said that he would be the 41st vote against this health care bill.
Scott Brown said that he favored water boarding to get information from terrorist.
Scott Brown said that federal money should be spent to kill terrorist, not to provide them lawyers.

Scott Brown is the new senator from Massachusetts.

Scott Brown had better be the real deal. Scott Brown had better do what he said he was going to do, or Scott Brown will be the former senator from Massachusetts real quick.

But still the democrats don't get it. Pelosi says we will get health care "One way or another." Obama has admitted to mistakes but adds, "People need to realize that this situation did not happen overnight. It is a result of the previous eight years."

They haven't a clue.

Some do. They are what the press are calling the "Blue Dogs." They know that their jobs are on the line. They heard their constituents in the summer. They know that the anger is real. They look at Massachusetts and see that NO seat is safe. They worry about who is running against them when they wouldn't have given it a thought two months ago. They are not so ready to hitch their wagon to the Obama, Reid, Pelosi Express now. Hell, they know that come November, Reid may be gone, Boxer may be gone, Lincoln may be gone, Specter will be gone. They look around the House chamber and wonder who will be back and who new will be sitting next to them. They even wonder if THEY will be back.

They are now looking at the weather maps and the polls to see how big the hurricane is. They are now starting to ask what do the people want? They should know that.

Less Government, lower taxes, more business opportunities which produce meaningful jobs, less government intrusion into their lives, respect of life, protection from terrorist and those who wish us harm, secure borders, less dependency on "entitlement" programs and respect from their elected officials just to name a few.

This election was a referendum on the democrats who control congress and the white house, plain and simple. They don't want excuses, they want results.

Obama and his advisers still believe the only way to get out of this economic crisis is to have another "Stimulus" package. They reject the idea that FDR extended great depression for 13 years (as major liberal academia have stated) and feel that throwing more money at the problem will change it.

I have a friend who has a morning syndicated talk show that goes "ocean to ocean, coast to coast" and he has a list of his laws. These laws are things that are inevitable, such as law #1. Law #1 states that "Liberalism always generates the exact opposite of it's stated intent."

Obama seams to forget or at least hopes that Americans will forget that it was Reagan who came into office facing the greatest economic downturn since the "Great Depression." Unemployment was over 10%, interest rates were at 21%, inflation was at 21%. He didn't whine and keep saying that he "inherited" it. He rolled up his sleeves and got to work. Reagan "stimulated" the economy by lowering taxes, allowing workers to keep more of their money and allowing investors to invest their money which created new jobs. Reagan didn't raise the debt ceiling or print new money. He lowered the debt by paying it off with money from taxes generated when NEW jobs were created and more people had a job. That led to the longest and greatest time of prosperity in the history of the world.

Obama and the democrats had better take note as well as the Republicans. The people don't want big government and they don't want to be controlled by the government. They want a government that works for them, not the other way around.

The democrats don't have a clue. That's why we are watching them implode yet again.

The revolution has started.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010






What makes this even better, even better than the results from last night's election is: THEY STILL DON'T GET IT. The democrats don't realize the ramifications of the election of Scott Brown and what they face in November.

Barney Frank sort of gets it, sort of:

"I have two reactions to the election in Massachusetts. One, I am disappointed. Two, I feel strongly that the Democratic majority in congress must respect the process and make no effort to bypass the electoral results. If Martha Coakley had won, I believe we could have worked out a reasonable compromise between the House and Senate health care bills. But since Scott Brown has won and the Republicans now have 41 votes in the senate, that approach is no longer appropriate. I am hopeful that some Republican senators will be willing to discuss a revised version of health care reform. Because I do not think that the country would be well served by the health care status quo. But our respect for democratic procedures must rule out any effort to pass a health care bill as if the Massachusetts election had not happened. Going forward, I hope there will be a serious effort to change the senate rule which means that 59 are not enough to pass major legislation, but those are the rules by which the health care bill was considered, and it would be wrong to change them in the middle of this process." Get the waders out because that was some serious BS. Barney baby, you had every chance to include the Republicans, but you didn't. Now shut up and eat your crow.
The American people wanted change last year, but they didn't want the country torn apart and rebuilt using the Communist Manifesto. There will be plenty of time to dissect the election results, but for now it's time to have fun.

