Thursday, August 27, 2009

Pay No Attention To The Man Behind The Curtain.

We interrupt the wall to wall Kennedy Tributes and resume our daily pontificating. Here's praying that Ted's funeral will be sometime next week as not to spoil BHO's vacation.

As I have said before, my best friend lives in Chicago, that "toddling town," home of The Hawks, Bears, Cubs, Sox, Bulls and BHO.

A question often tossed around by both of us is, "Who's really behind BHO?" You may ask what do we mean by that? Let me do some 'splaining" to you Lucy.

Forget about Rahm and Axelrod, we're talking about the big money, the "man behind the curtain" so to speak. Many (wrongly we are finding out) accused Cheney of being behind Bush. But with BHO, there truly is someone behind the scenes.

Here's a guy like Bill Clinton who made ONE speech at the democrat convention that propelled him into the national spotlight. Unlike Clinton who had "bones" as a state Attorney General and then Governor, BHO was a little know state senator, who for whatever reason, refused to vote on most of the legislation put before the legislative body. He introduced no meaningful law and except for a vote that would have protected those born from an abortion, stayed away from controversial bills. From there, he parlayed that ONE speech into a Senate seat, where he again had a limited voting record, but had his name attached to almost every bill introduced by democrats and then because of that ONE speech, moved on to the White House.

There is no doubt that BHO can deliver one hell of a speech. When he has a speech rehearsed and memorized, or he has his trusty teleprompter the guy can talk. When he doesn't, he (and I will be kinder than those who said the same of Bush) he becomes a college basketball star full of "um" and "you know" along with "ah, um, well." Not a communicator without a little help from his friend, the teleprompter.

All during his childhood and through college he was known as "Barry," which was dropped in favor of Barack upon graduation. We know that he was a "community organizer" who was friends with the Ayers' and Bobby Rush. We know he was deep into ACORN and other "community" groups, but that doesn't explain where the backing came for a national campaign.

BHO was never vetted by the press. Why? Hillary certainly was vetted, as was Edwards, Richardson, Biden and Dodd. McCain and Palin were vetted, but BHO was not. Why? What gave the press that "tingle up the leg," that made them look the other way? Certainly BHO did not get the vetting the other candidates received.

My first inclination is that George Soros is behind BHO. He has the money, the contacts and certainly the hate for this country that would make him a prime suspect. BHO's people keep saying that it was the "grass roots" $5 and $10 donations that made the difference. They are liars. According to the FEC (Federal Election Commission for those of you in McKeesport PA) BHO had more "large" contributions than any candidate, Republican or democrat. You don't get that much support on ONE speech.

My friend thinks it's someone else, but who?

What would propel a candidate with no executive experience, a limited voting record in the state senate and a limited voting record in the US Senate to the Presidency?

The left laughs at those who question BHO's citizenship status. They call them "Birthers." But, why has BHO spent several million dollars to fight these allegations when all he had to do was produce a birth certificate? However crazy the notion may be that BHO was not born in the US gives credence to the "Manchurian Candidate" theory and beckons us back to the question, "Who is BHO?" And, more importantly, who is behind BHO?

Now this all may very well be blown out of proportion and good conspiracy theory arguments, but these questions remain and will remain until some answers come forth.

Why were unions and blocks of democrats willing to cozy up to a candidate with a limited record and experience? Surely the name James Earl Carter crossed their minds? Surely they weren't going to take a chance on an unknown when so much they say they cared about was at stake? Was their hate of George Bush so strong that they threw caution to the wind and went out on a limb? Was the cry "Anyone but Bush" so strong? Maybe among the rabid left, but not enough to carry through to a general election.

Charisma can carry one so far. John Edwards had a certain glow about him. He had the liberal resume, channeling the dead, an affair along with a love child certainly would have propelled him to the top. What was it about BHO that made the press all giddy and willing to look the other way?

Unfortunately, we may never know.

Now a medical update.

This corespondent used his private medical insurance today to visit the orthopedic doctor. As you may or may not know, I have been suffering with severe pain in my knee. Well after x-rays and an examination, the doctor said I showed no tear of the cartilage which was suspected. He feels it is a severe inflammation of the joint that may have unknowing happened during skydiving or extreme rock climbing. In any event, I was given a shot of heavy duty steroids and pain killers and sent on my way all for my $25 co-pay. (Barry Bonds should be so lucky) Under the democrat health care reform which Robert Byrd is now shamelessly trying to name the "Ted Kennedy Health Care Reform Act," I would have had to wait six months to see the orthopedic specialist, (if one was still available) only to be told I am too old, out of shape and don't fit the requirements and should seek counseling with the "death panel."

Thank you Blue Cross and Blue Shield.

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