Thursday, November 5, 2009


Military personnel at Ft. Hood now confirm that the shooter who killed at least 12 people is alive and was not killed as earlier reported.
Our thoughts and prayers go out to the families, friends and co-workers of the people who were killed and injured today at Ft. Hood today. In the coming days and months there will be plenty of time to dissect the events of today. I had no plans of blogging today as I have been working on a major piece that I plan to release in the coming days, but felt compelled to write. We need to be focused on this tragedy, what happened and why? We need to pray for those killed and injured and we need to pray for all who serve our country.

This is a horse's ass
This is JohnMcIntire
They are interchangeable.

In his blog, Johnny couldn't wait to blame this tragedy on a "Right Wing Nut." Even when it was found out that the shooter was a Muslim, he still continued on the right wing nut line.

Johnny is a hate monger, a moron and a horse's ass.

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