Wednesday, October 28, 2009

A Rendezvous With Destiny

Yesterday marked the 45th anniversary of Ronald Reagan's famous speech in support of Barry Goldwater for President. The speech is considered one of the greatest and most important speeches in the history of our Republic.

If you love this country and if you care about this country and if you feel that your government has let you down, this message carries the answers we need to bring our country back.

Please enjoy the final four minutes of the speech. The message is as relevant today as it was then. It is a timeless treasure.

Monday, October 26, 2009


Hello boys and girls, direct from Influenza Central where this writer's household has been battling H1N1 for the past week. While I have not personally suffered from the dreaded virus, members of my family have. Apparently, the large quantity of hot sauce that this writer consumes in a week has aided his immune system.

So ten months into his term, BHO has his own Katrina. 60% of Americans have the H1N1 Flu and they are just STARTING to roll out the vaccines. Now in an end play to take control of more of the health care system, BHO has declared a NATIONAL EMERGENCY because of the H1N1 Flu.

They knew it was coming, they had more than ample warning, they knew who would be the hardest hit, but yet they aren't ready? Where's the outrage for BHO that was there for Bush during Katrina? More Americans are affected by the H1N1 than any hurricane.

If they handle our health care like the H1N1 we won't have to worry about premiums or being covered.

But where's BHO?
He's playing golf! Sunday he played for the 24th time as President. 24 times in nine months! It took the Evil George Bush 2 years and 9 months as President to play 24 rounds of golf! It shows you where BHO's priorities are.

Keep running Dave!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009




So I get this e-mail today from one of those McCrappers or whatever they call themselves. It was just another ranting about Fox News and how the people that watch them are sheep following their Shepherd blindly. This putz went on to tell me how biased Fox News is and how they aren't a real news network. It was a tirade against Fox News. Before I deleted it, I saved a sample for you:

It's not true that they have commentators who are conservative but their news people play it straight.

MSNBC has Maddow and Olbermann on the left. But they also have Scarboro on the right. And they are backed by a legit news organization, NBC NEWS, with facts and standards and editors.

First of all, I think it's wonderful that they allow people in institutions to have access to computers. Second, if you want to make point, make it your own, not Johnny Mac's. Not only is it plagiarism, it just shows that YOU can't think for yourself and you have no original thoughts of your own.

These are the thoughts of Johnny Mac's. (Don't want to be accused of stealing HIS ideas)

MSNBC is backed by a "legit news organization, NBC NEWS, with facts and standards and editors."

Whoa, thanks for that gem of information.

Fox News, CNN News, ABC News even CBS news has standards and editors, as far as facts, MSNBC is a joke. Just last week they attributed quotes to Rush Limbaugh that he NEVER said. They never called and asked him if he said them, they had no corroborating sources or evidence, but they ran with the story because it made Limbaugh look bad. Why let facts get in the way of a good trash job?

How about the news babe Contessa Brewer who just inserts her own hate filled opinions into interviews, harassing guest like John Ziegler and Rick Santelli, calling gun toting protesters "racist" mocking Rush Limbaugh and Liz Cheney, being so convoluted that a writer for the New York Times had no idea what she was talking about and even beating up on Tommy Chong. Her antics are there for all to see on YouTube. In fact, they have their own page for this "News Anchor." Imus was right when he booted her off the air.

Joe Scarboro is not a conservative, he doesn't know his right from his left.

From the Chicago Sun Times:

Recently an MSNBC personality accused the U.S. Chamber of Commerce of lobbying for policies that amount to being "treasonous to this country." Remember how liberals roared in outrage at any hint of their patriotism being questioned for criticizing the Iraq War? Well, it's the left that doesn't shy from attacking the patriotism of those it dislikes. Recall the repulsive "General Betray-us" ad against Iraq commander Gen. David Petraeus. Recent opposition to Chicago's Olympic bid was cast as a sign of a lack of patriotism among Obama critics.

NO one there is Walter Cronkite or Edward R Murow. Uncle Walter may have been a bleeding heart liberal, but he reported the news. Only once did he add a comment or slant a story and he disclosed that beforehand. These rip and readers wouldn't know the first thing about real journalism.

