The President made some statements, some I agree with, most I do not. BHO called for a "civil discussion" which I agree with. He then tried to "dispel" some "untruths" about the health care bill before congress. Some of them were whoppers. So in the interest of dispelling some untruths, I present an open letter to BHO:
Dear Mr. President:
I saw you on television tonight at your "Town Hall" meeting. You said there were a lot of untruths and rumors going around that only were being spread to scare people and they weren't true. You said if people would sit down and read the bill and have a civil discussion on the issue, these rumors wouldn't keep spreading. To some extent, I agree with you sir, but I have to say, you yourself have fueled the fires.
You said several things today that Mr. President just aren't true. You said there was no provisions for a "death panel" and that you never said you were in favor of a "single payer" system. Funny, I have heard you state different.
When you had your infomercial on ABC TV, a lady asked you about her elderly mother. She said her mother was either 100 or close to 100 and that she was worried that she would not get the care she needed under the plan set forth. She asked if there were provisions to look at someone's will to live and zest for life. You told her no. That there had to be a standard protocol and in some cases, the best thing would just make them comfortable during the life ending process. I don't have the exact wording, but that was basically what you said.
Today I heard you in two speeches say you favored a single payer system. In 2003 as an Illinois State Senator speaking before the SEIU saying that you were a proponent of the single payer system, that we may not get that right away, but once we got our foot in the door, it might take 5-10-15 or 20 years to get there, but we will.
In 2007, as a United States Senator, you are on tape saying that you favored a single payer system. What it was going to take was to first win the Senate and Congress and then the White House. Again you reiterated that it would take a back door approach, get your foot in the door and then within 5-10-15 years roll people into a single payer system.
Mr. President, these are your own words. I heard them and no sir, they were not taken out of context. If you want people to tone down the rhetoric, then you and the members of congress have to starting telling the truth and quit trying to ram through a program that members of congress have not read and that doesn't take effect until 2013.
If you believe all of what you have said in the past, believe it now. Say it loud and say it proud. Make your case, don't lie about it and let the opposition make their case. Then the American people will make up their mind. Let us all be civil about it, but let us all state our case and then as a Representative Republic, the people through their representatives will make up their mind and those representatives who don't represent their constituents will pay the price.
Until you and the members of congress do that, you are just like the others. You say one thing and then say you never said that. As children we had a saying for that. Liar, Liar, pants on fire.
People, regular people have read the bill. They know what is in the bill, they know what is at stake and they are angry. This is real and you may not realize that until the mid-term elections next year, but people will remember what is done and said today.
May God bless you and the United States of America.
With sincere well wishes.
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