The fight is not over. The fight has just started! You cannot say this is the end. It's not over until November 2nd!
I had originally had in this spot a mention of Ted spinning in his grave. That was inappropriate, so I'll just keep the picture in and YOU can make your own punch line.
BHO was trying to put his best face on this whole deal, stating that yes he had made some mistakes, but people have to realize that this didn't happen overnight. "It was a result of the last eight years." Keep thinking that, keep singing from that hymnal. Blame george Bush in 2012 and you'll be pickin' peanuts with Jimmy in Plains.
Great day for a run eh Dave?

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


DATELINE HELL..................Global warming proponents are scrambling today to explain how Hell, the warmest place in the universe was frozen over. Reports say that Tuesday's HIGH was
-32 degrees and are expected to drop to -52 degrees over night. The MSNBC News team stationed in Hell was unable to file a report because of the weather.

Experts are also at a loss to explain why Pigs have been seen flying.


Speaking on a condition of anonymity, a senior aid said that Barack Obama was locked inside a room listening to the Righteous Brothers "You've lost that loving feeling" over and over and over again.

Ted Kennedy could not be reached for comment


Vice President Joe Biden said at a Florida fundraiser Sunday that the 60-seat threshold for passing legislation in the Senate put a dangerous new roadblock in the way of American government.

"As long as I have served, ... I've never seen, as my uncle once said, the constitution stood on its head as they've done. This is the first time every single solitary decision has required 60 senators," Biden said. "No democracy has survived needing a supermajority."

Despite that dire warning, Biden said he's "optimistic" the country will appreciate the administration's accomplishments: "The American people are very smart, and we'll demonstrate by November that the project is working."

Joseph Biden
Vice President
United States of America

The filibuster, Electoral College, should both be stopped at any cost. Term limits need to be enacted immediately. So that senators and representatives all serve two years, twice if elected again. Organized religion should be fined heavily when they try to stop, change or get involved in the country�s political system.
The filibuster is total nonsense!
Popular vote should be the only conclusion to any election.
Almost as insane as the population of ---641,481--- in North Dakota getting the same level of representation in the Senate as ---36,756,666--- in California.

But until we can deal with the overall problem of EXTREMELY disproportionate level of representation in the Senate that is making the country artificially conservative, let's deal with the filibuster that is only adding to that problem.

democrat poster

Whew! Where do we start? I am almost speechless. If this is what we have in this country as far as representatives and "educated" citizens, will the last person leaving please turn off the lights and bring the flag?

We live in a REPRESENTATIVE REPUBLIC. We do NOT live in a democracy. We have a Representative Republic for several reasons, the most important is that EVERYONE in this country has a say, through their representatives. In the senate, each state is represented equally. That is to say that New York has no more influence than Idaho.

In the house of representatives, each state has the number of representatives assigned to them based on population. New York may have 23 while Idaho may have 3. It is the same idea behind the Electoral College. It is set up so that the larger states like New York, California, Texas and Florida can't elect a president alone. The smaller states have their say too. So states like Idaho, North Dakota, Iowa and Kansas have their say as well.

That's the beauty of this country and of our founding fathers.

Now it is unbelievable that a Vice President and a senator for 30 years doesn't understand this process. The process served Biden well for 30 years. He was a master at using it to his party's advantage, now when things aren't going that smoothly for his party, well we have to blow the whole thing up and start over?

Biden knows the process, he knows how to use the system. He has been a part of filibusters. He has been part of super majorities. He has also been part of those who have maneuvered to change senate rules to benefit his party.

The notion that "Organized Religion should be fined heavily when they try to stop, change or get involved in the country�s political system." is NONSENSE! "Organized Religion" is made up of American citizens who have every right to make their views known. As citizens, they have the right to vote and vote in blocks. If a senator or representative is worried about a block of voters, then so be it.

Should there be term limits? You Betcha!

Should the Electoral College be abolished? NO.

Should this country change from a Representative Republic? NO

Should American citizens learn civics and how their country work? YES


Although this correspondent has been accused of being a political hack, I do try and give props when props are due. Such is the case today. Congressman Jason Altmire deserves props for what he has done.