I haven't even touched on Keith the clown or Maddow as they have nothing to do with news. Just as Beck, Hannity and O'Reilly are COMMENTATORS, with their OWN opinion, so are Olbermann, Maddow and Matthews. They are paid to give their OPINIONS. As we all know, opinions are like butt holes......everyone has one. Even me.

CNN for years has been known as the Communist News Network or during the Clinton years, it was the Clinton News network. Their ratings are so low that Ted Turner even wants to come back to "revive" the dying network. Their top talent have been jumping the ship, most are ending up at the Evil Fox Network.

Now the sputz who wrote me also refered me to Media Matters. Oh well, the jig is up! If Media Matters says that Fox is bias it must be so!

This from Media Matters:

Media Matters for America (or MMFA) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization founded in 2004 by journalist and author David Brock. Media Matters for America describes itself as "a web-based, not-for-profit, progressive research and information center dedicated to comprehensively monitoring, analyzing, and correcting conservative misinformation in the U.S. media." Media Matters for America defines "conservative misinformation" as "news or commentary presented in the media that is not accurate, reliable, or credible and that forwards the conservative agenda."

It is loaded with liberals like Tom Allison who worked for John Edwards, Eric Boehlert who is a liberal writer as is David Brock. There is nothing that is "Fair & Balanced" about Media Matters.

Take Media Matters and Accuracy in the Media with a grain of salt. Accuracy in the Media is the conservative counterpart of Media Matters and they both have their ox's to gore.
Fox News is legit. Like any other news channel, they have their news division and they have their commentators. The two do not meet, are not held to the same standards and are not on the same playing field.

More and more people are turning to Fox News. It's not all conservatives either. More and more people are turning to fox for their News because it is at is says, Fair & Balanced.

And that's they way it is.

Monday, October 19, 2009





Queen Nancy to be dethroned? It doesn't look good for Nancy, of course when does Nancy look good? A recent poll in California shows Her Majesty with just a 34% approval rating and it continues to fall! Now this is a statewide poll, so I don't think there is any chance that the Freaks of San Francisco will vote her out, but there is always hope.

Then there's Barry.
Barry's (BHO was known as Barry most of his life until he graduated from College) Justice Department is not going to go after those that sell or those that use "medical" marijuana. So as Barry did (see picture above) if you got them....toke them!

Allow me a little rant here. Wasn't it just a few years ago that we disqualified a nominee for the Supreme Court because he admitted to tokin' on the weed when he was younger? Now we have a picture of a future President tokin' and a smokin' and IT'S NO BIG DEAL?????? Somewhere between then and now we just jumped head first into the porcelain convenience and are waiting for someone to pull the handle to flush. Maybe it's me, but this (as much as it feels like it) ain't no KISS concert, this is the real world.
Anyway, so those that grow and those that sell "medical" weed are safe with the current administration. Now I am sure that there are positive uses for the "Wacky Tabacky," such as relieving pressure from glaucoma and easing the nausea of chemotherapy, but to open up a store front and sell the stuff with a prescription from Doctor Feelgood may not be the answer.

Right now there are 35 "pharmacies" that sell weed in San Diego alone!

Just pull up to the drive-thru and place your order. Now this may come as a surprise to you, but I'm all for it. Tax the living crap out of it like they did the cigarettes! Make sure they have the tax stamps and tax, tax, tax.

Speaking of getting high.
David Axelrod the Karl Rove of the BHO administration has stated that Fox News is not really a news channel and that the other new channels should not pay attention to what they are putting on the air.

Not a news channel? And CNN and MSNBC are? Give me a break. It's because Fox is looking under the rocks and seeing the slim that lives there and you don't want anyone to know about the slim you are. See as your Communications Director Anita Dunn has said, you want to control the media, what they report and how they report it. It's right there on tape. Go to YouTube and type in Anita Dunn and see what this putz has to say. How they controlled the press during the campaign and how she admires Chairman Mao.
At night the talking heads are leaning to the right that's for sure, but most of the other networks are leaning to the left. During the day or during news, Fox is the most balanced of all the networks. Maybe that's why their show at 3AM has more viewers than Campbell Brown of CNN does at 8PM. But then again, all of their shows have a higher rating than any other news network. I wonder why that is?

