Tuesday, July 28, 2009

America's Number 1 Ignoramus


America's Number ONE jackass and ignoramus is now John Conyers (D-Mich). On July 27, 2009, Congressman Conyers who is Chairman of the Judiciary Committee appeared at the National Press Club Luncheon.

When asked about reading the health care bill, Jackass John replied: "I love these members, they get up and say 'Read the bill." The Jackass then continued, "What good is reading the bill if it's a thousand pages and you don't have two days and two lawyers to find out what it means after you read the bill?"

Your ignorant piece of dog excrement! How about doing your freakin' job? Are you so arrogant or just ignorant? You were sent to Washington to REPRESENT the American people. It is your job to read the bill and if you have to find ten lawyers to "explain" it to you, you do!

Here's a novel idea, if the bill is a thousand pages and you can't understand it....DON'T VOTE FOR IT!

Why is it so hard for liberals to understand common sense? Would you sign a contract without reading it? If your life were at stake, would you read the insert of the prescription before taking it? It is the same principal here. READ THE BILL......NO MATTER HOW LONG IT TAKES YOU! Maybe you're problem is you are so ignorant that you can't read? Then get a staff member to read it to you, just like mommy use to read you a bedtime story.

John Conyers, you should resign today for even thinking that crap, let alone saying it out loud! A proud Japanese legislator would pull out his sword and do the honorable thing. Maybe you should think about that. Oh, I'm sorry, so very sorry to have said that. You're not honorable!

What a way to start my week in the woods! See you next week.

Monday, July 27, 2009

The Botox Edition


BHO has really got himself into a pickle and he's trying his best to be like a pro-quarterback. He's been doing so much back peddling, you'd think he was Jefferson Street Joe Jefferson. First he says the Cambridge Police Department acted "Stupidly," then he said that's not what he really meant to say, then he said the words didn't come out right (sounds like an old Jim Croce song). Now he wants to met with Dr. Gates and the Police Officer to have a beer and talk about what happened. Watch for the Cop to be "rolled" at any meeting with BHO and Gates.

Queen Nancy

A recent poll shows that she is one of the mistrusted and disliked people in Congress. That doesn't bother Queen Nancy. "I don't give a damn what they think" was the Queen's reaction. Of course she doesn't give a damn as long as her agenda is being rammed through Congress, she could care less what the "little people" think. LET THEM EAT CAKE!

Free Speech

A business man with a Kiosk in a Simon Mall in Charlotte NC was told his lease would not be renewed because of the "offensive" materials he sells. Materials like "Impeach Obama" bumper stickers. The owner feels like he's being targeted because he is selling conservative T-Shirts, bumper stickers, ant-BHO posters etc., while other stores sell liberal T-Shirts, bumper stickers, etc. Simon Malls contributed heavily to BHO's campaign and apparently when someone complained about the T-Shirts and bumper stickers, they chose not to renew his lease. That may change after a couple of hundred people protested outside the mall over the weekend. Officials at the mall are now "meeting" with the businessman in the hopes of resolving the situation.

Botox Tax

Democrats are floating the idea of placing a 10% tax on Botox and other "cosmetic surgery." Finally at tax on the wealthy democrats like Queen Nancy, Diane Feinstein and John Kerry!

Pittsburgh Progress

As many of you know, this corespondent resides in the Pittsburgh area. Tonight while watching the new, Mayor Luke Ravenstahl was shown with a group of high school students. These students were starting a summer program where the would intern with the city doing all sorts of jobs from laborers to office workers. Not only would they have an opportunity to earn some spending money for the summer, but they would gain experience working in an office and other sites for the city. Great program, good idea! The only problem I see is that the news said they started today (July 27th). How much money and experience are they going to earn in a couple of weeks before they go back to school? Is it me, or do others think this program should have started like at the BEGINNING of summer and not a couple of weeks past the half way mark?


I heard a conservative commentator confirm what I think today. The democrats are going after who they think is their biggest obstacle to BHO's re-election. They aren't worried about Huckabee, or Romney, they are going after Sarah Palin. The democrats think that Palin is their biggest challenge and they are trying to discredit her and her family at every turn. How come BHO's family is off limits (which by the way I agree with) but Palin's family is not? The next Presidential election will be the dirtiest and bloodiest in the history of this country. Watch for BHO to play the race card at every legitimate criticism thrown at him. Watch the democrats to get down and dirty against whoever is the GOP candidate. Whoever the GOP candidate is, I would suggest putting Karl Rove on the payroll and let him and Roger Ailes map out the campaign.

