Friday, April 2, 2010





Thursday, April 1, 2010



If you were looking for cutting edge political commentary, well you have come to the wrong place.

From now on, we are sports.


If it is a sport, we are going to cover it.

We love Curling and we are going to cover it like no one else does!
I got tired of being called a racist, a homo-phobe, a Tea Bagger and an idiot. I have also been contacted by the government and told to cease and desist. Rather than rock the boat, I have made the decision to go with the flow, follow what the people want and not question our government.
So sit back and enjoy the new sports themed commentary. Tomorrow we discuss the history of curling and why it is such an exciting sport. I'll have an exclusive interview with George McCalb the champion "sweeper" from the Jonesboro Club. (They aren't called teams, they are called clubs.) George and I will be discussing the use of newer synthetic brushes that some clubs are now using. How does that effect the ice? Can they leave more "grooves" in the ice? How do some teams "bend" the rules and alter the ice? Should the rule book be updated and the newer synthetic brushes be banned?

On Saturday we'll have a preview on the upcoming NASCAR race and ask the question that EVERYONE is asking, What is wrong with Dale Jr? Why can't he win now that he is with Hendrick Motorsport?

Next week, we'll have my rugby and soccer picks for the upcoming week.

We'll look at the state of Cross Country running in high school and college sports.

Should Flag Football be a varsity sport?

Will Tiger Woods, Santonio Holmes and Big Ben be embraced by the fans or heckled?

Who will be out in the first round of the NHL Playoffs?

Who will the Steelers' first round pick be? Will they trade up for a QB?

How about the Pirates? Will they be the first team in professional sports to have 18 straight losing seasons?

Will Pitt join the Big 10?


Compelling commentary that I hope you will embrace.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

With Friends Like US, Who Needs Enemies?

It has been widely reported that Jimmy Jr., really "Dissed" Benjamin Netanyahu during a recent visit of the Israeli Prime Minister to the White House. Reports stated that BHO told Bibi that he and his staff had better come up with a better plan concerning the building of settlements in Jerusalem. BHO then told Netanyahu that he was going upstairs to have dinner with his family and if Netanyahu had anything significant for him, he would "check in" later.

So this is how we restore our good name around the world?

You treat one of your most loyal Allies, the only Allie that you have in the middle east like this? Am I missing something here?

First of all, these "settlements" amount to nothing but new apartment buildings in the CAPITAL of Israel. Since when do we tell another country what they can and cannot do in THEIR country?

Netanyahu should have walked.

The Jews are responsible for this.

The Jews are responsible for this because in a block they voted for Jimmy Jr. Why? I ask all my Jewish friends this all the time. Why if you support a free Israel do you always vote for the liberal democrat that wants to take your homeland away from you and give to the Palestinian people?

Conservatives are the ones who back Israel all the time. Conservatives are the ones who vote to sell weapons to Israel, who support Israel at the United Nations, who unconditionally stand beside Israel. Yet, the American Jew will vote for the liberal every time. Why is that? I honestly do not understand the logic here.
Mahmoud I'm a nut job now has the capability to produce nuclear weapons. He has said that his intention is to wipe Israel off the face of the map. He has said that once Israel is destroyed, he wants to start the Apocalypse to bring back the 12th Iman. He has said all of this. Does anyone not believe him? Placing sanctions on President I'm a nut job hasn't done anything. If Israel takes out the nukes, who is going to defend her? Certainly it won't be Jimmy Jr.'s administration.

Israel deserves better than this. The world deserves better than this. It was nice to see that after almost a year and a half in office, the Commander in Chief finally made a trip to visit the troops in a war zone. Let's hope that his actions won't cause that war zone to expand.

Thursday, March 25, 2010


With the passage of Obama-care, there is a growing dissatisfaction within the electorate towards their representatives. The actions of their representatives have cultivated hatred and anger and the momentum is now there to throw the bums out.

Several members of congress have received threatening messages, had bricks thrown through their windows and one Republican even had his windows shot out. The democrats are crying foul and once again using the media to smear a movement, instead of focusing on the individual or individuals involved, they blame the whole movement.

Some have even gone further. Representative Clyburn accused the Republicans of "aiding and abetting terrorism."

Others say that members of the Tea Party movement are "Timothy McVeigh want-a-be's."

Articles are appearing "Is the Tea Party hurting the Republican party?"

Give me a break.

As I have said many times, it all comes down to whose ox is getting gored.

I remember Hillary Clinton screaming "I am sick and tired of being told that if we protest against this government, we are un-American."


It was alright when members of congress called George Bush a liar, a looser, compared him to Hilter, called him a war criminal, etc, etc, etc. It was alright then, those who complained were called closed minded. There was even a film that was raved about by the left telling the story of the assassination of George Bush.

In the words of Richard Nixon, "Let me be perfectly clear," we are not a banana republic where our leaders are routinely assaulted because of their votes. Any physical assault on a representative is a crime and should be handled as such. Common decency says that you leave the family of a representative alone. Threats of violence against a representative is also included.

Now constituents have every right to call their representative and tell them their displeasure with their actions as long as the only threat is,"I ain't going to vote for you."

The democrats and the media are once again trying to smear and discredit a grass roots movement. Why? Because they are afraid of them and afraid that they will be voted out of power. Want to know who the democrats have fear for? Look at who they try to smear and discredit. They did it with Quayle, Ginrich, Bush and Palin.

They know that the American people are unhappy with them. They are mad that they ignored their wishes with the health care vote, they are unhappy with the violations of ethics, the earmarks, the deals for votes and the arrogance of their representatives. They know that November is coming and that they are in great danger of being voted out of power.

