From the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette:
The Pittsburgh 9.12 Project, a grass-roots conservative group, was forced to seek a new home after complaints about a North Hills church's decision to allow them to use their meeting room.
The group, an affiliate of the movement promoted by Fox commentator Glenn Beck, had staged a series of gatherings in St. John Lutheran Church of Highland. The church's meeting room was also to have been the site of a similar conservative group, the Pittsburgh Tea Party movement, last weekend, but that session was canceled due to weather.
The decision came after a blog post on the liberal website Daily Kos criticized the church's decision to hold the gatherings and suggested that the conservative group's views on issues such as global warming were at odds with the views of the Lutheran Church.
"As a Lutheran, I was very alarmed that a church of my own denomination was hosting such [an] event. I have since come to learn that this is not the first time the church has hosted such an event," said the author of the post, identified as mph2005.
Pastor William Diehm of St. John's declined to comment on the decision. In an e-mail, McKay Sailer, a leader of the local 9.12 group, said that the Daily Kos item "was the impetus for multiple complaints and threats of lawsuits, so they decided to dissolve the relationship with us."
Mrs. Sailer insisted that the meetings, which were not sponsored by the church, did not pose any threat to principles of church-state separation.
"However, we have no recourse and we certainly do not want to bring any harm to the church," she said. "That being said, this type of bullying and restriction of free speech is business-as-usual for the uber-progressive left."
The initial Daily Kos post on the meeting prompted an extensive series of comments, some sharply condemning the church, others dismissing such concerns an overreaction.
The next meeting of the group, on Sunday, will be in a Franklin Park Borough activities building.
Did I sleep through March? Is it April 1st already? I thought I was ready the Onion and I had to look and see that it was the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette! The Daily Kos? You have gots to be kidding me? Am I on Candid Camera?
First of all, I would like to set the record straight. There is no such thing as a separation of Church and State. It was an phrase taken from a Supreme Court decision. There is NOTHING in the United States Constitution that says there is a separation of Church and State and I DEFY anyone to prove otherwise.
The 9-12 Project is made up of nine principles and 12 values. Taken directly from the 9-12 Project's website: (This writer's notes in Blue)
9 Principles, 12 Values
The 9 Principles
1. America Is Good. Yes it is.
2. I believe in God and He is the Center of my Life. There's something that I am not sure a church would support.
3. I must always try to be a more honest person than I was yesterday. Thought I read something about this from a stone tablet give to a guy named Moses.
4. The family is sacred. My spouse and I are the ultimate authority, not the government.
What's the problem with that? Do I not have the right to raise my children the way I
see fit? Am I not responsible for them?
5. If you break the law you pay the penalty. Justice is blind and no one is above it.
Justice is blind and no one is above it. There's a novel idea. How many other countries practice this?
6. I have a right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness, but there is no guarantee of equal results. Amen.
7. I work hard for what I have and I will share it with who I want to. Government cannot force me to be charitable. Yeah, like giving my money to a church that walks the walk.
8. It is not un-American for me to disagree with authority or to share my personal opinion.
Let me get this right, it was alright for the left to protest the "Evil George Bush," but
not alright for conservatives to protest against the left's guys?
9. The government works for me. I do not answer to them, they answer to me. I Barrack
Hussein Obama, do solemnly swear, that I will faithfully execute the office of President
of the United States and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend, the Constitution of the United States. So help me God.
The 12 Values
* Honesty
* Reverence
* Hope
* Thrift
* Humility
* Charity
* Sincerity
* Moderation
* Hard Work
* Courage
* Personal Responsibility
* Gratitude
Talk about a subversive manifesto.
One question? What church would NOT agree with ANY of the principles or values listed? I checked the website of the church and I found that they sponsor and support the Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts. Most of the 12 values are part of the Scout oath! Does the Daily Kos think the church should get rid of those subversives?
Seriously, what church would disagree with any of what the 9-12 Project believes? Second, what are they afraid that the Daily Kos would do, sue them? BRING IT ON!
It is a private church, they are free to support who they want. I'm sure if they were giving Osama Bin Laden shelter and asylum, the Daily Kos would be cheering them, after all if the government gets a hold of him, they are going to give him an unfair trail and then kill him. I bet if they were hiding 100 illegal Mexicans in their basement, they would be hailed by the Daily Kos as "humanitarians."
What this "Pastor" needs to do is to grow a pair and stand up to these nut balls.
Again I'll ask, what church does not believe in these principles and values? The 12 principles were mostly the thoughts of George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, taken straight from their writings. Talk about hanging around with a bunch of lackeys! Washington and Jefferson were obviously dangerous in their thoughts and writings are bad for this country.
I guess the Daily Kos will now turn their attention to Franklin Park Borough.
If any church doesn't believe in these principles and values, then I don't want to be a part of it.
Editor's Note:
Normally I do not seek self promotion. Whoever reads this column (and I have heard from many) I am grateful for your support. I am not looking for more readers to disappoint with my sporadic writings. I am going to step out of character and ask that you forward the link to this column to your friends. The Daily Kos and the radical left (If you read the Daily Kos, you will see that they are the radical left) have flexed their muscles against conservatism, not it is your turn. If you believe in what I have written, please pass it on to your friends for their reading.
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