This corespondent will be taking some time off. Starting Thursday I will be camping with some of this country's future leaders. I will resume my normal column by Wednesday August 5, 2009. Between now and Thursday postings will be slim as I wrap up work projects and prepare for our expedition. Please amuse and talk amongst yourselves until my return.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Six Months IN

It has been six months since George W Bush has left office and the democrats are still running against him. I guess all that "change" didn't bring the results they wanted and so to get re-elected, they have to resort to old tactics.

For eight long years all we heard was: Bush is dumb, Bush is a cowboy, Bush is an embarrassment to the country, Bush can't speak eloquently, World leaders don't respect us because of Bush and my personal favorite, Bush lied, thousands died.

Our e-mail boxes were filled with images of Bush as Hitler, a monkey, the village idiot, a toothless hillbilly, a cowboy, a fisherman and the devil. (Of course after BHO was elected, a relative of mine sent as message saying that yes, they supported BHO, but they didn't want their mail box filled with anti-BHO e-mails. Never mind that for eight years they filled mine with anti-Bush ones!)

Let me say right here and now that although I supported Bush, I did not support everything that he did. There were mistakes made during his administration. The former President was not a conservative, especially with the budget and expansion of the government. It is this corespondent's view that history will judge Bush in a different light, just as it did Harry Truman. Having said all of that, I don't feel he was the devil as some people have made him out to be, nor was he the "village idiot" than many think he was.

So it's been six months. Let's look at how much things have changed.

George Bush is a hick and an embarrassment because he can't speak eloquently.

BHO can't speak without his teleprompter. He takes it everywhere with him. If he's introducing a new cabinet member, or at a press conference, the teleprompter is right there with him. The times he does not have his teleprompter, he is reduced to "um," "aah," "you know" in other words, he's as much as a babbling idiot they made Bush out to be.

George Bush is a cowboy and doesn't have the respect of the world's leaders. BHO will restore America's standing in the world.

Merkle from Germany doesn't like BHO and Sarkozy isn't fond of him either. Both Medvedev and Putin laugh at him and even Gordon Brown (who is knee deep in his own mess) doesn't care much for BHO. BHO has insulted the Queen (how's that restoring image thing working out?) and is regarded as a "light weight" in Europe. All of the above mentioned leaders were able to work with Bush and did not find him to be a light weight. While the populate love BHO, it's the leaders he has to work with.

George Bush was just plain dumb.

Bush had the same grade point average at Yale that John Kerry did. We don't know what BHO's was as that has remained a state secret.

Bush lied, thousands died.

There has been absolutely no evidence that "Bush lied" or slanted the evidence leading up to the Iraq war. There is an abundance of evidence that BHO has lied repeatedly since he became President. From no new taxes for those making under $250,000 a year, to transparency in the White House, to no lobbyist being part of the administration, the man has repeatedly lied to the America people. But of course, BHO is the sainted one and he gets a pass.

If Bush went to war for oil or to avenge the attack on his father, the evidence doesn't show that. We have not "reaped" the benefits of the oil as it has been sold on the world market and the money went to the Iraqi people. What would be gained from an invasion to avenge Sadam's attack on Bush 41? As for weapons of mass destruction not being found, they were found, but not in the quantities the US and the rest of the world expected. But consider this. There WAS over 100 pounds of Sarin found. Considering that ONE OUNCE could kill thousands of people, wouldn't that be considered a large quantity of WMD? Finally, do you really think that was Muammar Gaddafi's Nukes he turned over to the US?

BHO has tried to control the media and the media lets him! During press conferences he pre-selects his "questioner" and uses a teleprompter and a small computer screen in the podium to provide him with the answers from staffers feverishly typing from behind the curtain.

BHO stood there and stated that "No lobbyist would be allowed to apply for a position within my administration," yet over 13 "exceptions" have been granted because they can't find anyone more qualified.

You see, it's all in whose ox is getting gored. BHO is not the sainted one that the media has made him out to be and Bush is not the village idiot the same media made him out to be. They both ARE polarizing individuals who are advancing their agenda. If you are a conservative, you for the most part liked Bush and for the most part disapprove of BHO. The difference as I see it, is that conservatives for the most part, don't make it personal with their disagreements with BHO. The liberals got very personal (and still do), with Bush and most were were hateful and vengeful in their writings and speech.

Earth to Liberals.....Bush is NO LONGER the President. You can't run against him. You have to run against BHO's record and right now, it looks like he will be a one termer.

One thing I never thought I would say, let alone think, I miss Bill Clinton.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

The Barrel Monster

So it's a not so hot summer, not much swimming to do, kinda rainy, really not much to do if you're a 21 year old college student. So what do you do? Welding is a nice hobby! Meet the Barrel Monster created by NC State Student Joseph Carevale who "borrowed" a couple of barrels and did some welding, creating his own version of Dr. Frankenstein.