Obama was out today "selling" the health care bill. Why? Have you ever heard of that before? The fricking thing is law. It's been voted on and passed. He signed the damn thing two days ago. Hell Bobo Joe told him "This is a big f'ing deal," so why does he have to go out and sell it? Because he KNOWS the American people don't want this and he's trying to stop the bleeding of the democrat party!

They know its over.

You want a threat? You really want a threat? The American people WILL NOT forget this and they will turn out in mass in November to show these arrogant schmucks the door.

Save the fuel on Air Force One, no one's buying what your selling.


I was speaking with a woman that I know yesterday. She escaped the former Soviet Union many years ago and worked her way to the United States. This survivor of Soviet rule was asking me the obvious. I wish I would recreate her accent here, but this is what she told me:

What have American people done? Didn't you see what Obama does? Like former Soviet Union, they tell you what they are going to do and they just do it? How could you let this happen? Health care? Control is what they want and what they got, just like Soviet Union. I thought Americans were smarter than that. You now are what I left.

I'll give you a moment to let that sink in.

You now are what I left.

Charles Dingle said that they needed to pass this to control the people.

Major announcement coming soon.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Yes we do!
Well, Comrade Obama signed the health care reform bill today and just before he took the podium,Comrade Bobo Joe had to tell him what a "Big f'ing deal" this was. Talk about your comic relief. Leave it to Bobo Joe to lighten up the room. When Joe goes to buy shoes (as Britt Hume said) he buys three, two for the feet and one for the mouth!

So what next?

37 states are filing law suites against the government and the health care bill signed today.

The biggest thing YOU and I can do is to use our right (while we still have it) to vote and get ride of these jokers.

Remember as Al Sharpton said, the American people voted for socialism when they voted for Obama, so it's what the American people want.

Is it?

The Republicans are mounting a campaign where they are going to repeal the bill. To do that, they need to have a veto proof congress. What that means is they need 290 seats in the house and 66 seats in the senate.

Easier said than done.

The Republicans would need to pick up 112 seats in the house. Not an easy job, but possible. In the senate, they need 25. Problem is there are only 18 democrat seats up for grabs, so even if they picked up each one, they would still be 7 seats short. What they would have to work for is picking up as many seats as they could and running a candidate in '12 that could expose and blow BHO out of the water. More on that later.

This is '10 and every one of these trick or treaters who voted for the health care bill needs to be shown the door. They ignored their constituents wishes and voted for this monstrosity and now they must pay.
Starting with Mike Doyle of the 14th District. He voted for the health care bill so he has to pay the price. If Satan himself ran against Doyle, I would be inclined to vote for Satan. Whatever Doyle has done in the past does not give him a pass on his latest vote. In the Navy we had a saying. If you collect 10,000 at-a-boys you earned a day off. One Ah shit and all those at-a-boys were lost. Mike you earned your Ah shit.
It goes without saying that Arlen is gone.
The verdict is still out on young Jason. He did vote against the bill and the liberals (all 100 of them) in his district are jumping ugly. For the moment, I am willing to give him the benefit of the doubt and see what he does between now and the election.

This is not about Republican vs democrat.

It is about the leadership and direction of this country. IF the Republicans want to re-gain power they have to do two things. 1st, they need to return to CONSERVATIVE values and principles. 2nd, once elected, they need to stay true to their CONSERVATIVE values and principles.

Time after time when the election comes down to Conservatism vs liberalism, Conservatism ALWAYS wins. The American people want and will vote for Conservatives, but, they will kick them out (see 08) when they don't adhere to their Conservative values and principles.

The health care debate is not over. The democrats are struggling to "explain" this bill. Why? They have been explaining this bill for over a year, so why do they have to go and sell it again when it's passed? Because they know that the American people didn't want THIS bill. They are going to point out only the good parts of the bill which could be written on ONE piece of paper, they won't try to explain the other 2000+ pages. They can't.

Don't give up.

On MONDAY MAY 3, 2010, we need a MILLION or more cars to flood the Nation's Capital creating the biggest traffic jam in history. Decorate your cars, show your displeasure for the actions of this congress and starting at 5AM drive into the city. Drive around until you are stuck in the biggest traffic jam in history. Blow you horns, bring compressed air horns, open your sun roofs, put down the tops, have one big tailgate party! MAYBE then, Congress will get the message. Spend the day just wreaking havoc. The more cars, the bigger the traffic jam and the more streets are closed down. Fill your car with friends and make it a day long party celebrating shutting down the Washington DC.

If you agree, cut and paste the message above and e-mail it to everyone you know.

Monday, March 22, 2010


Not to get too dramatic here, but we lost our country sunday night. Oh the left will cheer that more people will receive health care, but the strange irony is, THEY ALREADY DID.

If someone needed care to save their life, no hospital would refuse them or refuse to save their life.

This was a bad bill for so many reasons.

Yet the liberals will point to the couple of good provisions of the bill to make up for the rest of the garbage they put into it.

Within ten years, there WILL be a greater shortage of doctors.

You WILL be paying higher taxes.

The level of care you receive WILL go down.

This bill needs to be repealed and started over.

Pelosi, Reed, Stupak and Obama need to be shown the door.

I would write more, but I am still spitting blood and any comments I would make would be so vile, you would mistake this blog for a liberal one.