Keith the clown who's on MSNBC said that if you took away Fox News and two other shows, he has the number one most watched news show on television.

Well, if I had hair, lost about a hundred pounds and was 20 years younger, the women would love me more than the Sidney Crosby.

Thursday, October 15, 2009


As a candidate for President, BHO on 09-22-08 pledged that any discussion on a health care bill will be transparent and open. It would involve doctors, nurses, members of the health care community and insurance companies. BHO also promised this process would be televised on C-SPAN so that every American would be able to watch the process. According to BHO "There will be no secrecy." (Don't believe me? Look it up)

Today, in Harry Reid's office, members of congress and members of the administration including Rahm Emanuel are meeting behind a closed door as they hammer out the details.

The White House said: "this is how things are normally done."

Talk about transparency.

What does a pledge mean to this guy?

The other day, I received an e-mail from an avid reader who forwarded an e-mail from former Senator Rick Santorum.

I keep looking for the "common ground" BHO always talks about.

From Senator Santorum:

The Obama Administration is working to erase respect for conscience from health insurance and the law in general…

… Don’t believe me?

In his address at the University of Notre Dame, Obama talked a good game about respecting conscience on abortion rights. He did the same thing when he met the Pope. But that was all it was -- talk.

The Obama Administration’s attack on Belmont Abbey College proves that.

Belmont Abbey College is a small, private, Catholic college located in North Carolina. For 130 years, it and the Benedictine monks who run it have been dedicated to handing on the Catholic faith.

But the Obama Administration is now trying to force them to abandon that faith or go out of business.

You see, the Administration at Belmont Abbey College removed contraception, abortion, and voluntary sterilization from its faculty's health care policy after discovering it had accidentally been a part of existing plans.

Employees of the school who objected to this change in policy brought a complaint against the school accusing them of “gender discrimination.”

This accusation against Belmont Abbey College couldn’t be further from the truth.

Belmont Abbey College was not discriminating against women. Unlike many “believers in name only” the college was adhering to the principles of its faith.

At first, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) found no evidence of gender discrimination by Belmont Abbey College…..

After a few weeks, the EEOC mysteriously reversed course and announced, in effect, that the college had better toe the Administration’s line, or else.

They are now demanding the school go against the very principles it exists to serve.

Don’t be fooled.

Killing or funding the killing of unborn children has nothing to do with promoting human health. And including these atrocities in every “health care” plan -- no matter how shrewdly hidden or diplomatically stated – violates the consciences of Catholics everywhere.
No Catholic college or other religious institution should ever be required by the government to violate its moral beliefs ...

Too many were silent when Obama went to Notre Dame. As a result his Administration has been emboldened to attack all Catholic institutions. Now, they are shamelessly picking on a small Catholic college – Belmont Abbey.

Tomorrow it could be your local church, the parochial school you send your kids to, it could be the Jesus bumper sticker on your car…

If Obama is given the opportunity to attack even the oldest and most respected religious establishments across the country, what will be next?

The President of Belmont Abbey College has bravely stated that he would rather close the school than go against the church’s most fundamental teachings ...

I commend him for his moral conviction, but I’m afraid for the future of religious freedom in our country.

… Think I’m overreacting?

The impact of even one Catholic college knuckling under or closing would be a catastrophe for all religious institutions.

Luckily, the Belmont Abbey College has enlisted the help of a law firm that specializes in defending against this type of travesty. It’s called the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty.

The Becket Fund has a solid reputation for being the best in the business.

I know first hand how effective the Becket Fund is in preserving our freedom of religion. I’ve known them for years.

Way back in the Clinton Administration when Clinton threatened to court-martial military chaplains who followed their consciences by preaching against Clinton’s veto of the Partial Birth Abortion Ban, it was the Becket Fund that filed suit in federal court and got that gag order struck down.

