In a move that can only be categorized as a slap in the face to New York and all of America, the Obama administration on Friday announced that the mastermind behind the September 11Th attacks will be brought to New York City to be tried in Criminal Court for the attack that left over three thousand people dead.
Ron Jeremy look a like, (he only wishes) Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and five others will be transferred from the Guantanamo Bay Detention Center to New York where they will be put on trial, given the same rights as you and I and make a mockery of our judicial system, all while placing the city and people of New York in the cross hair of the Islamic Terrorist who want to destroy this country.
Yes, I said Islamic Terrorist. While the Obama administration no longer allows it to be called "The War on Terror," I call a spade a spade (so to speak) and call it as I see it.
Eric Holder is a nut job if he thinks that he's doing the right thing by putting these camel jockeys on trial in Federal Court. The military tribunals were set up to handle these cases of enemy combatants.
What is going to happen is that you are going to place the lives of twelve innocent Americans who were un-lucky enough to have drawn the short straw and selected to serve on the jury in jeopardy.
You also place the life of the judge and his family in jeopardy. Just ask former Attorney General Michael Mukasey who was the judge during the blind sheikh's trial. A fatwa was placed on him and his family calling for the death of the infidel because he had the nerve to dishonor such a righteous and religious man by presiding over his trial.
You leave the city of New York Vulnerable to another attack by groups or single individuals such as the whack job doctor at Ft. Hood.
You open up classified documents, techniques as well as evidence gained through interrogation for the world to see in open court.
The CIA and other agencies will be put on trial.
Where are you going to "confine" these fine upstanding citizens during the trial? How will you transport them to and from the courthouse and keep innocent people safe?
What if you have a bleeding heart liberal judge who has "empathy" for their cause?
Where are you going to find twelve jurors who don't have an opinion about this case?
What are you going to do if you loose this case and he walks free?
Rudy Giuliani spoke today and made several of these points. He is incensed and beside himself at the idea of bringing these rag-heads to New York for trial and pointed out many of the issues raised and a few more. Their attorneys are going to be their advocates and the trial will be nothing but a soap box for Mohammed to conduct his Jihad against the United States.
Of course the ACLU says that this is a great victory to have the trails moved from a military tribunal to US Court.
The prosecution rest.
Cries of "Allahu Akbar" (Allah is the greatest) will be a daily occurrence during the trail. The last time we heard that was last week when an American camel jockey shot up Ft. Hood.
The same Justice Department that is bringing you the "Trial of the Century" to New York City is saying they don't think the incident at Ft Hood was a terrorist attack. Oh really? Let's look at what we know:
Nidal Malik Hassan was an Islamic who attended the same Mosques as the 9-11 hijackers, was in contact with the same Imam that ran the Mosque, had contacted Alkida operatives at least 20 times and yelled YABA DABA DO (Allah is the greatest) while his was blowing away United States military personnel. No, I don't see any connect with terrorist do you?
Now his lawyer is trying to drum up sympathy for Hassan saying he's in a great deal of pain, he is paralyzed from the waist down and he is in critical condition.
How soon before he files a law suit saying that he was shot unjustly? He forgot to mention that the "Good American" (as his cousin keeps calling him) is dead from the neck up!
With sincere apologies to Fred Flintstone and company, these Yaba Daba Doers want us all to die. We are infidels because we don't believe in the same God they do. We are infidels because we don't want to live in the stone age as they do. We are infidels because we embrace freedom and they don't.
With sincere apologies to Fred Flintstone and company, these Yaba Daba Doers want us all to die. We are infidels because we don't believe in the same God they do. We are infidels because we don't want to live in the stone age as they do. We are infidels because we embrace freedom and they don't.
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