Monday, October 26, 2009


Hello boys and girls, direct from Influenza Central where this writer's household has been battling H1N1 for the past week. While I have not personally suffered from the dreaded virus, members of my family have. Apparently, the large quantity of hot sauce that this writer consumes in a week has aided his immune system.

So ten months into his term, BHO has his own Katrina. 60% of Americans have the H1N1 Flu and they are just STARTING to roll out the vaccines. Now in an end play to take control of more of the health care system, BHO has declared a NATIONAL EMERGENCY because of the H1N1 Flu.

They knew it was coming, they had more than ample warning, they knew who would be the hardest hit, but yet they aren't ready? Where's the outrage for BHO that was there for Bush during Katrina? More Americans are affected by the H1N1 than any hurricane.

If they handle our health care like the H1N1 we won't have to worry about premiums or being covered.

But where's BHO?
He's playing golf! Sunday he played for the 24th time as President. 24 times in nine months! It took the Evil George Bush 2 years and 9 months as President to play 24 rounds of golf! It shows you where BHO's priorities are.

Keep running Dave!

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