Get the word out, tell your friends:

On MONDAY MAY 3, 2010, we need a MILLION or more cars to flood the Nation's Capital creating the biggest traffic jam in history. Decorate your cars, show your displeasure for the actions of this congress and starting at 5AM drive into the city. Drive around until you are stuck in the biggest traffic jam in history. Blow you horns, bring compressed air horns, open your sun roofs, put down the tops, have one big tailgate party! MAYBE then, Congress will get the message. Spend the day just wreaking havoc. The more cars, the bigger the traffic jam and the more streets are closed down. Fill your car with friends and make it a day long party celebrating shutting down the Washington DC.

If you agree, cut and paste the message above and e-mail it to everyone you know.

Sunday, March 21, 2010


As I write this, the House of REPRESENTATIVES has not voted on the health care bill. The vote is scheduled for today and there is at this minute a 50/50 chance it will pass. If the bill is passed and if the wishes of the American people are ignored, then the time for action is now.

We have always advocated non-violence and continue to take that stand. What we do advocate is a complete and total shut down of Washington to show our displeasure. It came to me last night in a dream and I have the way to complete it.

On MONDAY MAY 3, 2010, we need a MILLION or more cars to flood the Nation's Capital creating the biggest traffic jam in history. Decorate your cars, show your displeasure for the actions of this congress and starting at 5AM drive into the city. Drive around until you are stuck in the biggest traffic jam in history. Blow you horns, bring compressed air horns, open your sun roofs, put down the tops, have one big tailgate party! MAYBE then, Congress will get the message. Spend the day just wreaking havoc. The more cars, the bigger the traffic jam and the more streets are closed down. Fill your car with friends and make it a day long party celebrating shutting down the Washington DC.

If you agree, cut and paste the message above and e-mail it to everyone you know.

Thursday, March 11, 2010


I took this test on the internet the other day. Yeah, I know, most of them if not all, are stupid and don't mean squat, but the test was called "What Really Bugs You?" It turns out, the test somehow or another was dead on. It said that People's Stupidity was what bugged me.

I couldn't agree more.
Like the moron pulling out of the Burger King on Route 8. A car in the right hand lane is trying to pull into the Burger King, but he can't because Mr. Nimnutz instead of using the EXIT to enter Route 8 is trying to use the ENTRANCE to get on the road. So now the poor guy who only wants to get a cheeseburger, ends up blocking traffic and becomes a road hazard just because so idiot is so stupid that he can't read is mucking up the entrance.

Then there's Big Benjamin who already has a law suite against him for, eh-hem, shall we say; "sexual indiscretions" going to a bar in a college town and having a "liaison" with a college student that has turned into possible charges being filed against him.

We have seen this time and time again. Members of congress who are still trying to shove a health care reform bill down American's throats when the American people clearly don't want it.

How about the guy who pulls a gun on a Police Officer over a parking spot?
The point is we are surrounded by stupidity. It is the dumbing down of our country. We don't excel to be better, we excel for "equal-ness." They don't keep score at soccer games or baseball games because if Little Johnny is on the loosing team, he'll feel bad and his self esteem will be damaged. Everybody makes the team and everybody plays. BS.

Back in the days of Dinosaurs, we had to "try out" for the Little League team. You didn't make it, you played with your buddies in the park and you made yourself better and then you had another "try out" the next year. Today you ride around during the summer and look at the kids playing on the ball fields during the day. Oh wait, THEY DON'T PLAY ON THE BALL FIELDS DURING THE DAY ANYMORE. You don't see kids playing "pick-up" games anymore. I guess they are too busy playing baseball on the Playstation. The sad thing is you only see the kids playing ball when they have uniforms on.

It is the same thing in our education. We throw money at the problem and then when that doesn't work, we throw more money at the problem. Teachers don't teach, they babysit. The good teachers are lost in the system. We need to have teachers pay and quite honestly, their jobs tied into some sort of merit system. Forget tenure. If you are doing the job and doing it right, you'll never have to worry about loosing your job. To be honest, I think teachers should be one of the highest paid professions, but it should be based on results.
We have lost our common sense. Common sense is you don't put your hot coffee between your legs while you are driving. Instead, because of lawsuits, we now have warning labels. Look at all of the products you have in your house. Now look at the warning labels on them. It's because of the stupid people like the ones above that they are there. Water and electricity don't mix, never have, never will. That doesn't stop some want a bee members Mensa from trying.

Common sense tells us you don't try and read the newspaper, shave, tie your tie or put on make-up while you are driving. Sad thing is if you stood along the highway on any given morning you would see all of that.

Common sense tells us that you don't try and thaw out your frozen pipes with an open flame torch, but every year some dipstick that "knows how to do it," burns his house down.

Common sense tells us you don't try and out run a train at the crossing, yet every year there are dozens of meatheads standing at the Pearly Gates saying "I thought I could make it" over and over.

We have warning stickers on coffee cups, ladders, buckets, table lamps, hair dryers, etc, etc, etc. Why? Because our world is now made up and sometimes controlled by the stupid people. They are like Al Sharpton, they're everywhere.

We have web sites that highlight the stupid people. Sites like and show how stupid people can be.

The problem is stupidity isn't isolated.

We are becoming Wylie E Coyte v The Roadrunner.

Thursday, March 4, 2010


From the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette:

The Pittsburgh 9.12 Project, a grass-roots conservative group, was forced to seek a new home after complaints about a North Hills church's decision to allow them to use their meeting room.

The group, an affiliate of the movement promoted by Fox commentator Glenn Beck, had staged a series of gatherings in St. John Lutheran Church of Highland. The church's meeting room was also to have been the site of a similar conservative group, the Pittsburgh Tea Party movement, last weekend, but that session was canceled due to weather.

The decision came after a blog post on the liberal website Daily Kos criticized the church's decision to hold the gatherings and suggested that the conservative group's views on issues such as global warming were at odds with the views of the Lutheran Church.

