Friday, September 25, 2009


One by-product of all this security and demonstrations is the security and the "vehicles" they use. Motorcades keep their engines running (for security reasons) making the "Carbon Footprint" for this event enormous! OMG! The "Tree Huggers" turn out to the be biggest polluters! But the big question is, with all the "mounted" (and I don't mean Fernandez) units around, WHO IS GOING TO CLEAN UP ALL THIS HORSE DO DO? The horses have to take a leak and a dump like everyone else and they usually do it in the street. Some poor schumck is going to have to clean this up! Well at least another job was created.
You have to to love the chutzpah of this guy. In the middle of the protest, wearing his Armani suit and smoking a cigar, this gentleman greets the Anarchist as they protest. The only problem with his logic is that these trick-or-treaters never had a job.
Then there's the Rev Billy. This guy is against Capitalism against the government, but mostly against an honest day's work.

Have you noticed anything? Do you get it at all? Most of these "protesters" are not residents of this city and ALL of them are leftist, anarchist, liberals, whatever you want to call them.

The city had to bring in over 4000 Police and National Guard troops, they had to spend millions to shut down the city. The Police had to wear riot and protective gear, use tear gas, rubber bullets and acoustical equipment to control the crowd. Windows have been broken, dumpsters set on fire, rocks thrown at the Police, buildings boarded up and the city had to be emptied, all for what turned out to be a couple of thousand protesters. 66 have been arrested so far and thousands of dollars in damage has been done
When the Conservatives, Libertarians and Constitutionalists marched on Washington DC, the police wore short sleeved shirts, had no riot gear, did not have to use tear gas, rubber bullets or acoustical equipment. No rocks were thrown, no windows broke. Merchants did not have to board up their windows, no dumpsters were set on fire and not one arrest was made. There was virtually no clean up needed as the people cleaned up after themselves........Oh, did I mention............there was 1.8 MILLION people protesting!

Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

More reports from my undisclosed location as needed.

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