And just this past week, when the Freedom from Religion Foundation sued to strike “under God” from the Pledge of Allegiance, it was the Becket Fund that intervened in the case and successfully defended the Pledge.

In between they have successfully defended all sorts of believers and religious institutions.

Archbishop Chaput knows them well too. As he likes to say, “The work of The Becket Fund for Religious Liberty is more than ‘good.’ It’s vital.”

Make no mistake, this will not be easy. The Obama Administration is relentless about silencing religious believers.

(Editor's Note: While the story is 100% true, I have taken out all references to contributing to the defense fund for the college. While I agree that this would be a good cause to donate to, as a journalist, I am just reporting the facts, not soliciting donations.)

If this can happen to a small college, it can happen to ANY religious entity. Our beliefs are under attack as they have always been, but it goes deeper than that.

Before under the "Conscious Act" if a doctor, nurse or pharmacist objected to providing a service that went against their religious beliefs, they were not forced to perform abortions or give drugs that would cause an abortion.

If a priest, rabbi or minister (the start of a good joke) didn't believe that same sex marriage was in accordance with their church's teachings, they could not be forced to perform the ceremony.

Now everything may be up for grabs.

The Catholic Bishops in the United States have said that if they are forced to offer "services" that go against church teaching or beliefs, they would close their hospitals rather than stay open or sell them to another entity.

That move would devastate the health care system in the United States.

Consider this, ONE THIRD of the hospitals in the United States have been founded and run by Catholic Orders. Many of these hospitals are in rural areas, or in areas where the population have no other access to medical care. If these hospitals are closed, it would have a devastating affect on the people it serves and the health care system in general.

Pay close attention to what is going on behind closed doors, it will have a major effect on you.

I am as serious as a heart attack.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009



Rush Limbaugh announced this week that he was part of a group that was putting in a bid to by the 0-5 St. Louis Rams. Immediately, penalty flags started flying. You would have thought you were at an Oakland Raider-Pittsburgh Steeler game. The head of the player's union spoke out against it, several black players spoke out against it and the two pimps, Jesse "The shakedown king" Jackson and Al "I'll protest anything" Sharpton spoke out against it. Donovan McNabb even went as far to say he'd never play in St. Louis if Limbaugh owned the team.

McNabb, if someone offered you $$$ (why I wouldn't know) but if someone offered you the money, you'd be there in a heart beat.
Since when does the player's union, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton or anyone other than the owners of NFL teams have a say in who buys a team? Al Sharpton even went as far to say it was a "privilege" and not a "right" to buy an NFL team! No Al, you have a RIGHT to buy an NFL team if you are PRIVILEGED enough to have several hundred millions of dollars! It's called (and I'll speak real slowly for you Al) "The free market system." If you have the money, than you can buy a team.

If I you and Jesse are so concerned about the state of the NFL, than get a group of investors together and buy the Detroit Lions. Oh, I'm sorry, the money you get from shaking down companies goes to line your pockets, it's not for investment in the NFL.

What they did was make up comments that they attributed to Limbaugh and put them on Wikipedia. No one checked to see if Limbaugh actually said those things (he didn't) and one network, MSNBC ran with it. Within hours the phony comments were etched into stone and the damage was done.

Why let journalism and ethics get in the way of a good story?

So much for freedom of speech, freedom of expression, freedom to spend your money where you see fit.

As one Liberal commentator put it, "Rush has become the pinata for the left."

See the Reverend Al and the Reverend Jackson are shake down artist, racist, pimps and liars. Hey Al, how'd that Tawana Brawley situation work out for you? When are you going to pay the court ordered judgement against you from the slander suit won against you? You show up every time there is an opportunity for you to get your picture taken. I can only imagine the carnage that would ensue if you and Chuckie Schumer were to run to the same camera.

Jesse, would you like to comment on how you shook Anheuser Busch down and your son ended up with the largest distributor in Chicago? What about the "Rainbow Coalition" paying for your mistress and "Love Child?" Can we get a comment on that? How about the time you shook down Toyota? Just how much did you get for that? How about a comment about how you really weren't standing next to Dr. King when he was shot, but you hurried up to the dying man to spread his blood all over you, so that when the cameras came, you could sell your story?