The problem? Police arrested the now famous welder and a local judge sentenced him to 50 hours of "community service" even though the OWNER of the barrels did not want to press charges!

In fact, Hamlett and Associates (the owners of the barrels) want "Welding Joe" to make a couple more of the monsters to put outside their offices and at several of their construction sites.

Look, I am a conservative. I believe in property rights and to steal the barrels was wrong. BUT, let's use some judgement here. The owner of the barrels did not want to press charges, in fact he wants a couple more of the creations! Common sense says that if the owner is not unhappy, then the government should stay out of it.

I could see a 50 state marketing campaign here. We all want people to slow down in construction sites. Putting up one of these "Monsters" at the beginning and middle of a construction zone would probably get people to slow down. If they don't, the police could always hide radar guns inside of the large creation.

New car games could be created. "I saw five red cars, two license plates from Idaho and 4 Monsters."

How about businesses that are loosing business along a road construction project. Put one of these bad boys up with a "We're Open" sign and you have instant advertising. Maybe Joe could weld a signature hat on the Monster for more advertising. The possibilities are endless!

Maybe put a recorder inside the creature and advertise specials....at least you'd get noticed!

Me? I've got my idea for a Halloween costume!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Random Thoughts Edition

McNulty v Roethlisberger

I was trying to avoid this, but here we go.......Stiller quarterback Ben Roethlisberger is the defendant in a civil lawsuit filed by one Andrea McNulty (pictured above) of Reno NV. Ms. McNulty claims that she was sexually assaulted and raped by the two time Super Bowl Champion last year in a hotel that she worked in. By now you have read or heard all the gory details so I won't go into them here.

While the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette does not name "victims" of sexual assaults, Ms. McNulty has filed a civil action in open court, therefore in the eyes of this correspondent, has given up her right to any protection of her name. Ms. McNulty did not file her case under "Jane Doe" or ask that her name be protected and several other news organizations have published her name.

I am a sports fan. I am not part of the "Stiller Nation" as I am not that big a fan of professional football in general and (gasp, blasphemy) the "Stillers" in particular. In fact I will not go to a Steeler game at Heinz Field because the fans there are too freaking annoying and/or drunk. Anyone who knows me knows that I am a hockey fan and college football fan. I have though known and been friends with several professional football players over the years. I have never met Mr. Roethlisberger and my knowledge of him comes from what I read in the local rags and hear on the local news. I do know several people who have met and/or are friends with "Big Ben." Most of them tell me he's alright, a little cocky, but an OK guy. If you won two Super Bowls, you might be a little cocky too.

I would be very surprised if any of the allegations were true. Mr. Roethlisberger appears to be fairly level headed and appears to be smart enough to know the money would dry up if he conducted himself in an unprofessional manner, ah la Michael Vick. I also wonder about the young lady and her motives as well as the fact she did not seek medical attention or contact the police. I also wonder why she just filed a "civil" case and not a "criminal" one as well.

Time will tell if this case has any merit.

Specter Now Neck and Neck With Toomey.

Benedict Arnold Specter who left the Republican party because he didn't want the people who supported him for 20+ years deciding his fate in the 2010 election, is now neck and neck with GOP challenger Pat Toomey. The poll released on Wednesday shows Specter with 45% compared with Toomey at 44%. In May, Specter had 46% and Toomey had 37%.

Republicans don't like Specter. Democrats don't trust Specter. Even with the planned support of BHO, Specter is toast. He will NOT be re-elected.

Healthcare Update

Queen Nancy says she has the votes and BHO says that the "stars are aligned" for 1/6th of America's economy to be turned over to him. Even some democrats say it ain't goin' happen. From their lips to God's ears.

Dr. Gates

Speaking of BHO, during his faux press conference on Wednesday night, he was asked his opinion of the Dr. Gates' situation in Cambridge. BHO said that the "cambridge police acted stupidly" in their arrest of Dr. Gates. I'll leave that for you to draw your own conclusions.

Late Night TV

A recent poll of late night viewers shows that since Leno went off the air, 70% are going to bed and hour earlier.

Letterman is phoning it in and has been for the last 10 years, O'Brien just doesn't do it for me.

As the words on Mel Blanc's tombstone say......"That's All Folks."

Meet the Professor

Meet Harvard Professor Henry Louis Gates Jr. Dr. Gates is Director of the W. E. B. Du Bois Institute for African and African American Research.

The other day he returned home to Cambridge from China where he was working on a film about "Racial Profiling." Apparently the doctor had trouble getting into his rented home. He had a problem with the front door and after trying to get into his house, he and his driver went around to the back where he was able to gain entry.