For those of you who don't know, or who have been under a rock for the past week, there was a major earthquake in Haiti. A couple of local girls from Ben Avon (outside of Pittsburgh) run an orphanage down there. Well, the orphanage was reduced to rubble. Cries for help rang out around Pittsburgh and surrounding areas. Congressman Altmire was contacted a moved heaven and earth to get ALL of the orphans out of Haiti and as of this morning, in Pittsburgh.

We say well done to Congressman Altmire!



This story comes to us from KDKA Radio.

There is more to the story of the orphans being brought back from Haiti. It appears that Mary Beth Buchanan (NO friend of this blog) had everything set up and ready to go. She had the doctors from AGH (Allegheny General Hospital), Kentucky Adoption (who had the legal authority for this orphanage), medical supplies and planes in place. The only thing she did not have was a release from the State Department.

Enter Jason Altmire and Ed Rendell. They swoop in with a team from UPMC (Pittsburgh's Children's Hospital), planes and a release from the State Department.

Kentucky Adoption was has legal authority has been left out of the loop and has no idea what is going on. They are demanding answers and have started legal proceedings.

(EDITOR'S NOTE: Some steps have been left out for brevity, but the events are correct.)

So here is Buchanan a possible candidate against Altmire, she has everything in place, ready to go and Altmire and Rendell swoop in and become the knights in shining armor. To Buchanan's credit, she is downplaying the events saying only that she is glad all the children are in Pittsburgh and safe.

We're use to Rendell's bottom feeding. It is no surprise that Fast Eddy would ace out AGH and replace them with his hack friends at UPMC. It is also no surprise that this piece of dog excrement that has resided in Harrisburg for the last eight years would orchestrate such an endeavor.

In a related development, Anderson Cooper at CNN is looking into how and why Rendell was able to get an aircraft into Haiti when doctors and nurses who are desperately needed are unable to get flights into the country and why he was able to hold up flights coming into the country.

It is sad, so very sad that politics even enter into this picture. For someone to use this for ANY political gain is wrong on so many levels. IF any of this is correct, then Jason Altmire is another piece of dog excrement. This corespondent was teetering on endorsing Altmire especially if Mary Beth Buchanan was the Republican nominee. While I do not agree with many of his positions, Altmire has stood up against BHO on several key issues. If, however Altmire is truly just another piece of dog crap, he neither deserves, nor should be given kudos for anything.

More to come as more details come to light.

Monday, January 18, 2010




So now BHO and the boys are really going to show Americans that they are on the side of the righteous and mighty. What better way than to stick it to the banks! Their new scheme is to "TAX" the banks who took the tarp money.

Never mind the fact that the banks have paid back the money and paid it back with INTEREST. Never mind that the Federal Reserve made more money than it ever has because of the interest paid back. Never mind that the shareholders are looking to re-coup their money, after all, the banks are evil. They caused this mess, they should pay, pay, pay.

Or should they?
I have connections at a several major banks (most are listed above) and these connections are pretty high up. (How and why I know these people is not your concern) Did you know that several of the banks didn't want the TARP money? I know for a fact one CEO told the government they didn't want or need the money and he was told, "You'll shut up and take the money, otherwise we'll audit your bank every month for the next four years." They wouldn't have been able to conduct business with all the audits so they took the money. When they wanted to pay it back, they were told they couldn't. They were told they'll pay the money back "When we say you will."

So let's review. Many of the banks didn't want the money, were forced to take the money, were not allowed to pay the money back until they were told they could and now when they were allowed to pay the loans back with interest, the government wants to make them pay an additional tax.

How can they get away with this you may ask? Because the banks are an easy target. They have been portrayed as evil and have been made the bad guys in the sub prime meltdown. If they banks are getting screwed, the average idiot on the street is saying, "It's about time they paid for this mess they caused."

So now the government is going to clean up this mess and make the evil banks pay for the transgressions of the state.

The government should clean up their own mess before they do anything.

Sunday, January 17, 2010



Politics is a dirty business. It can get nasty, dirty and when you are running scared, you say some of the dumbest things imaginable. Obama is scared, Clinton is scared, Harry Reid is scared and Martha Coakley is so scared, she said that former Boston Red Sox great Curt Schilling (who is supporting her opponent Scott Brown) she said that Curt Schilling is a Yankee fan!

