BHO made his first trip the Vatican and had his first face to face meeting with Pope Benedict XVI today. I would have loved to be a "fly on the wall" for this one.
Although BHO is not Catholic, I am sure that his Holiness had some well chosen thoughts for the American President concerning life from the beginning to the end. Facing one of the staunches "Pro-choice" advocates, a person who voted against banning partial birth abortion. This is a man who voted against a bill that would have given absolute right to life for any baby born after or during an abortion. Knowing the importance of the moment, Ben XVI let known the position of millions of Catholics on the issue of abortion and right to life.
I am sure that the Holy Father also gave BHO a lesson on life ending decisions which may be part of any Health Care Reform BHO and the democrats try and shove down our throats.
Any Government controlled Health Care is going to put a price on preserving the life of the elderly, no matter what their over all health. BHO has said so.
Here's the funny thing about BHO. He says that he wants to reduce the number of abortions and he says he wants to find common ground between pro-life and pro-choice. His record shows otherwise.
Here's my question. Where is the common ground between life and death? Where is the common ground between good and evil? If abortion is so great and so needed, why do you want to reduce the number of abortions?
BHO likes to talk about his special relationship with Cardinal Joseph Bernardin and how much he learned from the wisdom of Cardinal Bernardin. What did he learn? Cardinal Bernardin spoke out often about the evils of abortion. (At this point, let's stop for a moment. Let's not call it abortion anymore, let's call it what it is, Murder.) What did he learn from Cardinal Bernardin? Cardinal Bernardin would not compromise on Murder. I am sure the Cardinal never said we can find common ground on Murder.
Look, I am not one of these (and I love this phrase) "Right Winged Evangelical Christians" who goes around with one issue. There are many layers to this onion (Shrek reference) and Murder is one of them. The Catholic Church teaches that Murder of ANY kind is immoral, whether it be abortion, out-right killing (except in absolute self defense) and the death penalty.
Personally over the years I have struggled with my faith and with the death penalty. For years liberals would hammer me with " how can you be against abortion and for the death penalty?" That is a relevant question, one that I pondered for several years. I came to terms with it and as a pragmatist found that the death penalty does not work for several reasons, one of them is that murder in any fashion (except for self defense or the defense of another) is wrong.
Part of it was the Terry Schiavo case. It was wrong in so many ways. At the same time Pope John Paul II was teaching the world that everyone, no matter what their state in life and no matter what the condition of their body, they had the right to die naturally and with dignity
Let's turn it around for the liberals. They have so much empathy for the illegal aliens, for detainees at Gitmo, for the children of Dafur. We are lectured that the death penalty is wrong and that we don't have the right to take someone's life no matter how heinous the crime. Where is the "empathy" for the unborn child?
The argument is use is that we "don't have the right to tell a woman what to do with her body." They have no problem making us wear our seat belt. Who is the government to make me wear my seat belt? Well it's for your own good and besides, those hurt in crashes are a drain on our resources. You're not allowed to put illegal drugs into your body, you're not allowed to sell your body and technically, you are not allowed to harm your body. The argument doesn't wash.
Put politics aside for a minute. Put any feelings you have for the "rights" of the mother. What did that baby ever do? Doesn't that baby have a right, the same right as you and me to live? How can you charge someone who kills a pregnant woman with TWO murders if you aren't going to recognize the right of an unborn baby?
That's what's wrong with our society. Life has become disposable. If the baby is going to be a burden, just get rid of it. If granny is a burden and spending all of YOUR inheritance, just get rid of her. If a 16 year old is killed by gun fire, it's a shame, but are we as a society really doing anything to stop it? I read an article several years ago that harden "lifers" in prison didn't want anything to do with the gang bangers being sent to prison, because they had no regard for life or no concept of the reality of death. They thought it was no big deal when someone dies, that they would be back sometime later. Like hitting the reset button on a video game.
Our country needs to start respecting life in all stages. From conception to the grave, we need to respect the life that our Creator has given us. Let's hope that Ben XVI gave that message loud and clear to BHO and that BHO genuinely listens.
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