Thursday, March 11, 2010


I took this test on the internet the other day. Yeah, I know, most of them if not all, are stupid and don't mean squat, but the test was called "What Really Bugs You?" It turns out, the test somehow or another was dead on. It said that People's Stupidity was what bugged me.

I couldn't agree more.
Like the moron pulling out of the Burger King on Route 8. A car in the right hand lane is trying to pull into the Burger King, but he can't because Mr. Nimnutz instead of using the EXIT to enter Route 8 is trying to use the ENTRANCE to get on the road. So now the poor guy who only wants to get a cheeseburger, ends up blocking traffic and becomes a road hazard just because so idiot is so stupid that he can't read is mucking up the entrance.

Then there's Big Benjamin who already has a law suite against him for, eh-hem, shall we say; "sexual indiscretions" going to a bar in a college town and having a "liaison" with a college student that has turned into possible charges being filed against him.

We have seen this time and time again. Members of congress who are still trying to shove a health care reform bill down American's throats when the American people clearly don't want it.

How about the guy who pulls a gun on a Police Officer over a parking spot?
The point is we are surrounded by stupidity. It is the dumbing down of our country. We don't excel to be better, we excel for "equal-ness." They don't keep score at soccer games or baseball games because if Little Johnny is on the loosing team, he'll feel bad and his self esteem will be damaged. Everybody makes the team and everybody plays. BS.

Back in the days of Dinosaurs, we had to "try out" for the Little League team. You didn't make it, you played with your buddies in the park and you made yourself better and then you had another "try out" the next year. Today you ride around during the summer and look at the kids playing on the ball fields during the day. Oh wait, THEY DON'T PLAY ON THE BALL FIELDS DURING THE DAY ANYMORE. You don't see kids playing "pick-up" games anymore. I guess they are too busy playing baseball on the Playstation. The sad thing is you only see the kids playing ball when they have uniforms on.

It is the same thing in our education. We throw money at the problem and then when that doesn't work, we throw more money at the problem. Teachers don't teach, they babysit. The good teachers are lost in the system. We need to have teachers pay and quite honestly, their jobs tied into some sort of merit system. Forget tenure. If you are doing the job and doing it right, you'll never have to worry about loosing your job. To be honest, I think teachers should be one of the highest paid professions, but it should be based on results.
We have lost our common sense. Common sense is you don't put your hot coffee between your legs while you are driving. Instead, because of lawsuits, we now have warning labels. Look at all of the products you have in your house. Now look at the warning labels on them. It's because of the stupid people like the ones above that they are there. Water and electricity don't mix, never have, never will. That doesn't stop some want a bee members Mensa from trying.

Common sense tells us you don't try and read the newspaper, shave, tie your tie or put on make-up while you are driving. Sad thing is if you stood along the highway on any given morning you would see all of that.

Common sense tells us that you don't try and thaw out your frozen pipes with an open flame torch, but every year some dipstick that "knows how to do it," burns his house down.

Common sense tells us you don't try and out run a train at the crossing, yet every year there are dozens of meatheads standing at the Pearly Gates saying "I thought I could make it" over and over.

We have warning stickers on coffee cups, ladders, buckets, table lamps, hair dryers, etc, etc, etc. Why? Because our world is now made up and sometimes controlled by the stupid people. They are like Al Sharpton, they're everywhere.

We have web sites that highlight the stupid people. Sites like and show how stupid people can be.

The problem is stupidity isn't isolated.

We are becoming Wylie E Coyte v The Roadrunner.

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