Will you just shut up, pick up your commemorative T-shirt on the way out the door and leave?
Right now as I write this, it LOOKS like Scott Brown will be the next senator from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Obama and Clinton are both up there campaigning for Ms. Coakley, so anything is possible, but all indications right now, show that Scott Brown is winning.

It will be fun to see how the dems spin this one.

One thing that is scary. If Brown wins, the democrats are saying that they will use a procedural rule called reconciliation to pass the health care bill with only 51 votes.

Using reconciliation would likely force democrats to scale back their health-care plans. The procedure is designed to make deficit-cutting easier by reducing the number of votes needed to pass unpopular tax increases and spending cuts. Lawmakers can’t include policy changes that the parliamentarian deems have only an “incidental” connection to budget-cutting, and senators would need 60 votes to override those rulings.

If the dems use this, there will surely be a court battle.


You remember Cass? He's Obama’s appointee to head the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs. Well old Cass has come up with some"creative" ways to "regulate" what is being said about his boss, or if anyone says anything against his boss or his boss's policies.

From Prison Planet:

Cass Sunstein, president Obama’s appointee to head the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, and the man who outlined a plan for the government to infiltrate “conspiracy groups” in order to undermine them, is in direct line for a promotion to Supreme Court Justice.
Sunstein, already in an advanced position of power in the White House as Regulatory czar, has already called for strict restrictions on gun ownership, an internet “Fairness Doctrine”, and an effective ban on free speech where dissenting opinions to those of the government are expressed.
Suntein’s name was on various shortlists to replace Justice David Souter last year following his retirement, and prior to the appointment of Sonia Sotomayor. Sunstein’s name was also touted for the Supreme Court before Obama even took office in November 2008.
His close personal relationship with Obama should set alarm bells ringing for anyone who values the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, particularly as Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, now aged 75, is likely to take retirement soon following illness, and with Justice John Paul Stevens now aged 90.
Sunstein and Obama go way back from their faculty days at the University of Chicago law school and are firm friends. Sunstein worked as an advisor to Obama during his presidential campaign and was drafted into the White House soon after Obama won the election.
As Obama’s “Information Czar”, Sunstein effectively interprets the law for the Executive. Sunstein operates in a similar, but much more elevated, role to that of former Justice Department lawyer John Yoo, who infamously re-interpreted the law to legally sanction torture under the Bush Administration.
As we highlighted in our article yesterday, Sunstein has outlined plans for the government to infiltrate “conspiracy groups”, including the 9/11 Truth Movement, in order to undermine them via postings on chat rooms and social networks, as well as real meetings.
Sunstein has effectively penned the blueprint for a Cointelpro “provocateur” style program to silence what have become the government’s most vociferous and influential critics.
The specifics of the plans must be read in full in order to gauge their extreme nature and the threat Sunstein poses to the freedom in America.
On page 14 of Sunstein’s January 2008 white paper entitled “Conspiracy Theories,” he proposed that “under imaginable conditions” the government “might ban conspiracy theorizing” and could “impose some kind of tax, financial or otherwise, on those who disseminate such theories.”
In effect, Obama’s information czar wants to tax or ban outright, as in make illegal, opinions and ideas that the government doesn’t approve of.
Sunstein’s definition of a “conspiracy theorist” encompasses those who question manmade global warming and, most bizarrely, anyone who believes that sunlight is healthy for their bodies.
Presumably if Sunstein had been in power in the latter middle ages he would have attempted to tax and then ban the work of Galileo Galilei for subscribing to the theory that the Earth was not the centre of the universe and that it actually revolved around the Sun.
When he’s not going after those evil sunlight lovers, Sunstein advocates Internet censorship via enforced and regulated links in news pieces to opposing opinions.
Sunstein himself later retracted that proposal, explaining that it would be “too difficult to regulate [the Internet] in a way that would respond to those concerns”, and admitting that it was “almost certainly unconstitutional.”
Sunstein has also called for the re-writing of the First Amendment, and has even proposed a mandatory celebration of tax day in America.
His views on the Second Amendment have also raised serious concerns. In his book “Radicals in Robes,” he wrote: “[A]lmost all gun control legislation is constitutionally fine.”