"As a Lutheran, I was very alarmed that a church of my own denomination was hosting such [an] event. I have since come to learn that this is not the first time the church has hosted such an event," said the author of the post, identified as mph2005.

Pastor William Diehm of St. John's declined to comment on the decision. In an e-mail, McKay Sailer, a leader of the local 9.12 group, said that the Daily Kos item "was the impetus for multiple complaints and threats of lawsuits, so they decided to dissolve the relationship with us."

Mrs. Sailer insisted that the meetings, which were not sponsored by the church, did not pose any threat to principles of church-state separation.

"However, we have no recourse and we certainly do not want to bring any harm to the church," she said. "That being said, this type of bullying and restriction of free speech is business-as-usual for the uber-progressive left."

The initial Daily Kos post on the meeting prompted an extensive series of comments, some sharply condemning the church, others dismissing such concerns an overreaction.

The next meeting of the group, on Sunday, will be in a Franklin Park Borough activities building.

Did I sleep through March? Is it April 1st already? I thought I was ready the Onion and I had to look and see that it was the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette! The Daily Kos? You have gots to be kidding me? Am I on Candid Camera?

First of all, I would like to set the record straight. There is no such thing as a separation of Church and State. It was an phrase taken from a Supreme Court decision. There is NOTHING in the United States Constitution that says there is a separation of Church and State and I DEFY anyone to prove otherwise.

The 9-12 Project is made up of nine principles and 12 values. Taken directly from the 9-12 Project's website: (This writer's notes in Blue)

9 Principles, 12 Values

The 9 Principles

1. America Is Good. Yes it is.

2. I believe in God and He is the Center of my Life. There's something that I am not sure a church would support.

3. I must always try to be a more honest person than I was yesterday. Thought I read something about this from a stone tablet give to a guy named Moses.

4. The family is sacred. My spouse and I are the ultimate authority, not the government.
What's the problem with that? Do I not have the right to raise my children the way I
see fit? Am I not responsible for them?

5. If you break the law you pay the penalty. Justice is blind and no one is above it.
Justice is blind and no one is above it. There's a novel idea. How many other countries practice this?

6. I have a right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness, but there is no guarantee of equal results. Amen.

7. I work hard for what I have and I will share it with who I want to. Government cannot force me to be charitable. Yeah, like giving my money to a church that walks the walk.

8. It is not un-American for me to disagree with authority or to share my personal opinion.
Let me get this right, it was alright for the left to protest the "Evil George Bush," but
not alright for conservatives to protest against the left's guys?

9. The government works for me. I do not answer to them, they answer to me. I Barrack
Hussein Obama, do solemnly swear, that I will faithfully execute the office of President
of the United States and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend, the Constitution of the United States. So help me God.

The 12 Values

* Honesty
* Reverence
* Hope
* Thrift
* Humility
* Charity
* Sincerity
* Moderation
* Hard Work
* Courage
* Personal Responsibility
* Gratitude

Talk about a subversive manifesto.

One question? What church would NOT agree with ANY of the principles or values listed? I checked the website of the church and I found that they sponsor and support the Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts. Most of the 12 values are part of the Scout oath! Does the Daily Kos think the church should get rid of those subversives?

Seriously, what church would disagree with any of what the 9-12 Project believes? Second, what are they afraid that the Daily Kos would do, sue them? BRING IT ON!

It is a private church, they are free to support who they want. I'm sure if they were giving Osama Bin Laden shelter and asylum, the Daily Kos would be cheering them, after all if the government gets a hold of him, they are going to give him an unfair trail and then kill him. I bet if they were hiding 100 illegal Mexicans in their basement, they would be hailed by the Daily Kos as "humanitarians."

What this "Pastor" needs to do is to grow a pair and stand up to these nut balls.

Again I'll ask, what church does not believe in these principles and values? The 12 principles were mostly the thoughts of George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, taken straight from their writings. Talk about hanging around with a bunch of lackeys! Washington and Jefferson were obviously dangerous in their thoughts and writings are bad for this country.

I guess the Daily Kos will now turn their attention to Franklin Park Borough.

If any church doesn't believe in these principles and values, then I don't want to be a part of it.

Editor's Note:

Normally I do not seek self promotion. Whoever reads this column (and I have heard from many) I am grateful for your support. I am not looking for more readers to disappoint with my sporadic writings. I am going to step out of character and ask that you forward the link to this column to your friends. The Daily Kos and the radical left (If you read the Daily Kos, you will see that they are the radical left) have flexed their muscles against conservatism, not it is your turn. If you believe in what I have written, please pass it on to your friends for their reading.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


There are some things in life that are unexplainable. Stonehenge, Crop Circles, the latest Quinnpiac Poll. In the poll, Arlen Specter is ahead of Republican challenger Pat Toomey 49-42.

Now, as stated over and over, two weeks in politics is a lifetime and we have nine months before the general election, but this correspondent is sitting here scratching his head trying to figure this one out. The approval rating of congress is 14%. There is a backlash against incumbents, particularly democrats and the democrats themselves are seriously worried about November. Then along comes Arlen who was neck and neck with Toomey just a month ago and now he's up!
There are some factors here that Mr. Toomey has to overcome. The biggest is name recognition. It is evident that Mr. Toomey is being hurt by the fact that people know Arlen's name.

Another factor is that leading up to an election, Arlen is know for getting earmarks and spreading the cash around in front of the cameras.

