Monday, September 21, 2009

The FREAKS Are In The House!

Welcome to Pittsburgh FREAKS! Protest marches started Sunday and are continuing today and through the rest of the week. This afternoon during a live remote, KDKA-TV reporter Andy Sheehan was interviewing a cute little protester about her protest. A few of her fellow protesters were dressed like world leaders and pretending to be asleep. At 12:18, an alarm went off and the world leaders "woke up" to the cries of protest about the environment.

When he asked her if they were going to stay non-violent, the little cutie kept saying "We are so happy to be here in Pittsburgh." She wouldn't give an answer to the question, so that either tells me they are planning something or trying to fake everyone out to get them so more attention. From the looks of her, she wouldn't want to get her nails dirty, so I'm guessing they just want the attention.
Code Pink (O) has set up their "tent" city inside Point State Park, at least for today and tomorrow hen their permit expires. Of course they are all full of love and dope, crying for the children of the world. Others were marching and singing Kum-By-Ya and "We are the world," as they marched through the city. (I know something about tents from being in the scouts and I can tell you a swift gust of wind will send them into the Mon River!)

One guy called news reporter and talk show host Marty Griffin the other day. With all the freaks expected this week and the fear of destruction of property he had a unique prospective on things. His idea was that all the people who showed up for the Steeler's and Penguin's parades all go to Lowes and get axe handles. (Shades of Lester Maddox) With the axe handles they could protect the downtown businesses better than the Police could and do things the Police couldn't do. After the G-20 was over, you could just return to axe handles to Lowes! (I may be wrong, but I don't think Lowes is in the business of tool rental.)

I have a relative that works for a financial institution in the city. (I can't say which one) Now the financial institutions in this city have spent MILLIONS of dollars to protect their buildings and workers. They were told that the intelligence they have obtained said that the protesters were going to target workers of these institutions on Tuesday and that you should wear "old" clothes as they were planning to shoot the workers with urine and feces.

I can tell you that if one of these FREAKS would try that with me, my Lester Maddox Limited Edition Axe Handle would be firmly embedded in their head. As they were thrashing around on the ground with whatever gray matter they had left (after smokin' their dope) flowing out, after I would reach into my coat pocket and pull out my can of RAID and give them a nice shot in the eyes.

Thankfully, like Marty Griffin, as an influential member of the media, I will be at an "undisclosed location" with a birds eye view of the freak show going on around me and will be quite safe and won't have to worry about any confrontation.
(I will still have my can of RAID with me though)

It's almost laughable that the freaks who are doing this helped put BHO in office and now they are protesting HIM!

OMG, LOL!! How can you protest the "Messiah?" He's the "Chosen One," our "Savior." There are images of BHO as Jesus Christ!! How can you protest "HIM?" Holy Batman Robin! "Oh the humanity!"

Did these people not get the memo? BHO is one of them and they are ready to take him down? Talk about eating your young! The fact is, BHO is now a full fledged member of the establishment, he knows the secret hand shake and has his own key to the executive washroom. These are anarchist who won't work within the system, but will do everything they can to bring down the system.

Look, I am all for demonstrating and making your point. If you want to march and shout, you have every right to do that without being impeded. That your right and my right. If you want to carry a sign saying you hate this country, knock yourself out. If you want to shout nasty, vile poems and chants that don't rhyme, be my guest. If you want to lay down in the street and let people use you like a door mat, hey more power to you.

It's when you throw urine, feces, paint, skunk urine, slim or anything else at someone else that I have a problem. That's not free speech and it's not a form of expression. When you throw a USA Today dispenser through a window, light a molotov cocktail and throw it anywhere, or over turn any car, break windows and destroy things, that is not part of free speech.

So to the demonstrators and freaks I say, Welcome to Pittsburgh! Stop at a bar have a draft beer and pay our 10% drink tax! Unwind at the casino, have dinner, enjoy the city. Take a lot of pictures and tell your friends about our nice town.

If you try and destroy things, don't come a crying when a Lester Maddox want-a-be opens up your head with an axe handle. Play nice!

During Pittsburgh's "Summit Week" this correspondent will be giving you daily updates and more as the situation warrants.

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