Ed Rendell is the Governor of Philadelphia and want-a-be sportscaster, was on a local radio show whining that because the Commonwealth hasn't passed a budget, he and his wife can't go on their African Safari that they planned for three years! 1-2-3-AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!
Sorry that you had to stay in the state and DO YOUR JOB. What an inconvenience! We feel your pain Ed. Just who do these people think they are? They elected you and now they want you to work? Oh the humanity! You can't go on safari? Some people you serve would be happy to be able to afford to pitch a tent in Latrobe! Give me a break you law breaking fat-ass SOB. (I don't mean Sweet Old Bill)
You were all smiles last night at the rally for the unions, (which you constantly screw and which by the way, Al Gore was a no-show at) you don't mind it when your fat ass is in front of the cameras. Actually, you can take your vacation because no one would notice you were gone except that the air would be a couple of degrees cooler since your pie hole would be closed and the hot air you normally expel wouldn't be there. Before you go, just answer a couple of questions for your loyal servants:
Where's that 30% decrease in property taxes you promised if
"gaming" was approved in PA?
Why won't you give the $40,000.00 back to the tainted political fundraiser Norman Hsu? Hillary and other democrats gave their money back. Why won't you?
How come a dead person from Philadelphia vote several times when I can only vote once?
How come dead people in Philadelphia can vote at all?
Where do you get a safari suit that is big enough for you to wear?
Will Michael Vick start this week against the Chiefs and run the "Wildcat" offense?
Go. Have a good time, believe me, you will not be missed.
Last night's rally was a blast! The unions were there and everyone sang Kum-by-ya! Washed up rocker Joan Jett was the headliner. (with her hair grown back!) I heard she sang her three hits and left!
On a normal day you could roll a nuclear fireball down the center of Liberty Avenue in Pittsburgh and not hit anyone. Today the city is a virtual ghost town. Businesses are boarded up, (with the exception of the gay bar called "The Big G." No comment needed) employees are either working from home or not working, commerce is shut down and small businesses are loosing money. The big fear before this week was what were the "protesters" going to destroy? Now the fear is that nothing will happen and all of this was for not.
So the visiting dignitaries and media are going to see a city that is boarded up and empty. So far all the national media (The State Run Media) is showing is all the police in riot gear and saying that "Pittsburgh is shut down expecting violence as the G-20 starts there today."
Great for tourism.
More updates as I report my my undisclosed location. Later I am promised a view from a Blackhawk helicopter. As always, this correspondent will keep you updated with all the inside information.
Are those policemen going to or coming from The Big G?