Arlen will cry to the crowds that they need him in Pennsylvania, that he brings money to the state, he takes care of the people of Pennsylvania and that he is their only hope considering the fact that Bob Casey is MIA most of the time.

But, Mr. Specter has voted for the stimulus, has voted for the health care reform pushed by the democrats and has been on the wrong side of a multitude of issues.
What will help Mr. Toomey is the fact that BHO has promised to campaign for Mr. Specter. As the democrats used to morph candidates pictures into those of George W Bush, expect the same from the Republicans as they use Jimmy Carter Jr. in their ads.

November is a long time away and this correspondent expects the polls to tilt back and forth through the summer and by November, with the democrat agenda being exposed to the light more and more and with the help of BHO himself, I am confident that Mr. Specter will be playing with his grandchildren more after the election.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

General Alexander Haig 1924-2010

This correspondent has been remiss in his duties by not posting. Scout camping, meetings and such have consumed time. Hopefully this week, your humble correspondent will get back to the grindstone and do some work.

"Constitutionally, gentlemen, you have the President, the Vice President and the Secretary of State in that order, and should the President decide he wants to transfer the helm to the Vice President, he will do so. He has not done that. As of now, I am in control here, in the White House, pending return of the Vice President and in close touch with him. If something came up, I would check with him, of course."
Hand it to Alexander Haig, he was a true "take charge" kind of guy. He put himself out there, took the heat and got things done. Alexander Haig died over the weekend, he was 85.

Funny thing about Al, he was like Howard Cosell, you either loved him or hated him. There wasn't too much middle ground. He served three Presidents, Nixon, Ford and Reagan. As Nixon's Chief of Staff, he was reportedly the one who called the three wise men, Hugh Scott, Barry Goldwater and Howard Baker, to come and give Nixon the news that he would not survive an impeachment trial. He was also the one who told Kissinger that he was afraid that Nixon was unstable and ready to crack.

Al Haig advised Ford as well, all be it for a short time before returning the military, serving as the Supreme Allied Commander. He fought in Korea and Vietnam, served as an aid to General Douglas MacArthur, was with the NSA, Joint Chiefs, NATO and at the White House. He was a highly decorated solider who was awarded among other medals, the Distinguished Service Cross, two silver stars, a bronze star and a Purple Heart. General Haig was a true patriot who served his country in very difficult times. He retired from the military as a four star General.

General Haig served Ronald Reagan by being Reagan's Secretary of State and when Reagan was shot, it was Al Haig who went before the cameras asserting that he was fully in control and the government continued to function, even if he constitutionally didn't have the power.

In 1988 he ran for President, losing the primaries and the nomination to George H.W. Bush. He later became a writer and served on several board of directors.

This correspondent could probably write another thousand words and still wouldn't capture the life of General Haig and wouldn't do him justice. General Alexander Haig played a huge and highly significant role in this country's history and will be remembered as a man who was faithful to his country, to his family and to his God.

General Haig is survived by his wife of 60 years and his three children. Burial will be in Arlington National Cemetery with full military honors.

We salute General Haig and wish him God's speed as he starts his service with the Ultimate Commander in Chief.

Friday, February 19, 2010


Former United States Attorney Mary Beth Buchanan announced on Tuesday that she was a candidate for the 4th Congressional District, turning what could have been a gain for Republicans, into a hellacious defeat.

Was Alan Keys not available?
Ms. Buchanan who is forever tied to the witch hunts and waste of taxpayer's money for the malicious prosecutions of Tommy Chong and Dr. Cyril Wecht, thinks that after alienating both democrats and Republicans, she has a chance to win.

Ms. Buchanan is delusional if she thinks she can convince people that she will do the work of the people if she is sent to congress. She is a political hack who quite frankly does not follow what she purports to believe. Ms. Buchanan is reported to be a member of the Federalist Society, but certainly her prosecutorial record shows the opposite.

I have speculated here previously that for the prosecution of Dr Wecht, I was willing to bet that certain members of the democratic party in Allegheny County cut a deal with the gullible Ms. Buchanan. It is possible that because Mr. Altmire is a "centrist," the democrats might throw him under the bus.

Don't count on it.
The dems will not abandon Mr. Altmire and why should they? He voted for the stimulus, he voted for and then against he health care bill and probably will get on board when Queen Nancy needs him and he holds the seat for the dems.

This correspondent is not a big fan of Mr. Altmire. His campaign against Ms. Hart was sleazy, full of lies and was not focused on the issues. Mr. Altmire rails against the "big insurance companies," of which he was a part of for many years. It appears that Mr. Altmire will say or do anything to get elected.

To his credit, Mr. Altmire has been an advocate for veterans during his term(s) in office. He has been a "centrist" and he does show up for work, (Bob Casey call your office) evidence of this is his perfect voting record. On issues that matter to this correspondent (and in turn you the reader) he has tried to stradle that line, jumping on and off on both sides trying to keep everyone happy.

An appraisal of Mr. Altmire's congressional career from GOVTRACK.US reads: "Altmire is a follower according to our statistical analysis of bills in this legislative session. Altmire tends to cosponsors the bills of other Members of Congress who do not cosponsor Altmire’s own bills."

Mr. Altmire is "milk toast" at best. In the past, if the race was between Buchanan and Altmire, we would have held our noses, picked the lessor of two evils and voted for Altmire. Now we see that half a loaf is NOT better than none and will we will not violate our principals, values and core beliefs anymore.

If Ms. Buchanan is the Republican nominee, we will go and vote (we have a perfect voting record in both the primaries and general elections since 1976) but WILL NOT cast a vote for the 4th congressional district. We may write in our favorite candidate, Mickey Mouse.

