Wednesday, September 9, 2009


There was a revival meeting tonight. It wasn't in a tent somewhere in the deep south. Billy Sunday or Billy Graham wasn't there, nor was Robert Duvall. There weren't many people coming up to the front asking that their sins be forgiven or finding God.

BHO was there as was Queen Nancy and Bobo Joe. Cameras were present so Chuckie Schumer was there. It was at the United States Capital and BHO gave his 39th speech on health care reform and while it wasn't his best speech, he did make some points that I agreed with and some I did not. The speech was was too long. On salesmanship he was good. On substance, he was poor.

I agreed with tort reform. I agreed with pooling all the insurance companies into a national pot. I agreed with the idea that no one should loose their insurance because they get sick, hell, that's why you have insurance in the first place. I agree with the notion that you can't be turned down because of a pre-existing condition.

I don't agree with the lies. BHO said that there were never going to be the so called "death panels." If that is so, why was the senate prepared to take them out of the existing bill? He left the door open for a "public option."

The President was openly called a liar by Joe Wilson a Republican Congressman from South Carolina during the speech, which in my lifetime I never heard happen. Sadly, Representative Wilson is right.

The bill proposed by the democrat congress contained the "death panels," it contained language that would have forced you into a public option if there was ANY change in your medical coverage. If your co-pay or your contribution went up at all, you were forced into a public option. I know because unlike most members of congress, I read the bill.

As I said, I could support the President on most of his proposals, if I thought he was being honest and up front with the American people and if I saw the details in writing and if they were passed just as he outlined them.

One of the points he made was that in Alabama, one company insured most of the population. In other states, one company insured 75% of the population. Well, that is because the states have limited the number of insurance carriers allowed to sell insurance in those states. There are over 13,000 insurance companies in this country. If you allow them to cross state lines and offer their insurance, there would be real competition. When you limit people's choices, the rates stay high. When you allow competition, the rates will go down.

Yes, there must be reform. I don't know anyone who doesn't think that reform is needed. You do not however, throw the baby out with the bath water or cut off your nose to spite your face. (If I had another metaphor, I would throw it in here as well)

I have said many times before and I'll say it again, the United States has the greatest health care system in the world. You don't see ANYONE going to France, Germany, the UK, Canada, Sweden or any other country on this earth for health care. You DO see them coming to the United States for health care.

Write the bill. Take your time and do it right. Let the public and the congress, READ the bill. Debate the bill in a civil manner and then vote on it. If it's good legislation the people will say so. If it's not, believe me, they will tell you.

Let us read the "fine print."

Show us the details.

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