What have either of you two trick-or-treaters done for your community?

Since when do you get to decide who is allowed to spend their money?
The group that Limbaugh was a part of has parted ways with the radio talk show king and he will not be involved in the bidding for the Rams.

It is a loss for the Rams.

It is a loss for the NFL.

It is a loss for decency.

Monday, October 12, 2009


If the earth has a "fever" why is it snowing in October and I have to put the damn furnace on already?

In the next couple of weeks, all the liberals would bought the lies and the garbage peddled by Al Gore will be meeting to screw you and me to "save" the planet. The planet does not need saving!

There is no such thing as global warming. 30 years ago, there was no such thing as global cooling, but it didn't stop the libs from telling us we were going to enter into the second ice age. When that didn't happen, they changed it to global warming. Now the pendulum is ready to start to swing back to global cooling. I'm getting such a headache!

One of the by-products of this is our dependence on oil. I am all for getting off our dependence of oil. Myself, I believe that hydrogen is the way to go, but there are other alternatives out there and one of them will be the power source of the future.

The future.

The future is not now and it's not going to be 10 or 20 years from now. It's going to be 25 years plus and until that time, we need oil. Now we have a lot of it in Alaska and the Mid-West.

But what about the poor Caribou?
The Caribou are doing quite well thank you. In fact, since the pipeline was put up in Alaska, the Caribou population has doubled! They like the warmth of the oil going through the pipeline and the gather around the pipeline, doing what Caribou do!
The short term answer to our dependence on oil is in our own backyard. We need to tap our resources, which the US Geological Survey says contains more oil than Saudi Arabia. We tap into our own resources while we perfect hydrogen, batteries, cooking oil, whatever works. We perfect it this time before we unleash it on the American public.

Plain and simple, Al Gore isn't out to save the planet. He's out to line his pockets. If Al Gore gave a damn about the planet his electric bill wouldn't be over $20,000.00 per month!

Quit listening to the frauds like Al Gore.


Saturday, October 10, 2009


This past week in Detroit, the city opened it's convention center to allow residents who have lost their home, or are in the process of loosing their home, to file for stimulus money. This money was to help them keep their home during this economic down turn. While enough money was available for 3500 people, over 30,000 showed up.

Apparently word got out there was "free money" being passed out and people just showed up. They weren't homeless or in the process of loosing their home, they just heard there was "free money."

Our good friends at WJR radio, (I actually have friends working there) went to interview some of the people in line. Rush Limbaugh had the WJR report on his show of which the following is just a representative sample of what they found:

I was going to "translate" the response from the women interviewed, poke some fun, but I want to keep this in a serious tone, for now.

His "Stash?" That is money paid from the hardworking people of America, it's not from BHO's wallet! This is almost as sad as Peggy Joseph. You don't remember Peggy? Let me refresh your memory.

What can you really say about these people, aside from the fact that they are too busy sucking off the national teat to understand how our government works and how others are working to pay for their "good fortune." They want something for nothing. Just show up and the government led by BHO will solve all their problems.

The Bible says to be compassionate and help our fellow man, but it also says that God helps those who helps themselves.

I have no problem helping someone who needs the help. Those who can't work for true physical or mental problems. These people need our help and depend on us to help them. As they say in the hood, I'm down with that.

What I'm not down with is those that spend all their time with their hand out wanting and demanding a handout. Now with their "savior" in office, they somehow think more will come to them because.......well, because, WARNING WARNING WARNING INSENSITIVE REMARKS COMING WARNING WARNING WARNING because his is one of them.
They have a false hope. They have been sold a bill of goods. They probably think BHO is going to donate his 1.4 million dollars he will receive from the nobel peace prize to them! Of course we know that money has already been allocated to ACORN.
BHO doesn't give a damn about them or their plight. He doesn't give a damn about any of us. He is only concerned about him and his friends and the power they can wield against the rest of us.