If Ms. Buchanan is the winner of the Republican primary, then the Republicans can save some money and not plan on having a victory celebration in the 4th district on election night.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

An Open Letter To God

Dear God:

Boy are you awesome! Talk about having the power to move mountains. Anyone who didn't believe in you before February surely HAS to believe in you now!

When you first started the snow it was beautiful. The snow on the branches and bushes made it look like a winter wonderland, something that you see in a fine painting or postcard. Words could not describe how beautiful it was.

Three feet was unbelievable! I hadn't seen that much snow in such a long time and it is something that my 10 year old will remember for the rest of his life. When we HAD to drive through some city neighborhoods, he got a big kick seeing all the chairs used to save dug out parking spaces.

It was fun for the kids, fun to watch them romp in the snow that was up to the 10 year old's hips and up to the neck of the 3 year old. We took pictures, made snowmen, snow forts and just had a good time. Yeah I trashed two snow blowers trying to clear the driveway and sidewalk, but it was nice.

The icicles hanging from the second floor are so beautiful the way they shimmer in the sun light.

Then, to show us that you really do have a sense of humor, within three days, you sent us another foot! That was a good one. Thanks for holding off until I got the 5hp snow thrower working, I really appreciated the favor and once again, I owe you.

The kids didn't have school for a week and one of the make-up days is Good Friday, I hope you don't mind that. While it wasn't my choice, seams the secular school district didn't really care about that day.

I lay awake at night jumping up at every creak I now hear, fearing that my back porch is going to fall two stories into the yard because of all the snow that is on the roof. You know that saftey cover I put on the cement pond to keep the kids and animals safe? Well, it has a screen in the middle to allow whatever snow we get to fill the pool so that I don't have to stick a hose in it and run up my water bill. The pool is only 18' x 36', but I have enough snow on it that when it melts, it will fill an olympic size pool.

Today I tried to move around another 6 inches of snow while the kids had a two hour delay.

Here's the problem Lord, I have over four and a half feet of snow in my yard. I have only been able to clear 21" (the width of the snow thrower) of my sidewalk. My double driveway is only clear about 3/4 of the normal width because I HAVE NO WHERE TO PUT THE SNOW! As fast as I blow it off the driveway, the side walls collapse and put it back in the driveway. Add to the fact that I have about 3 inches of ice at the front of the garage door from those sweet looking icicles hanging from the gutters.

Lord, I get the fact that there is NOTHING we as humans can do to control the weather. I know that we must be responsible in the way we take care of the earth you gave us and I am trying everything in my power to shut Al Gore up. You alone are the only one who has the power and there are millions of us who already knew that and I am sure there are now millions more who now realize that.

Lord, please turn off the snow. We really have had enough. We are not like Buffalo who knows what to do with all this snow. We never set our river on fire like Cleveland did and we don't have the fruits and nuts that California, Oregon and Washington have, so please stop the snow.

I humbly ask that you hear and answer my request so that we can try and get back to normal.

If it helps, I'll gladly write another column trashing Al Gore.

Sincerely yours,

The Anti-Macyapper.

Friday, February 12, 2010

The winter that would not leave edition

This past week, the Mid-Atlantic States and the East Coast got Pounded with up to three feet of snow.

Some are still digging out, others ask why?

The scene above is from this correspondent's residence. Officially, the station of record, (The airport in Moon Township) recorded 29.6 inches. Un-Officially, some of use had three foot. The biggest hit was in the City of Pittsburgh where seven days later, some streets have still not seen a snow plow.

The city is now in what they are calling an "All out Blitz," taking every piece of equipment they have into a neighborhood and clearing the streets. It's time consuming, labor intensive and quite frankly, they still have missed some streets.

Power is still out for several thousand people and the forecast for next week is more snow. How much is anyone's guess. The person taking the biggest hit is Mayor Luke Ravenstahl, the young mayor or as some would call him, "Mayor Opie."
See Luke who is separated from his wife was up in Seven Springs celebrating his birthday when the snow storm hit and it took him a day or so to get back to the city. During that time, the city DPW really took it on the chin. As former head of the DPW Guy Costa (who by the way revealed that he WAS told to resign or be fired as this correspondent has previously reported) anyway, Guy Costa said the department fell behind early and was never able to catch up.

Mayor Luke Skywalker kept promising that the roads would be plowed, but as this correspondent found out Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of this past week, even main arteries were ice packed and in some cases impassable.

The problem is two fold. When you have the same party in control for 70 years or more, cronyism and political paybacks are the status quo in government. People who have been in the position for years and have the experience (Guy Costa) are on the sidelines replaced by others with little or no experience.

Second, the City and State declared an emergency. In that emergency, they should have prohibited all NON-ESSENTIAL travel and closed down the roads for the snow plows and salt trucks to have free rein to clear all the roads. This was done in 1993 and the roads were free of snow and ice within a day.
Instead, the roads were hazardous for almost a week. Common sense at some point should have come into play. Schools were closed, State Offices were closed, Shopping Malls were closed and granny doesn't need to run down to the Giant Eagle just to get another 12 pack of Charmin.

It has been reported by Marty Griffin of KDKA that on Sunday, some City of Pittsburgh Plow Drivers called off sick. The Stillers weren't even in the Superbowl! Doctor's excuses are now being filled out by these drivers to keep their jobs.
The City Council has formed a "task force" to look into why things did not work. Save your time and save your money. Things did not work because no one used common sense. The city didn't use common sense when tackling the problem, the citizens didn't use common sense when they went out on the road Saturday and Sunday and the Mayor and Governor didn't use common sense in handling the situation.

