The nobel peace prize was today given to the ONE Barack Hussein Obama. (Remember during the campaign it was "racist" to use Hussein in referring to His Majesty? Now it's in-vogue to use it, like throwing it in your face.)
Anyway, BHO (The newest model from Government Motors) was announced as the winner of the nobel peace prize. Named after the man who invented Dynamite (You that it was Jimmy Walker huh?) and ballistitle, the prize is given out annually to the Liberal Of The Year.
If the award meant anything other than the 1.4 million dollars this would be a travesty.

Former winner Lech Walesa who actually did something to earn his award said this when asked for his reaction to BHO being given the award: "What? So quickly? He is proposing, he's started, but he still must act."

BHO himself said that: "I do not view it as a recognition of my own accomplishments."

Former winners have been the Racist Jimmy Carter, the Terrorist Yasser Arafat and the Chicken Little Al Gore.

Bill Clinton was quoted as saying: "What do I have to do to get this? Carter, Gore and Obama? They ain't exactly the Three Wise Men."

Seriously, Bill Clinton has got to be ready to put the gun to his head. When is it going to be his turn? The nobel committee is holding it against him for working with Bush 41.
Apparently the committee never visited the Bill Clinton Presidential Library & Massage Parlor.
(Located right next door to the Bill Clinton XXX Bookstore & Live Nudes)
One member of the committee said this was meant to be a "Kick in the leg to George Bush."
So how's that working out for you?

BHO is now in that spot between a rock and a hard place. He now has General who he appointed that wants another 40,000 troops sent to Afganistan. What's he going to do? Does his listen to his General or does his go with the wishes of the liberals (including members of the committee) and deny his General the troops needed? What about the Taliban? Does he give them a seat at the table after trying to wipe them off the face of the earth?
What about that 1.4 Million dollars that comes with the award? Will he add that to his "Stash" and give more "Obama Money" out in Detroit? (A little tease for tomorrow's column)
We congratulate Barack HUSSEIN Obama on his being given the nobel peace prize.
When this story broke I wanted to puke.