Monday, July 27, 2009

The Botox Edition


BHO has really got himself into a pickle and he's trying his best to be like a pro-quarterback. He's been doing so much back peddling, you'd think he was Jefferson Street Joe Jefferson. First he says the Cambridge Police Department acted "Stupidly," then he said that's not what he really meant to say, then he said the words didn't come out right (sounds like an old Jim Croce song). Now he wants to met with Dr. Gates and the Police Officer to have a beer and talk about what happened. Watch for the Cop to be "rolled" at any meeting with BHO and Gates.

Queen Nancy

A recent poll shows that she is one of the mistrusted and disliked people in Congress. That doesn't bother Queen Nancy. "I don't give a damn what they think" was the Queen's reaction. Of course she doesn't give a damn as long as her agenda is being rammed through Congress, she could care less what the "little people" think. LET THEM EAT CAKE!

Free Speech

A business man with a Kiosk in a Simon Mall in Charlotte NC was told his lease would not be renewed because of the "offensive" materials he sells. Materials like "Impeach Obama" bumper stickers. The owner feels like he's being targeted because he is selling conservative T-Shirts, bumper stickers, ant-BHO posters etc., while other stores sell liberal T-Shirts, bumper stickers, etc. Simon Malls contributed heavily to BHO's campaign and apparently when someone complained about the T-Shirts and bumper stickers, they chose not to renew his lease. That may change after a couple of hundred people protested outside the mall over the weekend. Officials at the mall are now "meeting" with the businessman in the hopes of resolving the situation.

Botox Tax

Democrats are floating the idea of placing a 10% tax on Botox and other "cosmetic surgery." Finally at tax on the wealthy democrats like Queen Nancy, Diane Feinstein and John Kerry!

Pittsburgh Progress

As many of you know, this corespondent resides in the Pittsburgh area. Tonight while watching the new, Mayor Luke Ravenstahl was shown with a group of high school students. These students were starting a summer program where the would intern with the city doing all sorts of jobs from laborers to office workers. Not only would they have an opportunity to earn some spending money for the summer, but they would gain experience working in an office and other sites for the city. Great program, good idea! The only problem I see is that the news said they started today (July 27th). How much money and experience are they going to earn in a couple of weeks before they go back to school? Is it me, or do others think this program should have started like at the BEGINNING of summer and not a couple of weeks past the half way mark?


I heard a conservative commentator confirm what I think today. The democrats are going after who they think is their biggest obstacle to BHO's re-election. They aren't worried about Huckabee, or Romney, they are going after Sarah Palin. The democrats think that Palin is their biggest challenge and they are trying to discredit her and her family at every turn. How come BHO's family is off limits (which by the way I agree with) but Palin's family is not? The next Presidential election will be the dirtiest and bloodiest in the history of this country. Watch for BHO to play the race card at every legitimate criticism thrown at him. Watch the democrats to get down and dirty against whoever is the GOP candidate. Whoever the GOP candidate is, I would suggest putting Karl Rove on the payroll and let him and Roger Ailes map out the campaign.

This corespondent will be taking some time off. Starting Thursday I will be camping with some of this country's future leaders. I will resume my normal column by Wednesday August 5, 2009. Between now and Thursday postings will be slim as I wrap up work projects and prepare for our expedition. Please amuse and talk amongst yourselves until my return.

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