Thursday, July 23, 2009

The Barrel Monster

So it's a not so hot summer, not much swimming to do, kinda rainy, really not much to do if you're a 21 year old college student. So what do you do? Welding is a nice hobby! Meet the Barrel Monster created by NC State Student Joseph Carevale who "borrowed" a couple of barrels and did some welding, creating his own version of Dr. Frankenstein.

The problem? Police arrested the now famous welder and a local judge sentenced him to 50 hours of "community service" even though the OWNER of the barrels did not want to press charges!

In fact, Hamlett and Associates (the owners of the barrels) want "Welding Joe" to make a couple more of the monsters to put outside their offices and at several of their construction sites.

Look, I am a conservative. I believe in property rights and to steal the barrels was wrong. BUT, let's use some judgement here. The owner of the barrels did not want to press charges, in fact he wants a couple more of the creations! Common sense says that if the owner is not unhappy, then the government should stay out of it.

I could see a 50 state marketing campaign here. We all want people to slow down in construction sites. Putting up one of these "Monsters" at the beginning and middle of a construction zone would probably get people to slow down. If they don't, the police could always hide radar guns inside of the large creation.

New car games could be created. "I saw five red cars, two license plates from Idaho and 4 Monsters."

How about businesses that are loosing business along a road construction project. Put one of these bad boys up with a "We're Open" sign and you have instant advertising. Maybe Joe could weld a signature hat on the Monster for more advertising. The possibilities are endless!

Maybe put a recorder inside the creature and advertise least you'd get noticed!

Me? I've got my idea for a Halloween costume!

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