Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Czars, Czars EVERYWHERE A Czar

Hi kiddos!

With apologizes to the Five Man Electrical Band..........

If you've read my last couple of post you might have seen that I wasn't putting my heart in to it. I just got a new Mac and I'm playing around with it, the kids have activities and I have a honey do list a mile long.  Today I'm going to make up for it.

Have you noticed all the Czars we now have?  Are we in the United States or the Soviet Union?  What's up with the czars?

Something is wrong in this country when a GM car dealer who has sold GM products for 90 years and has a profitability rating of 103 is given notice they are to close.  you can't get answers from the "Car Czar" who was appointed 107 days ago, who won't talk to the press, won't answer dealer questions and won't talk to bond and stock holders.

I have been talking to people in Detroit who are in the know and they tell me it's only the start.  The Fiat deal is a favorite of BHO and they are going to do everything they can to put you and me into one of those piece of crap death traps in the next decade.  Tax incentives beyond your wildest dreams are coming your way if you buy these clown cars.  From what I am told, these incentives are going to be so great, you "can't" pass them up and if you do, $5 a gallon gas is coming to a Sunoco near you.

Say goodbye to the Tahoe, Suburban, Traverse, Blazer, Impala, Venture and Corvette and say hello to POC.  (Piece of crap)  Would you like that crap in red or silver? 

Ford is on the hit list next.  The powers that be don't like the F-150 and the Expedition, let alone that fuel saving Mustang GT.  But all is not lost for the Ford lovers.  POCII is in your future.

As for me, I am seriously thinking about buying (ugh, dare I say) a BIG ASS FORD with a BIG ASS Rhino crash bar on the front.  I would buy a Suburban but I have been told that part of the plan is to make the parts for these Gladiators of the highway disappear just like Jimmy Hoffa.

Private companies are under attack by this administration and this congress.  In our next lesson, we'll look at the STIMULATION of the economy and how YOU may be next in the soup line.

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