The questioning of Judge Sotomayor has started. Jeff Sessions started for the Republicans and pulled the judge apart like a pulled pork sandwich. Hammering her with her own words he "roughed" her up, leaving one observer to point out that her answers were "confusing."
Clearly the judge had been prepped and ready for these questions,however, Judge Sotomayor showed she was not prepared and was on her heals as Sessions and then later Hatch used her own words and writings against her.
In the end it will mean nothing as she has already been confirmed in the eyes of the democrats.
It doesn't matter that she is a light weight who uses her role as an activist and policy maker. At least she'll be qualified for one job as a justice. The most junior justice is responsible for closing the door before deliberations and serving the coffee and drinks.
This is a judge who has been over turned more than a NASCAR racing car.
This is a judge who all NINE of the Supreme Court Justices stated that her opinion in one case was "flawed." Hatch hammered her on that point. Sotomayor was unable to defend her actions.
Her actions in the Ricci cases were also flawed.
Patrick "Leaky" Leahy has spent most of the Committee's time trying to prop up Sotomayor after her bruising by the Republican's.
Diane Feinstein has her shorts in a knot over the questioning and has spent most of her time fawning over Sotomayor. All she is worried about is getting another pro-choice judge on the bench.
Sotomayor unless she really implodes will be confirmed. Hopefully BHO will not get another nomination before he leaves office.
It's amusing to watch Sessions and Hatch work their magic, me I am waiting for the real show when the intellectual wonder Al Franken gets his turn.
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