Friday, August 7, 2009

Insensitive Post

In many respects this will be an insensitive post. Not that I want it to be. Not that I don't have feelings or emotions, but because of the nature of things and the way that life sometimes plays out, you call a spade a spade and you're labeled as insensitive. It fits the motto "He who dares not offend cannot be honest."

By now you have heard about the horrific shooting at a LA Fitness Club outside of Pittsburgh. Nothing in the world could possibly justify what this piece of crap did. You can say he was lonely, missing love, had a bad life, whatever and it will never in anyway justify the pure hate he had for his fellow man.

There are the lives changed forever. Of course the victims and their families, who have to go on with life with the loss and anger of "why did this have to happen." There are the other people who were wounded who will carry the scares of this terrible attack long after their bodies have healed. There are the people who were in the room at the time of the shooting who will ask "why was I spared?" Finally there is the community who will now understand the horror that if this happened here, it could happen anywhere.

The postmortem (pardon the pun) has already started. Already you hear the cry for tougher gun laws and we need to be more vigilant with what is posted on the web. Nothing, no new law, no tougher law, more restrictions, nothing could stop this from happening. It is a sad fact of life.

Already I have heard the absurd cry that women need to be respected more and that men need to stop targeting their hate against women. How out of touch and sexist is that? Tell that to the man in Florida whose wife tried to take a hit out on him after only six months of marriage. It goes both ways. In reality, we need to respect each other. It shouldn't matter if you are black or white, rich or poor, young or old or male or female. None of that should matter.

We hear people laugh about those that long for the days of Beaver Clever. Yes, some of it was hokey and bad things went on back then, but it wasn't as prevalent as it is today. Today's society is a direct response to removing prayer from the schools and not giving our children the foundation of faith that sustains them throughout their life. I don't really care if you don't believe in God, or a Supreme Being and I really don't care if you are offended at the notion that a belief in a faith that teaches love and respect for all is a good thing and should be embraced.

This "nerd" was a lonely guy, not weird looking. From what I saw, he appeared to be clean, took care of himself, maintained a good job and had a nice well kept home. What was missing in this guy's life was some female companionship. All he wanted was some female company, someone to share his life and his dreams and his bed. All he wanted was to have someone to come home to and to get laid. In this free and easy society, it is weird that he couldn't find someone to make him feel human. If but for some female companionship, this tragedy would never have happened.

Just as it is ridiculous to say that tougher gun laws would have prevent this, just as it is almost as ridiculous to say if some woman had given up the booty, it would have prevented this, but the latter is closer to the truth than the first.

No tougher laws wouldn't and won't prevent this from happening again. The only thing that will prevent this is to follow the Golden Rule, "Do unto others as you would like them to do unto you."

Let us try and respect each other.

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