See old Cass has the idea that if you disagree with the government and voice your opinion, you should pay a tax. If you believe in conspiracies and belong to a group, the government should infiltrate your group and of course, you should pay a tax. Since 70% of Americans believe that Lee Harvey Oswald did not act alone, are we going to be taxed?

On one hand this is so laughable, I couldn't make this stuff up! This is a comic's best material. On the other hand, this is so damn scary that people like this are in this administration.

I urge you to look up Cass Sunstein. Just Google him and read his "beliefs." If you don't believe a word I am telling you (and you shouldn't. you should always check and double check everything you read and hear.) check this guy out. Just Google him and see what this jackass is all about.

Thursday, January 14, 2010


From National Journal:

A year into his tenure, a majority of Americans would already vote against Pres. Obama if the '12 elections were held today, according to a new survey.

The Allstate/National Journal Heartland Monitor poll shows 50% say they would probably or definitely vote for someone else. Fully 37% say they would definitely cast a ballot against Obama. Meanwhile, just 39% would vote to re-elect the pres. to a 2nd term, and only 23% say they definitely would do so.

Obama's first year in office has been marked by an unemployment rate that surged to 10%, an increased commitment of troops to Afghanistan and a health care battle that has taken a serious political toll on the WH.

Obama's approval rating is down to 47%, the poll showed, a 14-point drop since the April survey. 45% disapprove, up 17 points from April. Only 41% say they trust Obama more than Congressional GOPers, while 33% pick the GOP over the WH. That 8-point gap is down from a 21-point edge Obama sported as recently as Sept.

Just 34% say the country is moving in the right direction, down 13 points since April, and 55% say it is off on the wrong track, up 13 points over the same period.

But as GOPers focus on taxes and spending, that message seems to be causing Obama the most harm. Among those who believe Obama's policies have moved the country in the wrong direction, 45% cite spending and government regulation as a top cause for their opposition.
Meanwhile, those who think Obama's policies are moving the country down the right track largely cite long-term benefits of his initiatives.

In the meantime, health care legislation is by no means popular, but a majority of Americans don't oppose the legislation yet. 44% said they support the legislation under consideration, down 5 points from the last poll in Sept., while 46% oppose it.
The poll, conducted by Financial Dynamics, surveyed 1,200 adults between Jan. 3-7 for a margin of error of +/- 2.8%.

Man, oh Manishewitz. What a difference a year makes. It is not just the National Journal poll, it's Rasmussen, Gallop, even CBS in their poll says no one is going to vote for this guy again. To me, it is like re-living the Carter election again. IF everyone who SAYS they voted for Ford, would have ACTUALLY voted for Ford, he would have won by a Biblical landslide.

Don't get all giddy. Two weeks in politics is a lifetime and BHO and the democrats can certainly rebound. Look around at the Republicans, there ain't NO one out there ready to reap the rewards.

The Republicans have just a few months to get their do-do in one sock. They need to go back to their core beliefs. They need to read them, know them, embrace them. If the Republicans go back to their core beliefs, believe them and live them, they will succeed. If they don't, then the dems will be back in office, screwing everything up.

ONE bright spot looks to be Scott Brown. He's the Republican running for the senate in Massachusetts, running for the seat formerly held by the very late Ted Kennedy. Scott Brown is making his case against the health care bill and the democrats and so far, he HAS A CHANCE to win the seat. Something that was not even thought of two weeks ago.
Now, I have edited this down as I had gone in depth as to what I thought was going to happen in the 2010 election, but to be honest, it even bored me.

Surfer Dude Obama and his buddies are starting to realize that they are in deep do-do.

Funny thing, the people they underestimate and ignore, call names and put down, aren't taking a rest. Some, many, a lot of people thought the movement would have died down by now, but it hasn't. in fact, the movement has grown by leaps and bounds and is spreading that, well no, better not use that example. But it is growing and people are not forgetting.

Even a small loss by the dems will shake things up. I honestly feel that they have underestimated the resolve of the Tea Party and as such will feel the sting at the ballot box.

