Friday, June 26, 2009


Well Queen Nancy and BHO should be awfully proud of themselves. They just passed the largest tax increase in this nation's history and the majority of the idiots who voted for it......DIDN'T READ IT!

The Cap & Trade, save the climate vote passed 219-212 with some 44 brave democrats voting NO. What does this mean to you? An estimate from the CBO puts the final tally at around $3,000.00 per household in news taxes, either directly or indirectly. For what?

ANYONE with commonsense will tell you that the earth's climate is cyclical. There is NO WAY that man could ruin the earth in 150 years of mechanical innovation, when the earth has with stood millions of years of natural disasters. The earth has been flooded, hot, went through an ice age and volcanos and still stands. Now because I drive my SUV I am ruining the planet? Give me a frickin' break!

Al Gore is the biggest snake oil salesman in history. He won't debate real scientist who disagree with his notion that the "earth has a fever." Why? Because he would get his clock cleaned! Compare him to the most hated man in America, George W Bush. Bush's house is 100 times more "environmentally friendly" than his. Al Gore lectures people that we have to give up our comforts because we are killing the planet. Al Gore's monthly electric bill is over $22,000.00! Another "Do as I say, not as I do democrat." Al Gore is an A-hole.

'Splain this to me Lucy........If my carbon foot print is suppose to be let's say 22 and it is 32, under Nobel Prize winner Al Gore's plan, I can buy the extra 10 credits I need (from his company of course) and everything is fine. How is that saving the fricking earth? I am still using 32 carbon foot prints! ANYTHING for a buck!

If there ever was the time for this, it is now. IT IS TIME TO START THE REVOLUTION. Take back your country. It's time to say "I am mad as hell and you keep screwing me, so I'm voting you to the unemployment line! (Technically, any elected official is ineligible for any unemployment benefits) Vote the lying sacks of dog crap out of office. If they can't at least read the fricking bill they are voting on, then they should forfeit their office. Let them know that can't play you for a chump anymore.

They did this because they knew they could get away with it. Why? Because more CHUMPS are worried about Michael Jackson dying than their own future. This was the perfect distraction, the CHUMPS are more interested in a whacked out child molester, who bleached himself from black to white and whose nose had more plastic in it than a box of Leggos! They knew the CHUMPS would be too busy watching the wall to wall coverage of this freak, than the votes in congress.

If you let them get away with this, than you deserve to fork over the extra 3 grand just for being a CHUMP.

You must vote these people out. It is your right and moral obligation to vote and to vote for those who are looking out for you. These bunch of elitist must go. Start the revolution today. Health care is next.

Your Congressman and Senator will be coming home for the July 4th holiday. If you see them, demand that they hear you and if they won't listen or explain themselves, next November, you vote their asses to the street.

Take back your country! They work for you!

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