Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Hey kiddos, hope you are all enjoying today's global warming....tomorrow it's cold and raining again.

Mark June 24th on your calender kiddies: Its the Day the News died (with all due respect to Don McLean).

ABC News is GIVING it's news telecast to BHO for a whole day! Good Morning American will be produced by the White House as will the Evening News with Charlie Gibson. During prime time, BHO will pitch his health care program to the American people.

Now this makes my Journalism and Communications Degree shiver. A major network is turning over it's news programing to the White House. Can you say "burn the 1st amendment" children?

Whatever integrity ABC had (and it was just above MSNBC) went right out the window. Edward R Murrow is spinning in his grave right now.

Speaking of MSNBC, Rachel Madow is saying the Republicans are wrong in pushing nuclear power. Typical liberal. They don't want you to drill in your own country for oil, they don't want to use nuclear power, Teddy doesn't want a wind farm off the coast of Mass because it would interfere with his view and sailing. (There's a joke, but I'm not going there). Unless it's the EverReady Bunny banging the drum, they don't want to hear about it. They are the party of NO when it comes to energy.

Former President Jimmy Carter is in the middle east bashing the Israelis and was almost another gun notch of an assassin. They found some IEDS along the route the anti-Semitic former President was taking and Israel alerted Jimmy's Secret Service detail. When will the Jewish people stop voting for these democrats who want to give their land away and who want to see them off the face of the earth?

I use to have respect for the former President from Georgia. I didn't agree with much of his policy and was part of a Naval uprising when her tried to take hazardous duty play away from us Submariners, but I always respected the man. I always thought that whatever his decision, he thought about it carefully and as a man of God prayed about his decision. His ant-Semitic rants these last couple of years have left me puzzled and ashamed.

The State of Israel has a right to exist. They have a right to live in peace and harmony. They have a right to the land they occupy. They are threatened every day. They live in such a state that they cannot even go shopping without having to go through a security check that is more intensive than we go through to get to on an air plane. They have lived through "Scud Missile" attacks from Sadam, they have been attacked by Egypt and Syria and Hamaas. They now face the threat of nuclear destruction from Iran. Through it all, the United States, make that the Conservative members of the United States government have stood by them and backed them. BHO is cutting our own missile defense program, do you really think he's going to help Israel when they are attack my Iran?

Speaking of which, President I'm a nut job was re-elected by the people of Iran, or so we are lead to believe. Journalist have been thrown out of the country and hundreds of thousands Iranians take to the streets for free and fair elections. The ONE common thread we all have in this world is FREEDOM. People want to be free. It is a God given right for man to be free. Let us hope that our brethren in Iran get their freedom before President I'm a nut job sets off that big mushroom cloud in the sky. Maybe ABC can become the Official News Agency of Iran as well.

Father's Day is coming, get that old man of yours something he would love. Some peace and quite!

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