A Serious look at the Pittsburgh Summit and the cost to the people who live and work there.
(We may poke fun at some people too!)
Pittsburgh is a memory to the visitors there. Some of the journalist will show their friends pictures they took. The empty restaurants, the boarded up storefront and the broken glass. I'm sure there will be a lot of pictures of the Police and National Guard in full riot gear. Maybe a photo or two of the limos flying through the city.
Pittsburgher's will now sit down and settle up the bill. A couple of broken glass windows. Some dumpsters set on fire. Restaurants and businesses lost two, three and in some cases, four and five days worth of business. Those that shut down lost profits for those two days. Those that stayed open are in the red. They paid their employees to stand around and had no customers. The hotels did alright and the restaurants in the hotels, but other than that, no one made money.
What did we get for it? Nothing! There will be no new jobs coming to the area because of the summit. No companies are going to set up shop in the area because of the summit. None of the dignitaries or journalist will come back here for a vacation. Pittsburgh has spent $20 MILLION dollars for nothing. What was made in hotel and drink tax and car rentals, will have been eaten up paying for the extra police, barricades and fencing.
Much of the images of the "Pittsburgh Summit" were that of OC canisters emitting their smoke and pepper gas. Pittsburgh is a beautiful city, but with the town closed and the storefront boarded up, no one got a chance to see that. Yeah it was nice to have the summit here, but the cost was too high.
Pittsburgh was once the 8th largest city in the country. Now as the 60th largest city, it has spent money it did not have, for money that will not come. No One is going to come to Pittsburgh because they hosted the G-Nothing.
Some final thoughts on the protesters. How irresponsible is it to bring your child to a protest? No matter how much YOU and your group plan to stay non-violent, with other groups marching, things could spiral downhill real quick. When your child gets hit with pepper spray and gas and their eyes are burning, your'e going to blame the Police, (because you always do) but nothing is going to change. Your child's eyes are still going to burn and they are still going to have trouble breathing.
Great job of parenting to the freaks who brought little Johnny & Suzie to the protest. I hope that someday they will look back on this event in their life and become a CONSERVATIVE, join the National Guard and pepper spray your sorry ass as you protest for your misguided cause.
Even though it was over, the protesters must not have got enough OC gas. So with the contest over, using their rules, we went into overtime. Of course, it was the Police's fault. This from the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette"
"Vic Walczak, legal director of the American Civil Liberties Union of Pennsylvania, said there were no legal observers in Oakland last night as there were throughout the other demonstrations. But he said initial reports to the ACLU suggest there was no reason for police to have responded the way they did."
You weren't even there and you are blaming the Cops? Has you no freakin' shame?
This is why people don't have a high opinion of the ACLU. While they have done SOME good, they mostly tie up the court system with these ludicrous accusations that "My First Amendment Rights were violated."
Any REASONABLE person will look at this and see that the Police acted with great restraint and professionalism. The main problem with the protesters is that they aren't reasonable and really don't understand how things work. They would rather tear down a system that has worked for 233 years, rather than working within the system.
There are a lot of things to protest in this country and many people have, without violence and destruction of property. They will continue their protest their displeasure at the ballot box.
Not mentioned before (because she's a NOBODY) professional freak Cindy Sheehan was in town for Friday's protest. Today she sent a letter to city officials demanding they apologize to the protesters for violating their rights. Cindy baby, listen, you have a better chance of getting an invite to George Bush's Crawford Texas ranch for dinner, than these trick-or-treaters have in getting an apology. Why? BECAUSE THEY DON'T DESERVE ONE!
The little freaks who threw rocks at the Police, broke windows and set dumpsters on fire did deserve better. They deserved a good dose of Mayor Richard J Daley.
See the Chicago Police in 1968, didn't give a damn about the "rights" of protesters. They didn't think twice about splitting the heads of those freaks protesting the democrat convention.
There were some PITT students involved in last night's demonstration and arrest. The Dean of Students will review each PITT student's arrest and they could be suspended or expelled. Maybe Mommy and Daddy will stop paying their college bill and make them get on with their life's work......at Taco Bell.
The Pittsburgh Police along with the State Police, National Guard and visiting Police Officers spent too much time warning these little "revolutionaries" who know nothing about the real world, only that it's a cool gig going from city to city, living off everyone else and causing disruption and chaos wherever they go.
Bet NONE of them show up in court next week and pay their fine.
Speaking of the out of town Police. The Police from other towns were very impressed with the city, from the professionalism of the Pittsburgh Police Department, to the beauty of the city. One Officer from Cleveland was stationed on the North Side near Heinz Field. As a Browns fan it was killing him, but he thought the city was just beautiful. "Actually, it's better than Cleveland" he said. (And we thought everyone from Cleveland was a moron)
FINAL SCORE (In Overtime)
FINAL SCORE (In Overtime)
Police 177 Protestors 0
See ya in a couple of days
Pittsburgh got the G-20 Summit because the local politicians started to take in all of that Hopium that is coming from the White House. It is a taste of Chicago politics. Obama took advantage of the local yokels (Onorato and Ravenstahl)and will move on. Just use the little guy, step on him, and tell him thanks for letting me take advantage of you.