Someone called the police when they noticed two black men with backpacks on, one using his shoulder to try and push the front door opened and called the police. The police came after Dr. Gates had gained entry to his house and turned off the alarm.

Here's where it becomes "messy." The police say that they asked the good doctor to show them some identification that he lived there. According to the police, the doctor became agitated and started claiming the white police were "targeting" blacks and using racial profiling. When the doctor would not calm down and cooperate with the police, the police placed him in handcuffs and gave him a free ride to the police station where they took some nice pictures, played in ink and gave him his own room complete with bars to keep the bad men away from him.

Dr. Gates was charged with Disorderly Conduct.

Of course the good doctor did not see it that way. He claimed that he was another black man being abused by the white policemen and the system. He placed the race card saying that he was profiled and that the police rousted him because he was black. Because of the cry of prejudice, the charges were dropped.

Never mind that there was a call saying that a man was trying to push open the front door. No, the neighbor that was being vigilant and called the police was raked over the coals by the doctor and every black writer who had access to a computer. For trying to look out for her neighborhood and the doctor's own home, she is the bad guy.

If the award winning doctor had just stopped for a second, showed the police some ID and thanked them for doing their job, the incident would have been over in less than two minutes and we never would have heard about this.

Here comes "whitey" with his insensitive and outrageous views.

I will admit that I am not black. I have never lived life as a black man. I have never been singled out by the police because of the color of my skin. Anyone who has gone through that has a right to be upset and has a right to want to fight against action like that.

The fact of the matter is a call was made by a citizen looking out for their neighborhood. Two men that she did not recognize and yes, they were black in a predominately white neighborhood, looked like they were trying to force their way into a house. The police arrived and had every right to ask for identification of two men they do not know, in a house that has just been reported to be a possible break in. The doctor had the obligation to show his ID and then if he wanted, rake the Cops over the coals for "profiling" him. Just show your freaking ID and quit playing the race card.

I have a hot flash for the doctor. If you are WHITE and you give a Cop a hard time, you get placed in handcuffs, get a free ride to the police station, have some nice pictures taken, get to play in ink and get your own room too!

Being an A-Hole knows no racial boundary.

The police should remember Dr. Gates' address and the next time they get a call about a break in, robbery, shooting or fire, they should just drive by and wave on their way to the next call.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


I have been reading several "Liberal" blogs (that's what I do so you don't have to suffer) and found a theme. According to the libs, America is not the "Super-Power" we think of her to be and that we as a society don't make anything, that we just "consume" from the rest of the world.


Instead of talking down this country and apologizing for everything we do, I choose to look at the good of this country, what we have done and where we are headed. There is a lot of good that comes from this country that quite frankly, the State Run Media doesn't always tell you.

The notion that the United States "doesn't make stuff" anymore is ludicrous. We manufacture more for the world than any other country. In the medical field alone we manufacture most of the drugs used around the globe. We spend billions of dollars on research and development, developing drugs that benefit not only Americans, but people from all corners of the world. It is because of the American drug companies and American workers that a cure for Cancer, Aids and Alzheimer's will be found. It is the American medical field that leads the world in research and innovation and it's where people from all over the world come for treatment. The USA is the pioneer in transplants, where people from every country imaginable come to for a new liver, heart or lung.

Our farmers grow the food that feeds the world. It is our farmers who grow the best produce and raise the best cattle of any country in the world. We grow and raise so much safe and affordable food that we export it all over the world. Farmers, companies and governments from all over the world come to the United States to learn to produce the way we do.

In technology we lead the world in development of not only hardware and micro-chips, but programing as well. We have developed robots that sort and deliver life saving medications, drive cars and defuse explosives. We have developed cameras that can read a license plate from 200 miles in space. America's military can send a missile through a window from 1500 miles away. We have been to the moon, explored space, explored the bottom of the oceans and have a robot that can help in surgery using a laser for precise and accurate destruction of life ending tumors. American technology has developed CAT scan and MRI machines, along with advanced x-ray machines.

No other country has had the medical breakthroughs that the United States of America has.

It is America's "can do"spirit that makes any dream possible. It is the blood, sweat and tears of the America workforce that is the envy of the world. It is not just a slogan, it is a reality that no other country when put to the test can produce the way America does. Japan and other countries may make some products, but it is America's workers that first figured out how to do it, how to make it work and how to mass produce it.

America still leads the world in production of quality steel, automobiles, boats and airplanes. The Japanese and Germans produce their cars here.

