Saturday, June 6, 2009

What? No apology?

BHO is in France commemorating "D DAY" and a funny thing happened. BHO did not give an apology for the US involvement in WWII!  Well Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition!  How about that!  The US did something right huh?

This country has had it's share of mistakes, but for over 200 years this country has done more good than anything for the world.

Little Johnny is just so proud that we have a President who puts on a good impression to the world.  Says his speeches are "Grand Slams."  Well,talk is cheap and without his teleprompter,  BHO can't give a good speech, unless of course he memorizes it first!

BHO has been going all over the world apologizing for all the wrongs this country has done.  He doesn't see all the good things we do.  We're the bad guys.  The other day I heard how we use more of the world's oil than any other country and we use more than "our fair share."  This country produces more of the world's wealth and productivity than any other country.  Are we arrogant?  Maybe.  But we have the right to be.  Without the United States there would be NO France, NO United Kingdom, NO Netherlands, Sweden, Italy or Spain.  Without the United States the Soviet Union would still control Poland, The Chech Republic and Yugoslavia. 

Without the United States the world would still be battling polio and diphtheria.  Without the United States evil dictators like Hitler and Sadam would be ruling the world.  Without the United States tyranny would rule. 

So quite apologizing for the wrongs we have done and focus on the good of the country which is far more than the bad.

C O U P L E    O F   R A N D OM    T H O U G H T S

*Dick Cheney's approval ratings are now higher than Queen Nancy's. 

*Reports have circulated that members of the Canadian Socialist Party have been in the US talking with the staff of BHO about Socialized Medicine.  If the Canadian system is so great, why do Canadians by the thousands come to the United States for medical treatment?

*How's that STIMULATION Package working out for you?

*Pens now down 3-2.  Looking to turn it around Tuesday in the 'Burg!

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