Rush Limbaugh announced this week that he was part of a group that was putting in a bid to by the 0-5 St. Louis Rams. Immediately, penalty flags started flying. You would have thought you were at an Oakland Raider-Pittsburgh Steeler game. The head of the player's union spoke out against it, several black players spoke out against it and the two pimps, Jesse "The shakedown king" Jackson and Al "I'll protest anything" Sharpton spoke out against it. Donovan McNabb even went as far to say he'd never play in St. Louis if Limbaugh owned the team.
McNabb, if someone offered you $$$ (why I wouldn't know) but if someone offered you the money, you'd be there in a heart beat.
Since when does the player's union, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton or anyone other than the owners of NFL teams have a say in who buys a team? Al Sharpton even went as far to say it was a "privilege" and not a "right" to buy an NFL team! No Al, you have a RIGHT to buy an NFL team if you are PRIVILEGED enough to have several hundred millions of dollars! It's called (and I'll speak real slowly for you Al) "The free market system." If you have the money, than you can buy a team.
Since when does the player's union, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton or anyone other than the owners of NFL teams have a say in who buys a team? Al Sharpton even went as far to say it was a "privilege" and not a "right" to buy an NFL team! No Al, you have a RIGHT to buy an NFL team if you are PRIVILEGED enough to have several hundred millions of dollars! It's called (and I'll speak real slowly for you Al) "The free market system." If you have the money, than you can buy a team.
If I you and Jesse are so concerned about the state of the NFL, than get a group of investors together and buy the Detroit Lions. Oh, I'm sorry, the money you get from shaking down companies goes to line your pockets, it's not for investment in the NFL.
What they did was make up comments that they attributed to Limbaugh and put them on Wikipedia. No one checked to see if Limbaugh actually said those things (he didn't) and one network, MSNBC ran with it. Within hours the phony comments were etched into stone and the damage was done.
Why let journalism and ethics get in the way of a good story?
So much for freedom of speech, freedom of expression, freedom to spend your money where you see fit.
As one Liberal commentator put it, "Rush has become the pinata for the left."
See the Reverend Al and the Reverend Jackson are shake down artist, racist, pimps and liars. Hey Al, how'd that Tawana Brawley situation work out for you? When are you going to pay the court ordered judgement against you from the slander suit won against you? You show up every time there is an opportunity for you to get your picture taken. I can only imagine the carnage that would ensue if you and Chuckie Schumer were to run to the same camera.
Jesse, would you like to comment on how you shook Anheuser Busch down and your son ended up with the largest distributor in Chicago? What about the "Rainbow Coalition" paying for your mistress and "Love Child?" Can we get a comment on that? How about the time you shook down Toyota? Just how much did you get for that? How about a comment about how you really weren't standing next to Dr. King when he was shot, but you hurried up to the dying man to spread his blood all over you, so that when the cameras came, you could sell your story?
What have either of you two trick-or-treaters done for your community?
Since when do you get to decide who is allowed to spend their money?
The group that Limbaugh was a part of has parted ways with the radio talk show king and he will not be involved in the bidding for the Rams.
The group that Limbaugh was a part of has parted ways with the radio talk show king and he will not be involved in the bidding for the Rams.
It is a loss for the Rams.
It is a loss for the NFL.
It is a loss for decency.
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