Wednesday, August 5, 2009

At times like this I wish I had music. If you remember the theme from the ODD COUPLE, please hum along in your head as you read this.

I'm pretty sure that Kim Jong Il would be the messy one, although Bill had his share of problem stains. Certainly Clinton dresses better and I'm willing to bet smells better than Kimmy Boy. I'm not sure that Clinton is a clean freak, but I would think "dust bunnies" don't bother the North Korean.

You've heard the old adage, "I've got good news and bad news." Well that's what we have today. Congrats to William Jefferson "Pants Load" Clinton for having the gumption to make a deal with the North Koreans to obtain the release of the "journalist" being held there.

This is being called a "win/win" situation by the left. America got her hostages and North Korea got it's standing in the world elevated. While I am extremely happy to have American Citizens returned to freedom, I have to be honest and say the cost was too much.

Kim Jong Il is an unstable raving lunatic. But is he? Is he just "dumb as a fox?" If he wasn't a dictator, he would be just a poor excuse for a Marty Allen impersonator who has been living on the edge for years. He fashions himself as a "ladies man," being that virile sex machine who watches porn and American cowboy movies then satisfies his "urges" with several young ladies obtained for his pleasure. (At least he and Bill had something in common to talk about)

He was dumb enough to seize the opportunity when these ladies were picked up on some trumped up most likely bogus charges. These "journalist" were never going to serve the 12 years and were never going to do any hard labor. They were bargaining chips to be used to get Kim Jong Il what he wanted.

The US took the bait.......again.

What he wanted was to be center stage with an American President. It would elevate him and somehow (at least in his eyes) legitimize him with the world. If you look at the picture of him and Clinton sitting for the cameras, Bill has the look of someone who has just been violated and wanting a shower. (I guess it's true, what goes around, comes around)

I would have loved to have listened in on the conversation between Clinton and Jong Il. I bet that was a classic! Sort of comparing Kama Sutra notes with Clinton looking down on the uncouth slob. I can almost hear the North Korean trying to "one up" Bubba" with stories of his sexual prowess.

So now instead of isolating North Korea, you have opened the Genie bottle and rewarded them for their bad behavior. They already duped Clinton before when he sent Carter over there, now they got their shot at Bubba.

While it's people starve, their nuclear program has been ramped up. They have fired several "test" shots across the bow of the United States. The United States stood firm in the fact they would not negotiate directly with the North Korean Government. Until today. All bets are now off.

Again, I have no problem with the United States doing what it can to gain the release of American Citizens. If I were being held hostage, I would hope that my country would do all it could to rescue me. There are back door channels, channels through other countries and other methods used to gain these people's release. Sending a former President, even if he is a disgraced one sends the wrong signal.

You may have noticed that I used quotation marks around the word journalist. I do not question the reporters credentials, but I do question their employer's credentials. Anyone who produced "An inconvenient Truth" cannot place themselves on the same level as Edward R Murrow or Walter Cronkite.

Again congrats to Bill for a fine job, but at too high a price.

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