Students from all over the world come to the United States for their education. No other country in the world produces more electrical, nuclear, aerospace, chemical, industrial, structural and environmental engineers than the United States. More students come to America to become physicists than any other country.

In an emergency or natural disaster, countries from all over the world look to the United States for help. We have developed thermal imagining that helps find those trapped and buried in earthquakes, we train dogs to look for survivors and we manufacture the heavy equipment used in rescue and clean up. We can take water from the ocean, take the salt out of it and produce clean, drinkable water. In an emergency or natural disaster, the world looks to the United States for donations of clean water, drugs, food and clothing. When a country calls 9-1-1, they get the United States of America.

The United States generates 85% of the world's wealth, creating opportunity for all who come to our shores. Through our philanthropy, children in third world countries are educated and fed. Families are inoculated against disease and babies who wouldn't be expected to live one day grow up to live full and productive lives. Through the efforts of the United States and it's people, dictators have been removed and people have been freed. It is because of the people of the United States that France, Germany, Spain, Italy and the United Kingdom are free and not living under Nazi rule.

Our military is the greatest known to man. Not only are we the most powerful, but America does more to spread peace than any other country in the world. We have fed the multitudes without asking for a dime in return. America has shown the world more humanity than any other country on this planet.

Do we have problems? Yes. Do we do everything right all the time? No. But there is no other country that has done more for the good of not only it's own people, but for mankind.

When Americans unite, there is no problem, no obstacle or any enemy we cannot overcome or defeat.

You can say that I'm a cheerleader for this country, that's fine. I defy anyone to prove anything I've said wrong.

There is so much good about this country. We still are that "shining city on top of the hill." America is a place of refuge for the weak, a defender of individual freedoms for all and the land of opportunity for anyone. No America's best days are not behind her, the best days, well, they are staring us in the face waiting for us to take full advantage of them.

Monday, July 20, 2009


Today marks the 40th anniversary of the greatest achievement of mankind. I refer of course to the Apollo 11 landing on the moon. Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins rode a Saturn Five rocket into space, taking the hopes and dreams, along with the pride of America with them.

No feat in the history of man has done more for mankind than the landing of men on the moon and returning them safely to earth. Because of the space program, specifically the moon program, we have CAT scans, laser surgery, MRI machines, VCR technology, improved uses of plastic and thousands of other innovations, not to mention something as mundane as Velcro and of course Tang.

They lifted the spirit of America as we were divided with the Viet-Nam war. Our innovations and resolve were second to none. We had that "can do" mentality and hard work ethic. We were driven to succeed and to lead the world, not just in space, but in every facet of life. In less than a decade, we went from John F Kennedy saying "We choose to go to the moon, not because it is easy, but because it is hard," to two men planting the symbol of this great country in the Sea of Tranquility.

The three men on that mission remained humble and unassuming. They went back to work, not resting on their laurels and their fame. They used their training and experience to become teachers and writers, inspiring a new generation of explorers to reach beyond the horizon and reach for the seemingly unattainable. They had their problems, but they overcame them and they served as example of American Ingenuity.

They became ambassadors for America's peaceful exploration of space and blazed a path for international cooperation and study of our solar system.

It is time that we go back to our roots in the space program. We made a grave error in abandoning planet exploration in favor of the space shuttle. While that program widened our knowledge of space, it should have been in conjunction with planet exploration. Who knows, perhaps we would already have set foot on another planet. We are now headed back to the moon and from there, well the possibilities are endless. Perhaps my children in their lifetime will see man walk on Mars. This is a country that can accomplish anything.

What happened 40 years ago that kept us up all night watching grainy black and white pictures has inspired more than a generation. It has inspired mankind to reach for the unreachable and to strive for the unattainable, not because it is easy, but because it is hard.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Goodbye "Uncle Walter"

This corespondent says farewell to a man who for over two decades was the "most trusted man in America." Walter Cronkite, the face of CBS News for so many years, died today. Mr. Cronkite was 92.

Don't get me wrong, Mr. Cronkite was as pink as Britney Spears getting out of an auto, but he was the man who gave us the news without bias. He was the one who informed me of the death of Jack Kennedy, Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King. I was glued to the TV on July 20, 1969 and watched with Uncle Walter man's greatest achievement and like Uncle Walter, I had a tear in my eye when we heard Neil Armstrong's first words from the moon. I watched his almost boy-like "Oh Boy!" when the "Eagle" landed.

More than anything, a generation of Americans will remember him for his outstanding coverage of the space program. It is somewhat fitting and sad that he passes days before the 40Th anniversary of man's landing on the moon.

It was Walter Cronkite who announced that the 37Th President of the United States was resigning and it was Walter Cronkite who so elegantly appeared hen the Challenger Shuttle exploded over Florida.

