From across the world and up your alley, this is the news.
Well let's not get to ahead of ourselves bucco, if BHO and his gang have their way, freedom of speech may just be a thing of the past. Think I'm over reacting? Let's have a little history lesson. As a former influential member of the media, let me explain how a few things work.
The FCC was set up to watch over and control the "public airwaves," to insure that the public's interest was protected. Over the years, the FCC has been responsible for issuing licenses for radio stations. Every couple of years a station's license comes up for renewal. What the FCC has the stations do is show that they were acting in the public interest. If you go into a radio or television station, at the reception desk is usually a binder which contains letters from the public the station received during the course of their license period. This will contain letters of protest the station received as well as letters of support. The station also has to show that they have served the public, this is usually a log of all public service announcements and public affairs shows they have aired. This would also include any news shows or reports they would have aired.
For many years there was the "Fairness Doctrine" which basically said that if you aired one side of an issue, you had to air the other side equally. Sounds nice and fair, but as with most regulations the government puts in place, it was taken too far. During the 1980 Presidential election, if a station showed a movie with Ronald Reagan in it, someone had to time how long Reagan appeared on the screen and then the station had to GIVE Jimmy Carter the same amount of time.
When Reagan took office, his administration was the force behind getting rid of the "Fairness Doctrine." That was credited with helping to save AM radio with the advent of "Talk Radio." Talk radio now dominates the airwaves. Many AM stations that were dying were resurrected with this new format and for the first time in years, advertising revenue on radio went up.
What has dominated talk radio has been conservatives. Rush Limbaugh has over 20 million listeners, Sean Hannity has around 18 million as does Glen Beck. Dr. Michael Savage has over 10 million listerners and others such as G. Gordon Liddy and Laura Ingraham have millions more. This has upset the left to no end. They have tried to counter by putting "progressive" or liberal radio shows on the air. They have even tried to put famous liberal icons on the air, such as Ed Koch and Mario Cuomo. All have failed. The listening public has rejected liberal talk radio for many reasons. Some will say it's not informative, some will say it doesn't entertain, mostly they will say they don't believe in what they were saying.
Because the liberals were unable to make any inroads into talk radio, their "solution" is to bring back the "Fairness Doctrine," or worse yet, try and enter the back door with "Localization." They also want those stations that don't comply to pay a hefty fine that will be given to local "Public Radio" stations.
For years the liberals have been crying for "free" speech. If something was offensive on radio or television to "conservatives," we were told, (and I actually agree with this) "We have the right to put this on the air and if you don't agree with it, or don't want to listen to it, change the station."
BHO and his band of Marxist have their own agenda. They want to silence their critics. He has appointed a "Diversity Czar" for the FCC, one that is a self admitted Communist. They now have this whacked out formula to fine and as such, kill talk radio that doesn't agree with him. Look up the FCC's "Diversity Czar" and see what is in the works.
The "Diversity Czar" also wants to "Balance" the Internet.
Which leads us to a bill that is being crafted by Jay Rockefeller that would give the President the power to shut down and control the Internet if he deems there is a "cyber security" threat. I can't make this stuff up.
We cry foul when China and other countries "censor" what their people can see and do on the Internet, yet we are going to let this band of "progressives" shut down the Internet if THEY feel there is a threat? What is a threat? Who makes the call if it is a threat? What say do we have? The Government does not own the Internet, who are they to shut it down? Are we becoming a Banana Republic?
We as Americans need to be outraged! We need to protect our freedoms.
How do people know what's in the health care bill? The media hasn't told them the details, it's not in the newspapers. People are READING the bill on the Internet. Take that away from people and you have people who are not informed and when they are not informed, they are your captives.
They say that talk radio (read "Conservative") talk radio is filled with hate. It is not. They think that all people who listen to talk radio are puppets. we are not. In fact, people who listen to talk radio are the most informed because in addition to listening to talk radio, they READ newspapers and news magazines and actually (gasp) look things up! They are probably the MOST informed people around. Spreading ideas, thoughts and information is only a danger if you as a representative of the government are trying to hide something.
This is not a democrat vs republican thing. This is not a liberal vs conservative thing. This is a freedom thing and we have to protect what is our right, the right given by our Creator, not by a government agency.
What it all boils down to is a back door approach to dissolving the 1st Amendment. If you think I'm kidding, exaggerating, or making this up, I urge you to do some research and look it up.
If this basic of rights is taken away or watered down, you will see an outcry that will make the town hall meetings taking place now look like Girl Scout Meetings. All of our freedom of speech is on the ropes and under attack. The revolution may not be broadcast on TV, but it will take place if our freedoms and rights are taken away from us.
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