The nerve of the International Olympic Committee! After all the sacrifice Michelle and His Highness made, the long plane ride, having to mingle with the "commoners" and taking time out from shining his halo, those bastards took the Olympics from the grasp of Chicago! Did they not realize they were in the presence of the "anointed one?"
Could it be that the luster is gone from BHO? We all thought he was the one who was going to bring a new sense "respect" towards the US after that evil George Bush lost it! Could it be that they don't "love" BHO the way they were suppose to?
Thank God we have Rahm Emanuel to take the point on the diplomacy thing!
Reports say that Air Force One was not the place you wanted to be Friday. BHO smoked almost a carton of Marboro's on the flight back to Washington.
Oprah cleaned Air Force One out of ice cream. After taking all the "Rocky Road," she drained three gallons of Chocolate and Vanilla faster than Chuckie Schumer running to a camera. By the time the plane landed in Washington, 500 packs of M&M's were missing and Oprah's trash can was full.
Michelle can now go back to her cucumbers, after all it is "pickling" season.
Then the big dope the Reverend Jesse The Shake Down Artist Jackson comes out and lays the blame right at the feet than no other than:
See, according to Jesse, Bush created all this hate against America, that even the "sainted" BHO can't repair it! Never mind the fact that BHO has been the second (trying his hardest to be #1) biggest failure in the history of the Presidency!
These guys still don't get it. They continue to run against the Evil George Bush and he hasn't been in office since January 20, 2009! In 2010 they will be running against Bush and in 2012 they will be running against Bush. That's why they will always be clowns, losers and in a big pickle barrel.
These guys still don't get it. They continue to run against the Evil George Bush and he hasn't been in office since January 20, 2009! In 2010 they will be running against Bush and in 2012 they will be running against Bush. That's why they will always be clowns, losers and in a big pickle barrel.
Speaking about being in a pickle:
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