Walter Cronkite was the consummate journalist who very rarely injected his own political ideology into his newscast. He didn't slant the news as it is done today to favor his own position and he certainly didn't invent or make up news as his successor did. Today's journalist could learn a lot from Mr. Cronkite.

He lived long enough to see the number one news show that he built from the ground up, be destroyed by half weights and eye candy and yet, as a true professional, he remained loyal to CBS News.

We did not agree politically, but I loved watching him at the conventions, with his insight and knowledge. These were the days where a convention actually meant something, when a candidate or a Vice President would be picked after some backroom negotiations. Walter would always have the top of the list guest and I would love to listen to him interview the likes of Kennedy, Nixon, Carter and Reagan. It was Cronkite who brought Sadat and Begin together. It was Walter who interviewed every president since Truman. I was surprised to learn that he and Reagan were great friends who often shared a drink and off-colored jokes. Walter had a great sense of humor and didn't take himself too seriously. He was good at what he did and we will miss him. If you would please indulge me, I would like to close the way Mr. Cronkite would.

"And that's the way it it, this Friday July 17, 2009. This is Walter Cronkite.......Goodnight."

Thursday, July 16, 2009


During the Sotomayor confirmation hearings, we heard from the brilliant defender of freedom Dick "Baghdad" Durbin. It was during questioning we heard:

When we asked questions of the white male nominees of a Republican president, we were basically trying to … make sure that they would go far enough in understanding the plight of minorities, because clearly that was not in their DNA.”

Not in their DNA?

How dare you! Who do you think you are?

I KNOW who you are.

Dick Durbin, you are a RACIST! You are Vile and disgusting. If a Republican had said anything near that, you would have been calling for his or hers resignation. Not in their DNA? What if you are conservative or have different views than you do, you are a Racist? Maybe you are thinking like Al Gore who once said that Conservatives have an extra Chromosome like "Down Syndrome."

The plight of the minorities? What have you done Mr. Durbin? You voted AGAINST school vouchers for the poorest of the poor. Taking them from private schools where they excelled and making them go back to the public schools where they languish in mediocrity. How's that helping them? Where's the concern to their "plight?"

Durbin was the force behind Miguel Estrada never getting a confirmation vote in the US Senate for a Federal Circuit Court appointment because he was a Latino and that would have been too dangerous to allow him on the court because the "Evil George Bush" might nominate him for the Supreme Court and that would give the Republican's a one-up on the democrats with Latinos.

Durbin once said that anyone who attacked Michelle Obama personally deserved a seat in the "hottest ring in hell." No Mr. Durbin, YOU worked too hard for that seat and you shouldn't have to give it up!

Dick Durbin is not the first RACIST in the democrat party. The party is filled with them, there is a history of RACISM in the democrat party, not the Republican party. The truth is, the racist are the liberals, not the conservatives. Look it up. Who supports minorities more? THE CONSERVATIVES not the liberals. The democrats will ignore these remarks. Will they come out and say Durbin's comments were out of line? Will they call for him to apologize for his remarks? Hell no. They believe whatever they say is right. After all, they know what is best and they certainly are more "in tune" with the minorities. In their eyes, Durbin said nothing wrong.

To make a remark like you did is beyond disgusting. Short of you taking out a 45 , putting it to your head and doing the right thing, you deserve to resign. You are a RACIST pure and simple.

This is the Senator who has compared American Soldiers to Nazis, Pol Pot and accused them of being soldiers in a gulag. He has no regard for our military and still defends his buddy Sadam Hussein. He has earned the name "Baghdad Dick Durbin."

Dick Durbin you make me sick!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Get ready for National Health Care to be "Rhamed" down our throats!

According to reports, the White House is ready to ram through NATIONALIZED health care through Congress. Changing their tone from Bi-partisanship to partisanship. The White House points out that they have received ideas from Republicans and are including them in their plan. The problem is that the "Republican" they have received ideas from is none other than Bob Dole the "test pilot" for Viagra. Mr. Dole who was at one time a standard of the GOP is more moderate and has been known to bend over and grab the ankles while dealing with the democrats.

A report today shows that there is a NINE MONTH wait for arthritis treatment. If you are 59 or older, you are not eligible for angioplasty or heart stents because, well quite frankly, you're too damn old and it's not cost effective.

Maybe it's me, but I had a heart attack at age 43 and I am just past 50 (+ or - three percentage points) and I have a stent. Now we all know they fail. So as I approach 59 and I need a stent, I am just to be cast aside because I am too freaking old?????