Some advice for these women waiting in line and for Peggy. There is no free lunch, think about getting a job.
But wait, the two women interviewed by WJR are from Detroit, which is in Michigan, which has the highest unemployment rate in the country.
Why does Detroit have the highest unemployment rate in the country you ask? Is it because of the auto industry? No. It's because of the government of Michigan. See Michigan dug itself into this mess and they will have to dig themselves out of it.
For years Michigan had been the "entitlement state." Michigan had given out the highest amount of welfare, the highest amount of unemployment compensation and the highest amount of food stamps. I know people who work in the unemployment office and for as long as they can remember Michigan's rate had been the highest of any state in the nation. Construction workers would travel to Michigan to get a couple of weeks of work just to be able to claim benefits from Michigan. They combine their Pennsylvania benefits with the Michigan benefits and pay at the Michigan rate. The same goes for welfare and food stamps. They pay the highest rate of any state.

While they do that, Michigan taxes the businesses there to the bone having the highest tax rate of any state. The only thing killing job growth more than the unions in Michigan is the government.
There's a entitlement mentality in Michigan because so many people there have lived off the government and their programs for years. The government did nothing to stop it, except now when it's gotten out of hand.
The Lions are indicative of the problems facing the state of Michigan. They are bad and they have been bad for years and there is no light at the end of the tunnel.

Keep running Dave!

Friday, October 9, 2009




The nobel peace prize was today given to the ONE Barack Hussein Obama. (Remember during the campaign it was "racist" to use Hussein in referring to His Majesty? Now it's in-vogue to use it, like throwing it in your face.)

Anyway, BHO (The newest model from Government Motors) was announced as the winner of the nobel peace prize. Named after the man who invented Dynamite (You that it was Jimmy Walker huh?) and ballistitle, the prize is given out annually to the Liberal Of The Year.

If the award meant anything other than the 1.4 million dollars this would be a travesty.

Former winner Lech Walesa who actually did something to earn his award said this when asked for his reaction to BHO being given the award: "What? So quickly? He is proposing, he's started, but he still must act."
BHO himself said that: "I do not view it as a recognition of my own accomplishments."


Former winners have been the Racist Jimmy Carter, the Terrorist Yasser Arafat and the Chicken Little Al Gore.
Bill Clinton was quoted as saying: "What do I have to do to get this? Carter, Gore and Obama? They ain't exactly the Three Wise Men."

Seriously, Bill Clinton has got to be ready to put the gun to his head. When is it going to be his turn? The nobel committee is holding it against him for working with Bush 41.

Apparently the committee never visited the Bill Clinton Presidential Library & Massage Parlor.
(Located right next door to the Bill Clinton XXX Bookstore & Live Nudes)

One member of the committee said this was meant to be a "Kick in the leg to George Bush."

So how's that working out for you?

BHO is now in that spot between a rock and a hard place. He now has General who he appointed that wants another 40,000 troops sent to Afganistan. What's he going to do? Does his listen to his General or does his go with the wishes of the liberals (including members of the committee) and deny his General the troops needed? What about the Taliban? Does he give them a seat at the table after trying to wipe them off the face of the earth?

What about that 1.4 Million dollars that comes with the award? Will he add that to his "Stash" and give more "Obama Money" out in Detroit? (A little tease for tomorrow's column)

We congratulate Barack HUSSEIN Obama on his being given the nobel peace prize.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009





"The Doctor will see you now."

The latest report out is that the dems are going to try and shove a health care bill down everyone's throat. They are prepared to do whatever they have get this bill through the House, down through the Senate and up your alley. They are even prepared to violate and break their OWN rules and laws to get this done.

According to Dingy Harry and Queen Nancy, the bill to be voted on WILL NOT be posted online for 72 hours before the vote. That way, NO ONE can read the bill to see what it actually contains until after they pass it.

Great, now we'll be stuck with Queen Nancy's plastic surgeon!

BHO is pushing out all the stops as well. He invited 150 doctors from all 50 states to come to the White House to show their support for the democrat's version of health care. They were told to bring their white lab coats. Well, many of them showed up with no white lab coat. No problem, White House staffers passed out white lab coats for all the doctors. Talk about a staged event! No wonder Chicago didn't get the Olympics.