Chris Dodd saw the handwriting on the wall and jumped ship like all rats do. One more mis-step and Dingy Harry Reid will do the same thing. Others are on shaky ground, Specter, Boxer, Rangle.

So, within a + or - of 3%, I think this was an informative posting.

Monday, January 11, 2010



Have you been watching the democrats circle the wagon around Harry Reid? There's a new book coming out about the 2008 election called "Game Change." The book is loaded with lots of "inside" information about EVERYBODY who participated in the election. I hear they are working on a sequel this time about EVERYONE who voted in the election, even the dead ones!

Anyway in the book, Harry was talking about BHO and described the future President as a
"light-skinned" African-American "with no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one."

The statement in and of itself is reminiscent of Joe Biden saying that BHO was "clean and articulate."

How about Bill Clinton telling Teddy Kennedy that Obama "a couple of years ago would have been getting us coffee."

So all the democrats are backing Harry, not like the Republicans when they threw Trent Lott under the bus. Harry has such a great record in helping African-American's that he is given a pass because of all the good he's done over the years.

Now you remember Trent's grave sin? He was making a 100 year old man feel good at his birthday when he told Strom Thurmond that if people had voted for him when he ran for President we'd all be better off. Harry and the gang got the rakes out and started raking Trent over the coals. Well Trent lost his job as Majority Leader.

Now Harry basically does the same thing and he is given a pass. Can you say
D O U B L E S T A N D A R D?

Personally, I could care less. Let him keep his powerful position. Harry will be out of work next November and he'll be gone PERMANENTLY!

The democrats really picked the right mascot.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010





We awoke this morning to the news that Chris Dodd the senator from Connecticut is not going to seek another term this year.
The hand writing was on the wall for Chris. Co-architect of the sub-prime melt down, his receipt of a "special" mortgage with Countywide and his connection with the bail outs and Obama care told him he could not be re-elected.

One half of the Super Duo of the Kennedy and Dodd Waitress Sandwich Maker, Chris Dodd was a slim ball of the first degree. Although we would have preferred to have seen him leaving the Capital in handcuffs, we bid him a long overdue farewell.

The news of Dodd and North Dakota's Dorgan leaving the senate is not good news for the democrats as more and more read the tea-leaves which segues nicely into today's topic. Ladies and gentlemen, Miss Brenda Lee:


When 9-11 happened, we were told we had to "understand" the poor terrorist. Their "frustrations" was a result of the poverty they were forced to live in and mostly because of what the big bad United States had done to them for hundreds, if not thousands of years.

Of course with the last Yabba Dabba Dooer who tried to blow up a plane being from a well to do family, those theories have been blown out of the water.
But then along came BHO. He walked on water, lights from heaven shone on him and he was the savior who was going to restore our good name around the world. He promptly went on a world apology tour, telling our enemies that we are so very sorry for having offended them in anyway. He announced that he was closing the detention center at Guantanamo Bay AND giving the terrorist all the rights of American citizens so they can be tried in an American court.

Let me digress for a moment. So you close Gitmo because the Yabba Dabba Dooers are using it as a "recruiting" tool. So you move these trick or treaters to Illinois and that is NOT going to be used as a recruiting tool?
Contrast this with the way they mocked American citizens who are fed up with the way the democrats are running this country. This administration is more concerned with placating terrorist, than they are concerned for the rights of those Americans who protest the administration.

This administration is more concerned about how those who want to kill us feel, than how everyday average Americans feel.

This administration is more concerned about making sure we don't offend those that hate us and could care less about offending those who don't agree with the direction they are taking this country.

They are so concerned about saying the right thing about those that want to kill us, but call a grass roots movement "astro-turf" and tea baggers. Their leadership compares American's who are fed up with them as Nazis and say they are fearful of rhetoric turning into violence.

The message is starting to get across to them. Dorgan, Dodd, who's next?

November 2010 is not that far away.

Before we leave, I received another special request with a dedication. This goes out to Harry & Nancy from an "Astro-turfer." Ladies and gentlemen, Miss Connie Francis,

"You had your way, now you must pay. I'm glad that you're sorry now."
