This is not the Pinko Joe Wilson who is married to Secret Agent Valerie, who hasn't done secret agent work in God knows how long. This is the Congressman from South Carolina.
During BHO's address to a joint session of Congress, Representative Wilson shouted at the President "You Lie" in a reference to a statement the President made concerning illegal aliens and health care. It was pointed out correctly that Representative Wilson was correct in his assessment, the democrats can''t object to that point, so they point to civility and decorum.
Let that sink in a minute. The democrats talking about civility and decorum.
These are the same people who have called former President George W Bush a: "Liar, Looser, Dumb ass, illiterate, fascist, racist, homophobe, A**hole and idiot" just to name a few. They have also compared him to Hitler, a chimp and a jackass.
PLEEEEEEEASE! Give me a break!
The democrats would know civility if it jumped up on their lap and called them momma! Have you ever read a liberal blog? Have you ever read the writings of some of these "progressive democrats?"
Harry Ried has called the former President a Looser on national television and won't apologize. Queen Nancy herself has called him a Liar and won't apologize, but she was ashamed and mad at Representative Wilson for taking HER President to task. The look on her face was priceless and well worth any price of admission.
Granted, two wrongs don't make a right, but when someone just says "You Lie" and the are correct, I don't think that is as bad as the names and comments they made about a previous President.
BHO's speech was more political than substantive. It was partly about health care and partly a campaign speech. It was more of Bush did this and Bush did that. Once and for all, George Bush is NOT the President anymore. You have to run now on YOUR record and so far, after eight months, it ain't looking too freaking good! BHO has DOUBLED what George Bush added to the deficit and spending has sky rocketed. Unemployment has shot up to double digits since BHO took over and while you can blame some of it on Bush, the majority is owned by BHO. Government is larger and more controlling than anytime in american history. We have a czar for just about everything. Next week I fully expect a "Potty Czar" to be named.
Inflation is just around the corner waiting to raise it's ugly head and I am willing to bet that BHO and none of his czars will have seen that coming. The change promised is just that. Change, in nickels and dimes.
American's are fed up and more and more are joining "Tea parties" to regain some semblance of the country they knew. Yes, we know that George W Bush didn't stick to the conservative values that got him into office, but he was a hell of a lot better than the other choices we had. Our hearts weren't behind John McCain, but he would have been a better choice than the one we elected. (Yes, you will notice that even though I did not support or vote for BHO, I still said WE elected. Unlike the chuckleheads who still say that Bush was selected not elected.)
Representative Wilson was right. BHO has lied to the American people and not just once. Not only BHO, but the democrats and Republicans in congress. people are getting fed up and they are starting to notice and take names.
2010 is not that far away.
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