Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Some Things I Think I think Edition

I was reading the liberal blogs today and of course their take on all of the "demonstrations" taking place around the country was that those demonstrators are a bunch of moronic puppets, that they can't think for themselves and of course they are dumb as dirt. The demonstrators are so dumb they can't walk and chew gum at the same time and we should be ashamed to have them walking the planet.

Somehow it all comes around to the fact that this is not a "Grassroots" uprising, rather a man made (i.e., Republican) "Astroturf" demonstration designed to sink any chance of reforming the health care system.

They just don't get it. Americans are reading the health care bill and are shocked, saddened and mad at what they are reading. They are tired of being lied to and quite frankly, tired of being ignored. They are taking their anger out on the same elected officials who have no problem pandering for their vote, but refuse to listen to them when it counts.

This is not a "man-made", made for TV protest. This is real and genuine and our elected officials had better realize that or they will be pounding the pavement with the other four million who have lost their jobs under BHO's watch.

In case you haven't heard, the G-20 is coming to Pittsburgh in September. The City of Pittsburgh is all a twitter and both Mayor Luke Ravenstahl and County Executive Dan Onorato both have a tingle going up their leg as they prepare to show off this once beautiful city.

Here's the problem. They are going to need about four thousand police officers to protect the city and the delegations coming to the city. The City of Pittsburgh has a little less than 900 police officers, so they have been asking other departments from around the country to come and help out. The estimated price tag is $20,000,000.00.

The city basically just got out of bankruptcy in the past two years and was controlled (at least fiscally) by an "over-sight" committee from the state. The Federal government told city officials not to worry that they would pay the $20,000,000.00 for the cost of protecting the G-20 participants. Well all that is how do you say........NOT GOING TO HAPPEN.

According to KDKA-TV, the city and the feds have been fighting since day one about the money, with the feds telling the city, "we're not giving you the money."

Add to the fact that the same KDKA-TV report stated that protesters have already sent their "advance teams" to the city, scouting possible sites to "disrupt" the conference and the city during the week of the summit. These "advance teams" have been taking pictures of the Convention Center, (where the conference is being held) bridges and tunnels leading into the city, major buildings in the city and of the subway and transportation system (even though it is inadequate, medieval and broken down). The protesters are starting to "stock up" on human feces and urine to throw at police officers and may have an arsenal of weapons and explosives.

These protesters are hell bent on disrupting the conference and destroying the city (what's left of it).

This and the fact that the feds won't pay the extra tab and the city will more than likely go into debt because of the summit, is reason enough for the Mayor to stand up and say "Were sorry, but we just don't feel we can handle this event." Why not? At least 12 other cities turned down the chance to host this event, yet Pittsburgh was stupid enough to say yes.

This is not going to "enhance" the city's image. It's not going to create any new jobs in the city or the region. It is not going to benefit the citizens of the city, so why do it? All it is going to do is create a major disruption in the resident's lives, create gridlock and God knows what damage is going to be done to the small businesses that make up a vast majority of commerce in the city.

They won't and the residents will suffer. Dan Onorato is too busy making his plans to run for governor and the young mayor does what Dan says.

Let's hope and pray that the damage will be no greater than that of the "Stiller Nation" after a loss to the Oakland Raiders.

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