Back when this country was founded, there was a cry of freedom. Freedom from religious oppression, freedom from tyranny, freedom to live our lives the way our Creator intended for us to live.
We sent farmers, shoemakers and bakers to represent us. After serving their country and their constituents, they returned to their jobs and resumed their lives. They went to the Capital with a purpose and voted for what was best for the people that sent them. They resisted increasing the size of government and used common sense and prayer as part of their decision making.
When our country was provoked, they stood tall and answered the challenge. They never looked for war or conflict, but never backed down from it. They stood firm in the resolution that although it wasn't their choice to be called to service, they answered the call.
Somewhere along the way things changed. It was no longer a "burden" to be called to service, it became a "profession." They no longer went and served a term or two, they made it a career. They no longer sacrificed for your country and constituents, they voted themselves a pay raise when THEY felt it was needed. Somewhere along the line their constituents became the burden and they tried to avoid them, instead allowing the lobbyist entrance over the commoner's. Somewhere along the line things changed.
Many in the media and in Washington think people who believe in God, duty, family are whack jobs. They think people who want to take their country back are bad, stupid and uneducated. They think the people who showed up at "Town Meetings" were paid, uninformed, ignoramuses who did not represent the feelings of the people. They feel that the people who think this way get their marching orders from Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and Glenn Beck and who have no original thoughts of their own, or if they do, they are a bunch of backward, hate mongering racist. They laugh when you use slogans like "Don't Tread On Me."
If you believe in God, duty and family, you are not "progressive." You are stuck in 1955 and you are useless to society. You haven't "evolved" or changed with the times. If believe in marriage between a man and a woman only, you are a hateful "homophobe" that wants to deny the same joys of love that you and your heterosexual spouse share. If you are against the government running universal health care, you are a heartless bastard that wants to deny someone "constitutional rights" to health care. If you are pro-life, you want to infringe into a woman's life and tell her what to do.
See if you believe in God, duty, family and common sense, you are a dinosaur, behind the times, uneducated and an ignoramus.
But, the tide is turning.
To some, self preservation is starting to kick in and they are afraid of you and your vote. They know you are watching them and they are going to be real good, because if they aren't, you are going to vote them out of office. Watch what they do in this next year, yes that is important. But just as important, look at what they have done to this point. Know their record. Be informed. They will do the right thing (hopefully) while you are watching, but when you are not watching, they show their true colors. Don't be fooled. Yes it is important to see what they do in this next year, but look at their total body of work.
After all, they haven't been there for a year or two like their forefathers, they have been there a career.
Be educated. Know what you believe. Believe in what you believe and stick with it. Know your representatives. Be informed. Vote.
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