Using that rationale, Ted Kennedy should not receive treatment for his brain cancer. Oh, wait, Ted is a member of the Senate and they have DIFFERENT rules. You can bet they won't have or be forced to have the same health care that they are going to shove down our throat.


As stated so eloquently before, you don't throw out the greatest health care system in the world, just to fix a few problems.

How do they intend to pay for this you may ask. Tax the "rich" of course. How much of a burden are you willing to put on the ones who pay 70% of taxes today? Are you ready to kill the goose that laid the golden egg?

What incentive are these people going to have to invest in businesses that CREATE jobs? When you're crying in the unemployment line because your company lost an investor, how's that going to work out for you?

Wake up and smell the freaking coffee! Tax the rich? What are you going to do when they move all their money to the Caribbean and there are no more rich left to pay?

It's time people stopped sucking off the national nipple and expecting something for nothing. Fix the health care system, don't destroy it and 1/6th of our economy!

The Judge Formerly Known as Sotormayor

With apologies to the artist formerly known as Prince, who is now known as Prince and not formerly known as Prince.

Judge Sotormayor stayed with her script while answering questions yesterday at her Kangaroo confirmation hearing.

From Politico:Also Tuesday, after hearing two months of pointed attacks over her so-called “wise Latina” comments, Sotomayor publicly backed off the remarks Tuesday, describing them as “a rhetorical flourish that fell flat.”

“It left an impression that life experience commanded a result in a case but that’s clearly not what I do as a judge,” Sotomayor said under questioning by Sen.Jeff Sessions(R-Ala.), the top Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee.

“I want to say up front, unequivocally and without doubt, I do not believe that any ethnic racial or gender group has an advantage in sound judging,” Sotomayor said. “I do believe that every person has an equal opportunity to be a good and wise judge regardless of their background or life experience.”

Read more:http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0709/24909.html#ixzz0LKMV8Glr&C

But Judge: YOU SAID IT SIX TIMES OVER THE COURSE OF SEVEN YEARS! If you had said it once MAYBE twice you could get away with saying it was a "rhetorical flourish that fell flat."

But wait there's more!

The Judge formerly known as Sotormayor went further by saying she does not believe a judge makes policy. According to the judge, her job is to "interpret" the law. Talk about pissing on someones leg and telling them it's raining!

This woman is being disingenuous at best.

Her opinions have been flawed, lacking the research and detail that go into any good determination. Whether you agree or disagree with the final out come, the opinions are poorly researched, poorly thought out and many are without any rational reason.

They are going to confirm this woman make no doubt about it. Bet the house.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Pulled Pork Edition

The questioning of Judge Sotomayor has started. Jeff Sessions started for the Republicans and pulled the judge apart like a pulled pork sandwich. Hammering her with her own words he "roughed" her up, leaving one observer to point out that her answers were "confusing."

Clearly the judge had been prepped and ready for these questions,however, Judge Sotomayor showed she was not prepared and was on her heals as Sessions and then later Hatch used her own words and writings against her.

In the end it will mean nothing as she has already been confirmed in the eyes of the democrats.

It doesn't matter that she is a light weight who uses her role as an activist and policy maker. At least she'll be qualified for one job as a justice. The most junior justice is responsible for closing the door before deliberations and serving the coffee and drinks.

This is a judge who has been over turned more than a NASCAR racing car.

This is a judge who all NINE of the Supreme Court Justices stated that her opinion in one case was "flawed." Hatch hammered her on that point. Sotomayor was unable to defend her actions.

Her actions in the Ricci cases were also flawed.

Patrick "Leaky" Leahy has spent most of the Committee's time trying to prop up Sotomayor after her bruising by the Republican's.

Diane Feinstein has her shorts in a knot over the questioning and has spent most of her time fawning over Sotomayor. All she is worried about is getting another pro-choice judge on the bench.

Sotomayor unless she really implodes will be confirmed. Hopefully BHO will not get another nomination before he leaves office.

It's amusing to watch Sessions and Hatch work their magic, me I am waiting for the real show when the intellectual wonder Al Franken gets his turn.

Monday, July 13, 2009


This is another public service announcement:

Michael Jackson's $25,000.00 casket (presumably with him in it) is still missing! It has been almost a week now and no one has seen or heard from the casket or the contents!

It actually looks like a Lazy-Boy in a box! (Insert your own joke here)

This is close to being declared a National Emergency as the masses cannot be expected to go on without having a place to worship their "plastic" idol.

Again I implore you. If you know where this casket is, if you even have an inkling where this casket is, PLEASE notify the proper authorities and let's get this guy buried! He needs to be buried! We want him to be buried!

