Tuesday, March 2, 2010


There are some things in life that are unexplainable. Stonehenge, Crop Circles, the latest Quinnpiac Poll. In the poll, Arlen Specter is ahead of Republican challenger Pat Toomey 49-42.

Now, as stated over and over, two weeks in politics is a lifetime and we have nine months before the general election, but this correspondent is sitting here scratching his head trying to figure this one out. The approval rating of congress is 14%. There is a backlash against incumbents, particularly democrats and the democrats themselves are seriously worried about November. Then along comes Arlen who was neck and neck with Toomey just a month ago and now he's up!
There are some factors here that Mr. Toomey has to overcome. The biggest is name recognition. It is evident that Mr. Toomey is being hurt by the fact that people know Arlen's name.

Another factor is that leading up to an election, Arlen is know for getting earmarks and spreading the cash around in front of the cameras.

Arlen will cry to the crowds that they need him in Pennsylvania, that he brings money to the state, he takes care of the people of Pennsylvania and that he is their only hope considering the fact that Bob Casey is MIA most of the time.

But, Mr. Specter has voted for the stimulus, has voted for the health care reform pushed by the democrats and has been on the wrong side of a multitude of issues.
What will help Mr. Toomey is the fact that BHO has promised to campaign for Mr. Specter. As the democrats used to morph candidates pictures into those of George W Bush, expect the same from the Republicans as they use Jimmy Carter Jr. in their ads.

November is a long time away and this correspondent expects the polls to tilt back and forth through the summer and by November, with the democrat agenda being exposed to the light more and more and with the help of BHO himself, I am confident that Mr. Specter will be playing with his grandchildren more after the election.

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