This is the day that the State Run Media and liberals all over the world has been waiting for and wanting for so long. Senator Ted Kennedy died Tuesday night. They now have another Kennedy to worship, to praise and to martyr. At the 2012 convention, they will have a 45 minute Hollywood produced "tribute" to the man from Massachusetts. While we despised just about everything about him, we wished him no ill will. Our thoughts and prayers go out to his family at this time of grief.
Ted Kennedy was not like his other three brothers. He served in the Army, he never had a real job and he lived his life as an elitist, not like any of his brothers. He was kicked out of Harvard for cheating but was later re-admitted.
I often wondered if Jack had lived, how he and Teddy would have gotten along. Don't get me wrong, they were brothers and blood is thicker than water, but politically they were miles apart. Jack believed in the free market system and he favored what is now called the "trickle down" theory of economics. Jack believed that low taxes would lead to wealth and prosperity for all and believed that the average working guy knew more about what to do with his money than the government. JFK was pro-life and was against abortion. Jack Kennedy believed in a strong military and standing up to dictators. I have often said that were he alive today, Jack Kennedy would not be welcomed in the Democrat Party.
Don't get me wrong, JFK had his faults. Nikita Kruschev played him like a violin, plus he wasn't exactly a role model for fidelity, but he wasn't like Ted.
Ted's career as a Senator started with him riding the coat-tails of his brother, taking over the Senate seat he vacated when he became President. While Jack and Bobby worked on Camelot, Ted took his place in the Senate.
Ted was right on some issues. Civil rights and the elimination of the Jim Crow laws was one of them. The elimination of Apartheid in South Africa was another. Wanting to be known as the champion of health care (why not, he's put more people in the hospital and morgue than any other Senator) his approach has been socialistic to say the least. Kennedy was a strong voice of the pro-choice movement and spent as much time thumbing his nose at his church.
Ted lamented the fact that he never got the health care bill he wanted and stated that his greatest mistake was not working with President Reagan to get the job done.
Ted's personal life was nothing short of scandalous.
There was the plane wreck in which two people were killed and then the famous "Chappaquiddick" incident that cost a young Mary Jo Kopechne her young life. Driving off a bridge, his car landed in the water. Instead of trying to rescue Miss Kopechne, he swam away and did nothing to aid this helpless young lady. Ted went home, went to sleep and waited for his car to be found with the lifeless body of Mary Jo Kopechne inside. Putting on the neck brace, he sobbed for the cameras and got off with two months in jail, suspended sentence of course. He was able to have the official inquiry made secret and served no time for his crime.
Then there was the alleged sexual assault in Palm Beach. A young woman accused Ted's nephew (William Kennedy Smith) of sexually assaulting her at Ted's grandiose estate over looking the Atlantic Ocean. When police came to question all of the parties involved, Ted refused to let them in, as he did not have enough neck braces to pass around. Once they found enough neck braces, (and got their stories straight) Ted gleefully welcomed the police to his palatial estate.
The famous picture of a naked Ted Kennedy on top of a young lady getting busy on his boat along with the stories of Chris Dodd and Teddy making a "sandwich" of a waitress in a bar only added to his sorted life story.
Ted fashioned the "No child left behind" bill, worked with Bush to pass it, then spent the rest of the time criticizing the legislation. While hammering Bush for his climate change stance and pushing for "alternative" sources of energy, Ted blocked a wind farm off the Nantucket Sound as it "interfered" with his sailing.
Ted was human after all and suffered through two of his brothers being the victim of an assassin's bullet. That in and of itself would drive anyone crazy having to endure those tragedies. But any goodwill he earned from the loss of his two brothers he quickly used up with his antics.
His son Patrick talked in July about what his father has been doing. "He is a spiritual man. He prays a lot," Patrick Kennedy said. "And I think there is almost something spiritual about where he is right now. He is reminding every one of his colleagues about the fragility and the dignity of life. I feel like he's contributing in way that's perhaps more profound."
The "fragility and the dignity of life?" I guess that doesn't apply to the unborn or to the "vegetables" like Terry Schiavo? Where is the dignity for these people, the most vulnerable members of society. You know it is great that Ted wanted everyone to have the same health care as he and I applaud him for it. But Ted, Ted you never stood up for the unborn child, who never did anything, who is the most dependent and most vulnerable. To you, a man who is suppose to be so "spiritual," you were more than willing to let them hook up the Sears shop-vac and suck away life. You were more than willing to let them kill Terry Schiavo because she was a "burden" on her husband (probably the guy who caused her condition in the first place), while her parents were willing and able to care for her for the rest of her natural life.
I bet Ted was praying during the last chapter of his life, saying a lot of "Hail Marys" to save him from the fiery fires of hell.
Finally we say goodbye to another "Cafeteria Catholic" who would hob knob with Cardinals, (Bishops were beneath him) and put himself out there as a "devout" Catholic, but thumbed his nose at the teachings of the church. When he found he was in God's waiting room, he sent a letter to the Pope asking that the Holy Father "pray for" him. A true hypocrite to the end.
As I have said so many times, I can't say who will be in Heaven and who will be in Hell. That's not my call. Our God is a loving and forgiving God, so if Ted was genuine in his heart, then God will do what HE thinks is right.
We wish Ted well wherever he is and pray for God's mercy for his soul.
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