Thursday, June 18, 2009


What an arrogant piece of crap Barbara Boxer (D) from California is. A General is testifying before a committee and starts to answer her question, politely calling her "Mam." Her response?

"Please don't call me that. Call me senator, I don't know it's just a thing, I worked so hard for that title."

You worked so hard for that?

What about the General? Didn't he work hard for his title? Shouldn't you have shown him the same respect you demanded?

I guess lying and being an elitist is hard work. This is a woman who wanted to take your rights to carry a gun away, but carried her own piece. Another one of the "Do as I say, not do as I do" crowd. What hard work have you ever done? Is it hard to sleep at night with the crap you've voted on? This is another piece of dog excretion that should just be scrapped off the ground with a shovel and thrown in the garbage can. What has this woman done in the years she has been in the Senate beside work so hard for abortionist to kill more unborn babies? Madam Boxer constantly blocks American's from their own oil, has voted against the confirmation of Secretary Rice, Justices Thomas, Roberts and Alito. As a Congressman from California she was part of the House banking scandal, writing 87 bad checks herself! Boxer was only one of two Senators to vote for censure of George Bush and has constantly pushed her elitist ideas and views on Americans.

What has she done for the people of California beside help run it into it into the ground?

It's not about her title. It pisses he off that someone would use a "sexist" word like "Mam" when addressing her. It makes her mad when a "Gentleman" is polite , respectful and especially in the military, calls her "Mam," well, it just sets her off. Her hatred for the military shows through in her tone and demeanor.

Yeah she's worked real hard for that title.

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