The Jackson family is "shovel ready" to get this freak show started. They have the merchandise, the booths, the cash registers and the debit/charge card machines. We need to get this show on the road so that they can get their $49.95 per person!

We once again return you to our regular scheduled programing.

Weekend Rants....Statue Edition

Over the weekend,, the Governor of Pennsylvania, Edward G Spend-dell, once again proved what a pompous ass he really is. The Commonwealth is currently without a budget and thousands of state workers will continue to work, but will not be paid until a budget is passed and signed. The unions worked with the Commonwealth Employee's Credit Union to offer zero percent loans for state workers who qualify.

When asked about state workers missing their pay checks, Spend-dell said "They outta put a statue of me on their mantles. I got them zero percent loans to get them through this."

Eddy! Is it because you can't run again that is making you loopy? You may be the best Governor Philadelphia ever had, but to treat your workers the way you do, that takes a big sack of stones!

Now, the unions asked for it, they are not all faultless. They put this horse's ass in office again after he stuck it to the unions in his first term. Their first contract with "Fast Eddie" resulted in no pay raises for the first couple of years of the contract and then an increase in medical contributions with their pay raises in the second part of the contract. They turned around and supported this joker and helped get him re-elected! As he did in Philadelphia, he balanced the budget on the backs of hi state workers. I know what we all think of state workers, but fair is fair. If they work, they should be paid.

Now, they will be paid, but it will be after a budget passes. When that happens will be anyone's guess, that's a whole new column. The idea of erecting a statue to the Governor who is CAUSING the budget stalemate, well that is just rich!

Let's hope the statue captures the correct profile of the governor.

The little judge from the Bronx goes before the Senate today to answer questions about her judicial past. The democrats already have her confirmed and these hearings are just a formality to her confirmation. The GOP will ask serious, hard probing questions and will be labeled as "anti-Latino" and she will take her seat with a lifetime appointment.

I keep hearing that she may disappoint the liberals with her views and possible opinions on abortion. I doubt that would happen, BHO's people I am sure has vetted her closely and would not let that one pass. We could only hope. After all, why should that just happen to Republicans? (See David Souter)

Leon (I've got a secret) Panetta has come out and said that the CIA did mislead Congress and that a S E C R E T program started by then Vice President Dick Cheney has been shout down. Now the Congress is all a twitter with the hopes of nailing Cheney.

First of all, with members like "Leaky Leahy," "Bagdad Dick Durbin" and "Jay there are no secrets Rockefeller," it's no wonder why the CIA would mislead members of the congress. How about Shelia Lee (who thinks we have landed on Mars) who's pushing hard to honor Michael Jackson? Give me a break. If would would trust these 'Chuckleheads" with real national secrets, we'd all be speaking Arabic in two years. As for Cheney, I have said before BRING ON THE TRIAL!

That's all for now, my stone has arrived and I have to get my hammer and chisel and start working on that statue.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Pray for me........

As an addendum to today's events it was reveled that BHO delivered a letter from Ted Kennedy to his Holiness requesting the prayers of the Bishop of Rome. (Ted as you know is in God's waiting room, waiting for his number to be called.)

I am not going to suggest that Ben XVI burn that letter, he is much to charitable for that and I am sure that his Holiness will be praying for the Senator from Massachusetts, but it does show that Teddy has a big set of balls.

For years Ted has been "outside the lines" with the church. His divorce, his support of abortion and stem cell research, his possible murder of a woman, covering up a rape and other matters. Ted has been one of these Catholics in name only and does not deserve any special treatment.

Now whether Ted makes it to heaven is not my call. Our God is a forgiving God and who knows who you will see up there if you make it. But somehow, you just have to stop and wonder about someone who has thumbed his nose at the church his whole life, who makes himself out to being such a "staunch" Catholic, you have to wonder if there is not a warmer place for him in his future. Unless Ted has already made has made his peace, if I were him I would be sending out a letter and taking full page ads out begging for people to pray for me. If Ted is truly sorry for all his "transgressions," then I have been told the Lord will see into his heart and offer forgiveness. If not, then it's the express elevator down to the basement to meet other "notables" there.

I read that his niece Katherine Kennedy Townsend said recently that BHO is more like the Catholics in America and they associate with him because of that. If that is true then I would say that they like "Uncle Ted" are not true Catholics and should find another denomination that fits their needs.

As I have said previously, if you want to be a Catholic, then you know you have to follow the teachings of the church. No one is holding a gun to your head, you can leave at anytime. Jim Jones is not the Pope and we don't serve cool-aide here. Find a church that you like, one that doesn't have all those "messy" and "inconvenient" rules and be happy.

In the meantime I am going to start praying for Ted, trying to save him from the fiery fires of Hell.