Snow Storm 1 Common sense 0

Wednesday, February 10, 2010



The people of New Orleans should be proud of their Saints. The perennial losers of the NFL, where at one point, fans attended the games with paper bags over their heads so they couldn't be seen as supporters of the team. These "Ain'ts" fans have now been replaced by Detroit Lion fans and in baseball, by the Pittsburgh Pirates.

This year the Saints have lifted the spirits of the people of New Orleans and have given the residents something to look forward to and some pride to cling to. That may sound trite, but it's all some of these people have

One of the things I like to do is watch the pre-game show, the one that starts at noon and goes on until kickoff around 6:30PM. I don't get to see all of it, but I do see maybe half of it. One of the stories they ran was about the famous 9th Ward of New Orleans. Mostly black, it is being S-L-O-W-L-E-Y rebuilt. It has been FIVE YEARS since the hurricane named Katrina blew through New Orleans and many people, an unthinkable number of people, still do not have their homes rebuilt or fixed!

It is a national travesty.

Hundreds of millions of billions of dollars has flowed into New Orleans since the hurricane and people are still without their homes? Bobby Jindal the REPUBLICAN governor of Louisiana was on the piece saying that they don't want to rush things. This was a depressed area before the hurricane and they want to do it right this time. BULLSHIT.

In my opinion, they want to move most of the people out of there permanently in the hopes of building nicer housing and attracting a "desirable" resident.

New Orleans is a city where crime runs amuck. It is the murder capital of the WORLD, with more murders per 100,000 people than any city on this earth. The cops are thugs because they are underpaid and need to "supplement" their income. The French Quarter is fairly safe, but don't venture outside of the safe zone or you become a statistic.

What a perfect way to reduce your crime. Don't rebuild a section that you feel is "bad" and the bad guys will move to another town.

Another theory is that they want to run out the low income and replace them with higher income families, increasing the tax base and image of the city.
Whatever the reason is, it is wrong. These people suffered through the most horrible experience imaginable and deserve better than they have got.

Say what you want about George Bush, it doesn't all rest in his hands.

There's Ray "Chocolate Town" Nagin the democrat mayor who let 250 school buses drown rather than evacuate the city. Where has the money gone Ray? You fixed the downtown area, the French quarter, (which wasn't hit that bad) and other areas, what about the 9th Ward?

Mary Landrieu the democrat senator who got a special deal during the health care debate, but lets the 9th Ward remain a graveyard.

How about David Vitter the REPUBLICAN senator? What has he done for the 9th Ward beside walk through there giving out false promises.

It has been five years and that area is not rebuilt? Why? This isn't a winter snow storm where the streets are not done (more on that later) it's about rebuilding people's lives! Where has the BILLIONS of dollars gone? Who is accountable?

Of course, in Florida, there are still some parts that are recovering from hurricane Andrew and that came and went over 20 years ago.

Do we have a problem with hurricanes?

Republicans and democrats, stop playing politics with people's lives. This is the United States of America, not a third world country where we are dependent on others. We plowed BILLIONS of dollars into New Orleans, so money is not the issue. We have the technology and know how to rebuild, so why don't we? What is the reason that after five years and all that money, people still don't have a home? Give me a good reason.

Kathleen Blanco the former democrat governor should have been put in jail for her contribution to the problem. It was a political ploy for her to wait two days before she officially requested Federal aid and her actions caused an un-told number of lives being lost. She had three years to help the 9th Ward and she didn't.

Bobby Jindal, you've had two years to "do it right this time" why haven't you? You think you're Presidential material? I don't think so, not with the leadership you have been showing.

Some of us have better play sets in our backyards than what some people in the 9th Ward have. Why? Why? Why?

The ONLY explanation for all of this is politics. Turf wars, power grabbing, politics, plain and simple. Republicans and democrats in Louisiana should be ashamed of themselves for playing politics with people's lives.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Unindicted Co-Conspirator 1932-2010

While we never revel at the death of anyone, it is hard to shed a tear for John Murtha, Congressman from Pennsylvania who died today at the age of 77. John Murtha was one of the most corrupt members of congress who made Richard Nixon look like a choir boy.

Unindicted co-conspirator.

Mr. Murtha was the first Vietnam veteran to be elected to congress having served as a Marine in the southeast conflict. He would in his lifetime forget the meaning of "Semper Fi."

In 1980, during his fourth term as a Congressman, Murtha became embroiled in the Abscam investigation, which targeted dozens of congressmen. The investigation entailed FBI operatives posing as intermediaries for Saudi nationals hoping to bribe their way through the immigration process into the United States. Murtha met with these operatives and was videotaped. He did agree to testify against Frank Thompson (D-NJ) and John Murphy (D-NY), the two Congressmen mentioned as participants in the deal at the same meeting and who were later video taped placing the cash bribes in their trousers. The FBI videotaped Murtha responding to an offer of $50,000, with Murtha saying, "I'm not interested... at this point. [If] we do business for a while, maybe I'll be interested, maybe I won't" It was then he was listed as an "Unindicted Co-Conspirator," and was left off the hook because of his testimony.

Citizens For Responsibility and Ethics In Washington named him one of the 20 most corrupt members of congress and Esquire Magazine named him one of the 10 worst congressmen because of his apposition to Ethics Reform.

Like Robert Byrd, if there was a dollar's worth of earmarks, he would take five.

Unindicted Co-Conspirator.

That's not to say that Murtha didn't serve his constituents, he did, that's how he kept getting elected. Hundreds of millions if not billions of dollars flowed into Johnstown. The Johnstown Regional Airport is one of the most updated airports in all the country. It has the latest equipment, new runways, can handle most commercial jets and has TWO daily flights, both to Washington DC.

