I was originally going to expound on radical Saul Alinsky today, but a story caught my attention and I thought it was serious enough to write about that instead. Sometime in the future we will talk about Alinsky. He's been dead since '72 so he can wait.
What I would like to talk about is a very serious matter that I feel each and every American should address, think about and also pray about.
Brian Ross of ABC News had a story posted today about the threats to BHO. Mark Potok who works for the Southern Law Poverty Center has been banging the drums since before BHO got elected that "White Supremacy" groups have increased because of BHO and the threat level to him is the highest of any American President.
According to Ross:
"Experts who track hate groups across the U.S. are growing increasingly concerned over violent rhetoric targeted at President Obama, especially as the debate over health care intensifies and a pattern of threats emerges."
The report goes on to say:
'While officials told ABC News that the President's daily threat matrix has yet to reflect a sharp increase in threats, White House officials privately admit deep concern and have told the Secret Service to keep security tight, even if Obama objects."
The man who spoon fed this information to Ross is Mark Potok of the Southern Law Poverty Center who had this to say:
"I think the president has, in effect, triggered fears amongst fairly large numbers of white people in this country that they are somehow losing their country, that the battle is lost," Potok told ABC News. "The nation that their Christian white forefathers created has somehow been taken from them."
Have you picked out what's wrong with this story? First, the Secret Service has said that the threat level has not gone up since BHO became President and second if the threat level HAD gone up, why do they keep sending this guy out in public all the time?
Where was the outrage when books and movies about George W Bush's assassination were out there? We were told we had to respect the artistic writings and freedom of speech that depicted his demise. The media embraced these people and did nothing to rebuke them.
That was wrong then and it is wrong today.
We do NOT want any harm to come to BHO.
First because that is not how this country operates. We are not some third world banana republic who whacks it's leader. We have elections to voice our opposition. If you feel that harming the leader of your country is the right thing to do, then you are Un-American and should catch the next boat to Cuba.
Second, if something would happen to BHO, do you realize who the idiot is who would take his place?
This country has fought racism for the past 40 years and we will continue to fight it for another 40 if need be. There is no room in this country for anyone who hates someone simply because of the color of their skin. I detest some of the policies of BHO, but I would NEVER want any harm to come to the man. As stated before, that's not how we operate.
Unlike the liberals of the last eight years, conservatives do not advocate the killing of a President. We do not advocate the over-throw of an administration EXCEPT through the ballot box. That is what makes us Americans. That's what makes us special. We have the RIGHT, the DUTY and the PRIVILEGE to speak our minds openly and freely and to make our choice through the ballot box.
It is right to express your anger towards your elected officials. If your elected official is not representing his or hers constituents, then they need to be told they are not fulfilling their commitment to you and others. Now, having said that, they do not deserve, nor should they be subjected to any physical harm.
I cannot believe in this day and age that this needs to be said, but there are many Wackos out there.
Having said all that, there is also no room for the race baiting that is going on in this country today. BHO and his people have been playing the race card and it is not right. We as conservatives judge people on their thoughts, deeds and policies, not on their race. If we object to BHO's policies, it is just that, his policies.
What this country really needs is prayer. We need to pray for our leaders, especially for those who we do not agree with. We also need to pray for the safety of our President so that we don't become a banana republic.
We also need to pray that Joe Biden won't be sitting in the Oval Office.
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