So this is how we restore our good name around the world?
You treat one of your most loyal Allies, the only Allie that you have in the middle east like this? Am I missing something here?
First of all, these "settlements" amount to nothing but new apartment buildings in the CAPITAL of Israel. Since when do we tell another country what they can and cannot do in THEIR country?
Netanyahu should have walked.
The Jews are responsible for this.
The Jews are responsible for this because in a block they voted for Jimmy Jr. Why? I ask all my Jewish friends this all the time. Why if you support a free Israel do you always vote for the liberal democrat that wants to take your homeland away from you and give to the Palestinian people?
Conservatives are the ones who back Israel all the time. Conservatives are the ones who vote to sell weapons to Israel, who support Israel at the United Nations, who unconditionally stand beside Israel. Yet, the American Jew will vote for the liberal every time. Why is that? I honestly do not understand the logic here.
Mahmoud I'm a nut job now has the capability to produce nuclear weapons. He has said that his intention is to wipe Israel off the face of the map. He has said that once Israel is destroyed, he wants to start the Apocalypse to bring back the 12th Iman. He has said all of this. Does anyone not believe him? Placing sanctions on President I'm a nut job hasn't done anything. If Israel takes out the nukes, who is going to defend her? Certainly it won't be Jimmy Jr.'s administration.
Mahmoud I'm a nut job now has the capability to produce nuclear weapons. He has said that his intention is to wipe Israel off the face of the map. He has said that once Israel is destroyed, he wants to start the Apocalypse to bring back the 12th Iman. He has said all of this. Does anyone not believe him? Placing sanctions on President I'm a nut job hasn't done anything. If Israel takes out the nukes, who is going to defend her? Certainly it won't be Jimmy Jr.'s administration.
Israel deserves better than this. The world deserves better than this. It was nice to see that after almost a year and a half in office, the Commander in Chief finally made a trip to visit the troops in a war zone. Let's hope that his actions won't cause that war zone to expand.