Murtha voted for the Iraq war, then came out against it. Murtha Hung Marines out to dry in the Haditha incident which occurred on November 19, 2005. What exactly happened was unknown at the time, but that didn't stop Murtha from getting before the microphones and laying the blame right at their feet.

In November 2005 Murtha announced that a military investigation into the Haditha killings concluded U.S. Marines had intentionally killed innocent civilians. Referring to the first report about Haditha that appeared in Time magazine, Murtha said:
"It's much worse than reported in Time magazine. There was no fire fight. There was no IED that killed these innocent people. Our troops overreacted because of the pressure on them and they killed innocent civilians in cold blood. And that's what the report is going to tell."
The Marine Corps responded to Murtha's announcement by stating that "there is an ongoing investigation; therefore, any comment at this time would be inappropriate and could undermine the investigatory and possible legal process." Murtha was criticized by conservatives for presenting a version of events as simple fact before an official investigation had been concluded. Charges against eight Marines were dismissed and the lone Marine who was charged was found not guilty.

So much for Semper Fidelis.

In August 2006, Staff Sgt. Frank Wuterich filed a lawsuit against Murtha for character defamation during an ongoing investigation into the Haditha incident. In April 2009 this suit was dismissed by a federal appeals court, which ruled that Murtha could not be sued because he was acting in his official role as a lawmaker when he made the statements.

Unindicted Co-Conspirator.

Murtha was a deal maker and if you didn't deal with him, he would make sure you got no deal. Even if you did deal with him, he got the better of the deal. It is likely that if there was a deal to cut with the Devil for Murtha's soul, the Devil had better read the fine print. He was that good.

No one will argue that he did not serve those who sent him to Washington, but at what cost? Serving your constituents doesn't mean you grab every nickle that you can and give it to your district. Those projects that are needed and worthy yes, but you are not serving your district or the country by cavorting with lobbyist, re-directing and grabbing everything for Johnstown and being one of the most corrupt members of congress.

He jumped the gun and was not faithful to fellow Marines or his country. The ONLY thing John Murtha was ever faithful to was, John Murtha.

Mr. Murtha was a crook, a liar, a thief who should have been put in jail in 1980 and left to spend his remaining days on earth in jail, but he was the deal maker and he made deals to keep himself out of jail. We wish him well in his future endeavors wherever he is.

Unindicted Co-Consporator.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


I have been thinking about this column for days now and I don't know what angle to take or how to approach it. Should it be about Palin or should it be about the RNC? Maybe it should be a little of both.

From all indications, it looks like 2010 is going to be a way better year for the GOP than ANYONE ever expected just a year ago. Obama and the democrats blew into town with all the votes, support and poll numbers and in just one short year have flushed it all down the porcelain connivance. The democrats pulled their usual implosion just a few months early.

The finger pointing and blaming from the dems continue. Still riding that "It's Bush's fault" train, they are headed down the tracks at full steam and the end of the line is near. The brakes aren't going to work and we'll all be watching that sickening crash, not wanting to look, but being trans fixed on the sight of it.

So then the GOP takes over. Then what? It makes it easier for Obama if the GOP controls the house and senate, he can just blame the Republicans for stopping everything and being the party of NO. He could get a bump in the polls and then, just as President Pantsload, he could be re-elected. If the dems control the house and the senate and they keep bickering amongst themselves, then they all go over the cliff together.

But what is best for the party is not always what's best for the country. Or is it?

It can be.

Most of the voters in the country are right of center. When there is a clear choice, conservative vs liberal, conservatism always wins. When the Republicans start this "Big Tent" program and watered down their platform and beliefs, they are left out in the cold.

Say what you will about Bush, he may not have practiced conservatism, but he ran on it and won. When he didn't "walk the walk," the other Republicans who "strayed" from their core beliefs paid the price.

There is a fight right now in the Republican party and it is a fight for the heart and soul of the party, one that will point to the direction the party takes and if it survives. Many of the "leaders" of the GOP feel the party should remain more "Moderate" and keep the "Big Tent" open for all. They look down on the conservatives in the party and quite frankly would like nothing better than to purge them from the party. The feeling is that if they became more "Moderate," they would attract more people to the movement and in turn remain in power more often.

The opposite is true.
Michael Steele has been the face of the GOP. He's been a hard one to figure out. Sometimes he's a conservative, sometimes he's conservative "lite." He has denounced Rush Limbaugh and his views and then gone on his show to grovel for Rush's forgiveness. Mr. Steele thinks there is room for everyone in the party and at times, has indicated that "Moderation" is the way to go.
He supported the liberal republican in the New York 23rd congressional race and drew the ire of conservatives all over the country.

It's time for Mr. Steele to go.

If the Republicans are going to go back to their roots, to the core of their beliefs, to what the American people want to vote for, they have to have someone who is committed to the core values of the conservative movement.

They need someone like Sarah Palin.
Sarah Palin would be the best face and voice for the GOP IF they are serious about getting back to their roots. The democrats hate her, the press hates her, but the American people can't get enough of her. Even though the democrats and press have demonized her, Ms. Palin energizes the conservatives in the party.

The democrats fear her and continue to try and neutralize her by spreading rumors, innuendos and question her competence. They spend so much time focused on her that they don't see the other rising stars, such was the case with Scott Brown.

IF the RNC is really committed to returning to it's roots and if they are willing to embrace conservatism, then Ms. Palin is just the right person to lead this party back into prosperity and into a position of leadership.