Consider this. (and I won't even call it Socialized Medicine) There are more neurologist in Western Pennsylvania than ALL of Canada, which has government run health care. Think about that.

The 150 doctors at the White House who supported the health care plan put forth by the democrats make up less than 1% of the doctors in the United States. They last poll that I saw a week ago showed doctors against the health care plan 79% to 15% with 6% on the fence.

More to follow as it develops!


So, we're finding out there is more to the story of old Dave and the Interns. (A new series on CBS starting January 10th at 10PM)

Dave must fancy himself a Hugh Hefner of sorts. Turns out, up stairs of the Ed Sullivan Theater, (Now being called the Bed Sullivan Theater) Dave had his "bunker." (aren' they suspose to be in the basement, like underground and bomb resistant?)

Only the "special" staffers were allowed to go there, otherwise, it was OFF LIMITS to anyone else. Now we know why!

I wonder if that's where he got the inspiration for the joke about A-Rod knocking up Palin's daughter at Yankee stadium?

Throw some Johnny Mathis in the old 8-Track and let's get this party started baby!

Word is that Dave will be holding open "auditions" for new staffers in the future. Check your local paper for times and locations.

Dave continues his Mea Culpa, apologizing to his wife Monday night during the show. Apparently according to Dave it's been a "little chilly, both inside and out" at his place since all of this has come to light.

A little chilly? I would expect it to be nothing short of an Ice Age!

Apologize to your wife in private! If she's that mad at you, she's probably not watching the show (like most of us) anyway! Spare what little audience you have left the awkward grief of listening to your moaning. (maybe that should be rephrased)

What you do in private, who you "sleep" with (why do they call it that? I don't think there's much sleeping going on) is no one's business!

It was no one's business when you did it, so why make it public? So the tabloids won't trash you? That ain't going to happen. Maybe a PR thing to make you look like the victim? When you're playing hide the pickle with someone 1/3 your age, there is NO way you can be the victim!

While we are on the subject, Dave must have the "Bill Clinton Syndrome," because from what I saw, he had to be giving out bags of Milk Bone as a party favor.

For the sake of humanity, if you are going to play around on your wife, make it worth it! She better look like Elle MacPherson, Catherine Zeta Jones, or a young Kay Parker. (the Google server is now being overloaded)

Of course none of these women would probably succumb to your advances either because a) You're a dirty old man, b) You're not good looking, c) You're married, d) There's not enough money or, e) They might have morals!

You should have stayed with Oprah!

There's no reason for it, I just LOVE this picture!

Friday, October 2, 2009


The nerve of the International Olympic Committee! After all the sacrifice Michelle and His Highness made, the long plane ride, having to mingle with the "commoners" and taking time out from shining his halo, those bastards took the Olympics from the grasp of Chicago! Did they not realize they were in the presence of the "anointed one?"
Could it be that the luster is gone from BHO? We all thought he was the one who was going to bring a new sense "respect" towards the US after that evil George Bush lost it! Could it be that they don't "love" BHO the way they were suppose to?

Thank God we have Rahm Emanuel to take the point on the diplomacy thing!

Reports say that Air Force One was not the place you wanted to be Friday. BHO smoked almost a carton of Marboro's on the flight back to Washington.

Oprah cleaned Air Force One out of ice cream. After taking all the "Rocky Road," she drained three gallons of Chocolate and Vanilla faster than Chuckie Schumer running to a camera. By the time the plane landed in Washington, 500 packs of M&M's were missing and Oprah's trash can was full.
Michelle can now go back to her cucumbers, after all it is "pickling" season.

Then the big dope the Reverend Jesse The Shake Down Artist Jackson comes out and lays the blame right at the feet than no other than:


See, according to Jesse, Bush created all this hate against America, that even the "sainted" BHO can't repair it! Never mind the fact that BHO has been the second (trying his hardest to be #1) biggest failure in the history of the Presidency!
These guys still don't get it. They continue to run against the Evil George Bush and he hasn't been in office since January 20, 2009! In 2010 they will be running against Bush and in 2012 they will be running against Bush. That's why they will always be clowns, losers and in a big pickle barrel.

Speaking about being in a pickle:

Enough said.
