I have been reading several "Liberal" blogs (that's what I do so you don't have to suffer) and found a theme. According to the libs, America is not the "Super-Power" we think of her to be and that we as a society don't make anything, that we just "consume" from the rest of the world.
Instead of talking down this country and apologizing for everything we do, I choose to look at the good of this country, what we have done and where we are headed. There is a lot of good that comes from this country that quite frankly, the State Run Media doesn't always tell you.
The notion that the United States "doesn't make stuff" anymore is ludicrous. We manufacture more for the world than any other country. In the medical field alone we manufacture most of the drugs used around the globe. We spend billions of dollars on research and development, developing drugs that benefit not only Americans, but people from all corners of the world. It is because of the American drug companies and American workers that a cure for Cancer, Aids and Alzheimer's will be found. It is the American medical field that leads the world in research and innovation and it's where people from all over the world come for treatment. The USA is the pioneer in transplants, where people from every country imaginable come to for a new liver, heart or lung.
Our farmers grow the food that feeds the world. It is our farmers who grow the best produce and raise the best cattle of any country in the world. We grow and raise so much safe and affordable food that we export it all over the world. Farmers, companies and governments from all over the world come to the United States to learn to produce the way we do.
In technology we lead the world in development of not only hardware and micro-chips, but programing as well. We have developed robots that sort and deliver life saving medications, drive cars and defuse explosives. We have developed cameras that can read a license plate from 200 miles in space. America's military can send a missile through a window from 1500 miles away. We have been to the moon, explored space, explored the bottom of the oceans and have a robot that can help in surgery using a laser for precise and accurate destruction of life ending tumors. American technology has developed CAT scan and MRI machines, along with advanced x-ray machines.
No other country has had the medical breakthroughs that the United States of America has.
It is America's "can do"spirit that makes any dream possible. It is the blood, sweat and tears of the America workforce that is the envy of the world. It is not just a slogan, it is a reality that no other country when put to the test can produce the way America does. Japan and other countries may make some products, but it is America's workers that first figured out how to do it, how to make it work and how to mass produce it.
America still leads the world in production of quality steel, automobiles, boats and airplanes. The Japanese and Germans produce their cars here.
Students from all over the world come to the United States for their education. No other country in the world produces more electrical, nuclear, aerospace, chemical, industrial, structural and environmental engineers than the United States. More students come to America to become physicists than any other country.
In an emergency or natural disaster, countries from all over the world look to the United States for help. We have developed thermal imagining that helps find those trapped and buried in earthquakes, we train dogs to look for survivors and we manufacture the heavy equipment used in rescue and clean up. We can take water from the ocean, take the salt out of it and produce clean, drinkable water. In an emergency or natural disaster, the world looks to the United States for donations of clean water, drugs, food and clothing. When a country calls 9-1-1, they get the United States of America.
The United States generates 85% of the world's wealth, creating opportunity for all who come to our shores. Through our philanthropy, children in third world countries are educated and fed. Families are inoculated against disease and babies who wouldn't be expected to live one day grow up to live full and productive lives. Through the efforts of the United States and it's people, dictators have been removed and people have been freed. It is because of the people of the United States that France, Germany, Spain, Italy and the United Kingdom are free and not living under Nazi rule.
Our military is the greatest known to man. Not only are we the most powerful, but America does more to spread peace than any other country in the world. We have fed the multitudes without asking for a dime in return. America has shown the world more humanity than any other country on this planet.
Do we have problems? Yes. Do we do everything right all the time? No. But there is no other country that has done more for the good of not only it's own people, but for mankind.
When Americans unite, there is no problem, no obstacle or any enemy we cannot overcome or defeat.
You can say that I'm a cheerleader for this country, that's fine. I defy anyone to prove anything I've said wrong.
There is so much good about this country. We still are that "shining city on top of the hill." America is a place of refuge for the weak, a defender of individual freedoms for all and the land of opportunity for anyone. No America's best days are not behind her, the best days, well, they are staring us in the face waiting for us to take full advantage of them.
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