The Bill Clinton Comedy Hour.
I love Bill Clinton. No, really I do. I will admit that before his election to the Oval Office I loathed the guy. During his Presidency I came to realize he couldn't do much irreversible harm, simply because among other talents, he was a "finger wetter." He'd wet his finger, stick it in the air and then make his decision.
The reason I love Bill Clinton is everyday that BHO is in office, I apreciate Bill more and more. Then to add icing on the cake, Bill gives an interview and he just gives me a tingle right up Chris Matthew's leg.
Evidence of this comes from a story on The Clinton News Network (CNN):
The "vast right-wing conspiracy" that attacked him during his presidency has been weakened, but continues to operate against President Obama, former President Clinton said Sunday.
On NBC's "Meet the Press," Clinton was asked about the term his wife Hillary Clinton, now secretary of state, famously coined. "Is it still there?" host David Gregory asked.
"Oh, you bet. Sure it is. It's not as strong as it was, because America's changed demographically, but it's as virulent as it was," the former president replied.
"I mean, they're saying things about him [Obama] -- you know, it's like when they accused me of murder and all that stuff they did," Clinton said, in an apparent reference to conspiracy theories surrounding the suicide of White House deputy counsel Vince Foster.
"It's not really good for the Republicans and the country, what's going on now," Clinton said. "I mean, they may be hurting President Obama. They can take his numbers down, they can run his opposition up. But fundamentally, he and his team have a positive agenda for America."
The nation needs "a credible debate about what's the right balance between continuing to expand the economy through stimulus and beginning to move back to fiscal balance," Clinton said. "We need a credible debate about what's the best way to get to universal [health care] coverage."
Clinton was asked whether he is concerned that the 2010 midterm elections could resemble those of 1994, when Republicans took control of the House and Senate two years into his first term.
"There's no way" that could happen, Clinton said, adding that "the country is more diverse and more interested in positive action." Also, he said, Republicans had control of Congress for several years under President George W. Bush, "and they know the results were bad."
And, he said, "the Democrats haven't taken on the gun lobby like I did."
"Whatever happens, it'll be manageable for our president," Clinton said.
Don't you just love this guy?
Where to start? Bill is like the beer of the month club, he's the gift that keeps giving and giving.
They just don't get it. It wasn't the "Vast Right Wing Conspiracy" that "stained" Bubba, it was Bubba who stained Bubba and it isn't the "Vast Right Wing Conspiracy" that is hurting BHO, It's BHO himself.
With the Clintons, (A new show Tuesdays at 9 on NBC) it was the perception of wrong doing, with Bill & Hillary feeding the fire. The $100,000 made off a $10,000 investment in a month, the attempt to discredit Paula Jones and Jennifer Flowers, the missing billing records of Hillary from the Rose Law Firm and it goes on and on.
For BHO, it's not just showing the birth certificate instead of spending money to go to court to fight it.
Look, I am not a "birther" (a term given to those who believe BHO was born outside of the US by BHO's staff) but it seams to me, if you wanted to put this question behind you, instead or ignoring it, or taking people to court to shut them up, just end the discussion once and for all and produce a real certificate and be done with it.
It wasn't the "Right Wing" that appointed tax cheats to cabinet positions during a time when the economy was suffering.
You expect us to buy that Timothy Geithner didn't know he actually had to pay taxes when the World Bank reimbursed him the money for the taxes he did not pay?
You expect us to buy that Tom Daschle who was in the House & Senate since 1978 didn't know he had to pay taxes on the "free" rides he was getting as a lobbyist?
It wasn't the "Right Wing" who made BHO stand in front of the American people and make a big spectacle of announcing that NO lobbyist would be able to apply for positions in his administration and then fill (and still is still doing it to this day) positions with the very Lobbyist he decried.
It wasn't the "Right Wing" who wrote BHO's speeches during the campaign that said BHO had a plan for Heath Care Reform, when he didn't.
It wasn't the "Right Wing" who developed the STIMULUS plan.
It wasn't the "Right Wing" that took over 2/3 the American Auto Industry.
It wasn't the "Right Wing" that forced BHO to shove Cap & Trade down the American people's throat.
It wasn't the "Right Wing" who told ACORN and SEIU that they would have a "seat at the table" for any decisions.
It wasn't the "Right Wing" that put the many lies into BHO's mouth.
The "Loyal Opposition" has proposed real changes to health care reform. It starts with "Tort Reform" and allowing insurance companies to compete against each other. Right now insurance companies are limited in each state. You may find a better deal in Ohio, but if you live In Pennsylvania or Georgia, you're not allowed to buy it. You have to take what's offered in your state.
No Bill, it isn't the "Vast Right Wing Conspiracy" that gave you grief and is giving BHO grief, it was your smugness and BHO's arrogance.
I still love you though Bill, you bring me hope, glee and comedy.
Bill was right about some things. The Republicans did abandon their core beliefs while they were in power. They spent too much and expanded government too much and they do need to get back to their core beliefs and work for the American people.
Bill's always been pretty good in reading the political tea leaves. One miscue was was '94 mid-term elections. I suspect Bill doesn't believe that the "Tea Party" protest are real and we could be seeing another miscue.
Must be something about mid-term elections that Bill doesn't get.